《The Fire of Asiroth》Chapter One (Part Two): On Fire


Robert and George made sure Kari and Jeplin escaped before they jumped into the fray. The fire had made it through the halls, so they climbed out the same way and looped around the perimeter. The smoke rose higher, which made it clear their house would be irreparable. The clouds started light gray, but soon, they manifested into a color that was almost black.

Robert drew his sword and helped the men at the wall shove back the enemies that were putting up ladders to climb over. “Try to make sure the ladders break,” he yelled. The horn from the top tower bellowed, and Robert looked at the sky. Huge boulders were being flung towards them by way of some trebuchets. “Down!” He yelled. They jumped to the ground as the rocks cleared the walls and rolled past them. “Stay strong!” He made his way north of the barracks. He helped soldiers find weapons after they were confiscated or broken. He stayed there until

the sound of a large blast shook not only their ears but the ground. Robert ran out to the stable, hopped on his horse, and plunged into the lines of soldiers. The battle was not a big one, but it was memorable, and the enemy prepared extensively. Robert swung around to the other side of the building, and there he saw one of his close friends, Greg fighting three men at once. One of them launched themselves at a child to distract him, but he disarmed all three and brought them to the ground before they did any harm. Greg was a member of an elite unit of knights led by Robert. They were called in for emergency battles like ambushes; they did a lot of damage with not a lot of people.

While Robert felled the people that came at him, his father was back in the estate building. The smoke hadn’t reached a lot of the better-sealed rooms; he was grateful that they were primarily smoke-free, and he slipped through while he looked for something important. The reinforcements arrived about an hour after Kari left, and they cleared out the battlefield successfully. The few people left of the enemy army retreated, and the defenders stood in silence. Robert was finally able to breathe, and he tightened his grip on the reins. He turned the horse to face his home, and it stood towering above them like a brave soldier on a pyre before his peers.


Robert looked around for his father, but amongst the smoke and ash lingering in the air, he could barely see anything unless it was ablaze.

He rode to the backyard, where everyone had gathered to stay safe. The cloud seemed to follow him, and the groups there were trying to get further and further from the territory.

Head on down to the lake past the forest here; that should be a safe smoke-free spot.” He yelled. He also gestured for some soldiers to help the civilians get their things together and walk away.

He ran into the house through the back door and looked around; he looked for his father and any signs of structural integrity left there. He assumed the worst for both scenarios.

He found his dad lying on the ground in one of the catacombs. “Father!” He yelled. He knelt next to him and shook him. He seemed to be alive, so he hoisted him into his arms and carried him outside.

Two of his advisors saw him, and they rushed over to ensure he was alright. “Lay him on the ground,” a man said as they scuttled him back into the grass.

Robert assumed George had passed out from smoke inhalation, so he seated him up, shook him a bit, and opened his mouth. He began to gasp for air and woke up abruptly. “Agrhgh.” The odd noise came from his throat as he tried to speak. “Are you alright?” Robert asked. George jumped up. “I have to go; lead without me; I need to find someone.” He. Jolted up to his feet and ran to the stable. “Don’t follow me!” He called back.

Robert looked at the two men in front of him. They looked as confused as he was. “What do you want to do, sir?” Greg asked as he approached them. Robert looked at the crowd of people. If they don’t want to stay here in Absconditi, we can take them to the string hole in the mountains.” Greg nodded.


A group of seven of them went into the estate and looted everything they could. They returned to the field with food and materials. Robert found a book he needed to hand off to Jeplin. “Greg, take everyone past the tree line and set up camp. I have to run somewhere; I’ll be back before morning.

Robert took the book and a pack and rode his horse to the horizon.

Greg with the other knights corralled the displaced people to where Robert instructed. It took about an hour to get everyone over past the river and through a bit of the forest.

Greg deligated soldiers to help build fire pits while others gathered wood.

The residue and ash from the smoke released themselves from his cheeks as the wind hit him and irritated his eyes. For a moment, he couldn’t see; he took his canteen of water, dumped it on his face, and wiped his eyes with a fresh cloth from his bag. The water on his skin was very refreshing, which made him realize he needed more water. He had traveled the area many times, so he knew the location of a fresh, crystal clear river. He veered off course.

The river wasn’t huge, but the current was very aggressive; he could hear it as soon as he got near.

Robert jumped off his horse and knelt at the bank. Before he dipped his canteen in, he sank in his hands and splashed the cold fresh water on his face. He loved the feeling, but the splash left the dirt dripping down his neck. There was also a lot of residue still on him. He bent over and dunked his whole face into the icy liquid. The gentle fingers of the river held his cheeks as he scrubbed them with his hands.

He sat back up, and the air on his skin felt just as cold. He dried himself and continued his journey.

He eventually reached the village as night fell. Lumbering men and muck filled the streets. He realized cleaning off his face was a mistake. He reluctantly recoated his face in dirt and pulled his cloak hood onto his head in order to blend in with everyone else.

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