《The Hunt for Veritas - Book 2 of the Rosethorn Chronicles》Chapter 16 - Theft
Aquillia and Logan returned to the Whole Hog. Entering the tavern, they sat next to Metilia and Gazali.
“What did you find out?” Metilia asked.
“We have good news and bad news,” Aquillia replied. “The courtroom and the school have a similar symbol near the inscriptions, though the statue doesn’t.”
“That leads us to two conclusions,” Metilia said. “First, that the buildings are not where the statue was leading us. Second, that the courtroom and the school are somehow linked, and the statue is not the same clue.”
“Which one do we pursue?” Logan asked.
“I think we need to split into two groups following each theory,” Gazali said.
“That’s a good idea,” said Aquillia. “I think Logan and I should continue the courtroom and the school idea.”
“Great, we will keep reading these books and find how the statue fits in,” Metilia smiled.
“What we have found is that this book was meant to have the clue in about the statue, but I think that it was omitted by the copyist,” said Gazali.
“What led you to think that?” Metilia asked.
“This line here,” Gazali pointed at the book. “The perspective changes from recording actions and words to simply recording the events without any personal statements.”
Metilia leaned over and read from the book.
“I sought peace for my people. A statue I did not seek. On the third day an accord was reached. On the fifth day, the kingdom of Calcadon had withdrawn to their ships.”
“You’re right. If you take out the clue it reads a lot better,” agreed Aquillia.
“It does fit with the history I was taught about the rise of the Gnomish empire,” said Logan.
Everyone looked up at him.
“My history tells of how we lost this island to the gnomes and after that they started to build ships and started to trade with the other nations.”
“The gnomes don’t have an empire,” Aquillia said.
“Sure, they do,” argued Logan. “Ask the people of Ishtaree or Amriti. It is not a land empire but a commercial one.”
“That does make sense.” Aquillia nodded. “I knew a girl once from Amriti who moved to Ishtaree to make a better life.”
“The gnomes subjugate those two duchies,” Logan continued. “Each duchy has a different economic policy set by the gnomes here. They both swear fealty to the gnomish crown.”
“If they do, it is of no concern to us here,” Gazali declared.
Metilia, Logan, and Aquillia shook their heads and smiled at each other.
“We need to find the Belt of Veritas,” Gazali said.
Anatoli strode into the brothel and walked past Davin on guard duty. Several doors were closed in the corridor indicating services being rendered. He continued up the stairs and went to the room at the end and opened the door. He threw the bag with the ten thousand folia onto the bed and began to remove his white shirt and leather trousers.
Ingirid awoke from her rest and sat up. Her hair was matted from sleeping and her eyes puffy.
“It worked,” Anatoli exclaimed.
“What did?”
“I went to the market today, bought an imitation belt, and then delivered it to the king as the Belt of Veritas.”
“I thought you were going to trade the belt to your brother for the sword?” She got up and sat on the chair, opened the drawer in the vanity, and began to brush her hair.
“I was but I thought that if he is pursuing the belt, it might be because he needs the money.”
Ingirid nodded and continued to brush her hair over the nightdress she wore.
“Did you want to celebrate?”
She stiffened, and he pulled away.
“What is the matter?”
“I have a shift beginning soon,” she said and stood. She walked towards the door and looked back at Anatoli. A tear streaked down her face.
“Ingirid,” he said softly, taking her hand.
“When I came back from trying to get the sword,” she sniffed. He pulled her to the bed and sat down.“You became so angry with me,” she sniffed. Another tear ran down her face.
He wiped the tear away. “I am sorry for the way that I treated you. You deserve better.” He walked to the door and stepped out.
“I am sorry you got angry. I think I was jealous,” she confessed, her body shaking. “Let’s start again.”
“What did you want to try?”
“Make love to me again, then we go rub our happiness into your brother’s face.”
A man dressed in the king’s livery walked into the Whole Hog. Aquillia and Metilia looked up as the man walked to the tavern keeper. He handed over a sheet to the clerk at the front counter. The clerk looked at it and frowned.
The notice was printed on plain paper with the king’s seal at the bottom.
The words filled the centre of the sheet. “I, King Angularis, call an end to the hunt for the Belt of Veritas. It has been found and the winner has received his prize.”
He took the notice and walked into the tavern common room and handed it to the barkeeper. He nodded at it and then passed it to a barmaid and pointed at the table where Aquillia, Logan, Metilia and Gazali sat reading two books.
She took the notice and walked over to the table. “Excuse me.”
They looked up from their reading.
“This just arrived from the king.” She dropped the notice into the middle of the table and watched it sink to the table. She then turned and walked away.
Aquillia picked up the sheet of paper and read it aloud.
“I, King Angularis, call an end to the hunt for the Belt of Veritas. It has been found and the winner has received his prize.”
“Well, there goes that idea,” Logan moaned.
“What are you going to do?” Metilia asked.
“I am paid up here for tonight, so I will stay tonight and drink to our loss, then I will head out and try to find some paying work.”
“I will drink to that,” Gazali agreed. He raised his hand. “A round of ale for the table please.”
Aquillia closed the books and folded the notice into them. She stood, walked out of the tavern up the stairs, laid them on her bed, and then returned to the table.
Night descended and Tunio and Irrawella stepped into the street. The vendors and their carts had been packed up and moved on. Irrawella, in her grey knee-length skirt, wrapped a grey shawl over her shoulders, wrapped her arms around Tunio’s arm, and they started walking back to the Whole Hog.
Tunio felt her rest against his arm and was warmed uncomfortably in his trousers. He had spent the day with this woman, and it had gone by so fast. They now walked in friendly silence down the streets, Irrawella guiding him down the streets to his tavern.
As they came to the door of the tavern, a new notice had been placed over the one announcing the start of the hunt for the Belt of Veritas.
He stopped and read the notice. “I, King Angularis, call an end to the hunt for the Belt of Veritas. It has been found and the winner has received his prize.”
“Wasn’t that the quest you were on?” Irrawella asked.
“It was.”
“What are you going to do now?”
“I am not sure. I have no family and the little money I have will run out soon.” He sat down on the steps of the tavern and hung his head.
“I am so sorry,” she said.
“Please come in and meet my friends.”
Irrawella shook her head, “Most people don’t befriend a slave. We are invisible to many people.”
“What about me?”
“You are sweet.” She bent down and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “You made a slave feel like a real person.”
“Can I see you again?”
She laughed and stepped away from him. “I would like that.” She turned and disappeared into the night.
Tunio took a deep breath and stepped into the tavern. Inside he saw Aquillia, Metilia, Gazali and Logan all drinking. He sat beside them and picked up a mug that the barmaid set on the table.
“What happened?” he asked.
“The Belt of Veritas was discovered,” Aquillia said.
“I saw the notice outside,” Tunio said, taking a swig of ale.
“What are you going to do?” Aquillia asked.
“I don’t know, maybe I can get a job as a guard or something.”
He downed his beer in one swig. Damn it.
Anatoli, dressed in a pair of brown boots and trousers and a yellow shirt, stepped into the Whole Hog tavern. Ingirid on his arm was dressed in a light blue, mid-thigh, backless dress with a deep décolletage that widened at her navel; her shoes were dainty with white straps.
“A round of drinks for the whole room,” he announced.
A cheer erupted from the patrons in the tavern, as he guided Ingirid into a table in the middle of the room.
A barmaid approached, and he pressed a gold folia into her hands. Her eyes widened. She rushed back to the bar and gave it to the barkeeper, who started pouring ale.
“What’s the occasion?” Logan called from his table.
“I found the Belt of Veritas and today I collected the reward.”
“Congratulations,” Gazali called.
Mugs went up in a salute and people continued drinking.
“Remember, dear,” Anatoli whispered to Ingirid, “make a diversion and I will go for the sword.”
“You’re not going to buy it?”
“Not if I can steal it.”
“I think it should be the other way around.”
“What do you mean?”
A barmaid approached and deposited two mugs of ale on their table and walked on.
“Try and buy it first, if he doesn’t agree then steal it.”
“If he accepts, then I won’t have the money.”
“We don’t need the money,” she muttered.
“I know, but that much money can change our lives. I could marry you and we could become respectable.”
“I like my job. If he does accept, you can always steal the money back again.”
“I knew you wanted the money.” He kissed her on the cheek.
“Of course. This dress is making me feel super sexy.”
“Stick to the plan, it’s too late to change it now.”
“Get me drunk.”
“Be careful with those two,” Logan said.
“Why?” asked Aquillia.
“He sent her to steal his brother’s sword and stole mine by mistake,” Logan explained.
“Who is his brother?” Metilia asked.
“No idea,” Logan muttered. “I heard him say it was a man with the elf.”
“I am the only elf in this tavern,” Aquillia admitted.
“So that would mean one of you two,” Logan said, pointing at Gazali and Tunio.
“Hey! I am half-elf,” protested Metilia.
“So am I,” admitted Tunio.
Metilia blinked and looked at Tunio. “Half dark elf or light elf?”
“Dark elf.”
“It’s not obvious to a casual observer,” Logan stated. “She is obviously elven.”
“So, you think he is still after the sword?” Aquillia asked.
“I am not sure, I think he wanted something from his father,” Logan said.
“Don’t we all,” Gazali muttered.
“Fathers can be difficult sometimes,” Tunio said.
A woman climbed onto the small stage in the corner opposite the bar and the door and began to play pipes. She was soon joined by others playing a set of small drums and another with a small lute. The music was lively and soon the tavern began to fill with revellers. Another round of drinks from Anatoli made their way around the tavern.
“That woman he is with seems to be getting happy,” Metilia pointed out.
“Happy is what you call drunk,” Tunio laughed.
They all laughed and continued drinking. Ingirid stood on the table and started dancing. A small group of people began to form around the table, all dancing and swaying to the lively music from the band in the corner.
Anatoli slipped to the side of the room. All was going perfectly. Ingirid dancing on the table was a surprise, but she was acting drunk enough that it seemed natural. He could see her watching the table with the elf, waiting for them to move.
He stood against the wall with a mug of ale in his hand and kept an eye on the clerk at the front desk. A barmaid walked past Anatoli and went over to the clerk. She stepped around the counter and wrapped him in a hug and kissed him.
Anatoli raised an eyebrow. He slipped out of the tavern, dashed across the room, and ducked up the stairs.
The clerk tried to say something with the barmaid on his lips but only a murmur came, then he overbalanced and they crashed to the floor behind the counter and she giggled.
Anatoli climbed the stairs and started to open doors. He opened each one, stuck his head in, and checked for his father’s sword. He saw his father’s sword resting against the wall under the closed shutters.That’s it, I finally have it. He stepped in, grabbed the sword, and put his arm and head through the strap. His heart felt light and a wide smile split his face. Holding the sword in one hand, he returned to the stairs and tiptoed down, until he got to the last step and stopped. He peeked around. The counter was unattended. He heard gentle grunts and moans from behind and he smiled. He walked quietly to the door of the tavern and looked up at Ingirid dancing.
She saw him and he raised the sword in his hand over his head. She winked at him. Ingirid raised her hand to her forehead, and she fell backwards.
Heart in his throat, Anatoli watched as Ingirid was caught by the crowd of people and gently placed on a seat. A gasp came from behind the front desk. Anatoli rushed out the front door into the night air. He headed back to his brothel and home.
Ingirid breathed deeply. A mug of ale sloshed into her hand, and she drank deeply. She looked up at the crowd of people surrounding her.
“Are you alright?” asked a voice from the crowd.
She nodded and fanned her head with one hand. “It’s hot in here.”
“Give the girl some space,” came another voice further back.
The crowd grumbled and thinned. Ingirid turned from the direction of the second voice and smiled.
“I think you should go home now,” Aquillia said.
“I don’t think she can go home,” Metilia argued.
“She looks too drunk to make it home safely,” said Tunio.
“I agree she needs to stay here and go home in the morning,” Logan said, finishing his mug.
“Where will she sleep?” Aquillia asked.
“She stayed with me last night,” Logan suggested.
“Then you can stay with me,” Aquillia said. Her eyes flashed at Logan. Logan shrugged.
“Which room is yours?” asked Metilia, standing up. She promptly sat back down again. “Dizzy.”
“I think you should go to bed and your husband should take you now,” Tunio said.
Gazali stood and helped Metilia up. “Good night.” They moved slowly out of the tavern.
“Logan show, me your room and we will take her to your room,” Aquillia instructed.
Logan rose and helped Ingirid into his room.
“You are so kind,” Ingirid slurred.
“You are drunk,” Aquillia answered.
“Yes, mum,” Ingirid said. She tried to top it off with a salute.
Logan chuckled. Aquillia gave him a look that quieted his laughter.
Tunio rose and followed them to the stairs. They all walked by the clerk standing behind his desk, his pale skin bright pink.
They ascended the stairs and arrived at Logan’s room. Aquillia placed Ingirid in the room and tucked her in. Ingirid went straight to sleep and Aquillia stepped outside. Logan strode across the room and retrieved his sword. “Last time she was here she stole my sword.”
“Good night, Tunio,” Aquillia said. She took Logan’s free hand and stepped into her room with him.
Tunio hesitated at the door of Logan’s room before stumbling to his room and opening the door. He closed the door, stripped off, and climbed into bed.
Tunio was woken by the sound of cursing. He sat up and his eyes adjusted to the gloom. Doris stood by the door with one boot in her hand.
“You left your boots in the doorway,” she complained.
“I stubbed my toe on your boot.”
She stepped past the second boot and climbed into bed. She was already naked. Her body felt warm against his skin.
“I have some news for you,” she muttered. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead.
“I heard the belt was found,” he said.
“The news I bring is about that.” She kissed him, brushing her chest against his. “The belt was a fake.”
“Does the king know this?”
“No,” she admitted. “The people I work for want the belt to be found. However, we have reached an agreement with another group of people to let the king think he has the belt.”
“Why did he want the belt?”
“He is afraid that his court is lying to him.”
“Are they?”
“Some want to steal the crown from him,” she said.
“What does that have to do with the Belt of Veritas?”
“Veritas is old gnomish for truth. The king thinks that the belt will grant him the ability to discern the truth.”
“Can it?”
“I don’t know. I don’t actually believe it could do that.”
“Why tell me all this?”
“While I arranged the accord between my organisation and our rival, I still want the real belt found.”
“What do you get out of it?”
“If it is found I will either prove or disprove a theory I have.”
“Do I want to know?”
“It’s about the fabric of our reality. So I want you to keep looking for the belt.”
“I would like to, but I can’t work out the next clue.”
“I am sure you will. I am certain that the belt will be found by you.” They lost themselves in their lovemaking.
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