《The Fire of Asiroth》Chapter One: The Escape


Graceful, haunting clouds danced into her room.

The expelled ghosts of the flames slithered in deviously through the space below the door. Kari had just finished eating lunch when she first noticed the smell. The scent of burning wood engulfed the room; she turned toward the bedroom door. She stood utterly unmoved. Her observational state was interrupted by the motion of someone swiftly opening the door. The movement allowed the build-up of smoke in the hallway to violently flood the room, like water released from a dam.

Within the vortex of smoke, there were brief moments of clarity, and that's when she saw the dark silhouette standing on the threshold. She tried to make out his identity, but her sight was obstructed. "Follow me!" The voice yelled. She immediately recognized the voice as her brother Robert. She ran to him, but the smoke got to her before reaching the door, and she collapsed.

Robert leaped through the clouds and caught her before she hit the floor. He carried her to the window and placed her on the balcony floor.

She caught her breath and sat up. She noticed Robert was tearing apart her room. "What are you doing?" She asked. He filled up a bag and tossed it to her. "An army ambush is attacking from the front; they will likely make it back here soon; you need to get out of here." He handed Kari her sword, and they ran into the hallway.

It was clear to her that the smoke wasn't from some ill-timed fire but something more sinister. She held her sword in the attack position, and they ran to the main hallway. Robert grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to the floor. The stone floor was hot, hotter than it had been in all the years she had walked there. They cowered against a wall, and he looked around the corner. He wanted to make sure it was clear before they passed. "Get ready," he said. He pulled her with him across the hall and into the first maids' quarters. She wanted to see what was happening in the gallery, but the flames and clouds were too obstructive. She was only able to see glimpses of shadows amongst the smoke. It was undeniable what was going on, she could hear people screaming and the sound of swords clanging against eachother. Robert closed the door behind them.

The room they entered was less smoke-filled. Robert put down the two bags he was holding below the only window and placed his hands strategically on the bottom of the frame. He braced himself for a struggle, but the window was not difficult, like most of its kind in their home. It effortlessly flung up and hit the top of the frame; it shattered violently.

The tiny glass particles rained down; they showered him in an oddly beautiful vision of light refraction. He bent down to allow the glass to fall out of his hair, and as he did, someone burst through the door. Kari jumped back when she saw the man in all black. He spun around and barricaded the door with a chest. Robert was relieved,

"Oh, good, you made it."

He said.

The man seemed flustered from being chased but had a look of amusement on his face.

"Kari, this is Jeplin. No matter what happens, always trust him."

She looked at him.

"What's going on?"

"I don't have a lot of time to explain; Jeplin is a close advisor of our father and one of my closest friends. He is in charge of protecting you; I packed you two bags, one is food and the other clothes and other stuff you will need. Now go."


He gestured to the window.

Jeplin was a muscular but slender-looking man. He was only a bit taller than Kari and had ashen skin. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he looked at the door, which someone was trying to force open.

Jeplin walked to the window and looked down to see what was below.

"Follow me."

He said.

Kari looked at Robert. He knew she was concerned.


He urged.

"I'll meet up with you later."

His words eased her mind; she said goodbye to him and turned to Jeplin.

"Follow me."

He said.

He leaped onto the window ledge and effortlessly jumped out of it like a nimble cat. Kari carefully grabbed the ledge and pulled herself into the frame. She looked down and saw bushes and rocks. Kari was careful along the ledge. Following his instruction, she jumped. She was not as skilled as he was, and her light dress caught on a bristly bush. She tried to untangle it, but a loud whistle drew her attention.

The man was standing in the open, and a horse appeared almost magically out of the forest. She pulled herself out of the bush and walked towards him. She could hear the soft noise of each hoof stomping onto the tired grass. The man turned and was looking at the window again. She looked in the same direction.

There was a strange glow. Jeplin's face typically remained unmoving, but he suddenly showed an expression of panic. He grabbed Kari's wrist, pulled her aggressively to the ground, and covered her body with his. There was a large explosion, and Kari could feel the hot breath of the fire escaping its stone-like prison. She screamed. The man looked back and saw that his prediction was correct. The section of the wall they were by had been completely obliterated. He carefully picked her up and ran to the horse. The horse was fast and had a gorgeous gray hide that shimmered under the sunlight. She felt its neck. She could feel bumps and hidden scares that showed its age. Its mane was a bit tangled but mostly silky.

They tore through the countryside. Kari held on to its neck and crouched down to avoid the harsh wind. The hum of the current passing her ears silenced all other noises and any attempt at communication. She could feel the very tops of her ears becoming completely numb. She was alerted to them when she felt a pang of pain contouring their edges. She was grateful that the cold chill was only on her ears, but it was still uncomfortable. She pulled a bit of her cloak that was awkwardly draped around her torso to cover more of her body and lifted the hood onto her head. The hood was a welcome shelter for her wind-ravaged face. She could feel her ears and cheeks softening with the coddling from the thick fur.

The man spurred his horse, not slowing or wavering. Kari wasn't sure whether she was safe with the man, but remembering her brother's approval quelled her. She was too caught up in the excitement to negatively think much more about it. She had always dreamed of going on an adventure.

Time seemed to pass as quickly as they rode. It was almost as though the faster they rode, the faster time passed. As the sun began to set, the mix of glistening light and calming tones of grays and blues canopied the sky. The grandeur was overwhelming as they reached gaping, sky freeing fields. A giant sea of unhindered sights. Wave after wave of long dry grass rippled methodically.


After eating on the run, she drifted off to the images of beautiful amber seas of wheat and grass peeking from the newly melted snow, mimicking the soft mane of the horse that was dancing gently on her cheeks. The warm orange glow of several flames huddled in a haphazardly constructed fire pit illuminated her eyes as she awoke. She immediately noticed that she was no longer on the horse. She was lying on the ground close to the flames, wrapped in her cloak and a thick blanket.

There was a package of food lying next to her head, and she indulged. When she finished all that she could, she slowly sat up. She noticed the outline of the man looking over a map. The flicker of the firelight cascaded across his face. His skin, which was sickly pale, seemed daunting under the dark, soulless sky. He looked at her as if he could sense her observing him. They sat in silence for a bit. Jeplin was not one for talking a lot. He felt very comfortable with silence. Kari was uncomfortable; dozens of thoughts raced through her mind. She tried to figure out whether she should ask him any questions to quell her thoughts. She contemplated what to ask, then broke the silence.

"What are you planning for me?"

She asked,

"Who are we running from?"

He sat silently for a moment.

"You deserve to know something."

He said.

He paused again. Kari looked at him and waited intently.

"There is a faction that has been making its way into the south. They have been pillaging and setting fire to every town in their path."

"That's a little more optimistic than what I had imagined."


"Well, I thought they were targeting our home specifically, but if they were just attacking everyone…." "No, your first assumption was correct."

He said.

"They were destroying everything in their way, but their goal was to find your family.


She said, shocked.

"Why would they want my family?"

He looked up dramatically from the map.

"You don't know?"

Kari panicked a bit.

"Know what? What am I supposed to know?"

Jeplin took a deep breath.

"It's not my place to tell you, but it would have made it a lot easier if George, your father, had already done so. For now, I'll just say war is complicated."

"There is a war going on?"

Jeplin looked visibly shocked again. He didn't answer for a moment.

"I'm sorry, yes. I never expected to meet someone who wasn't aware of the war."

"It's not the first time someone has been surprised by my lack of knowledge. My father doesn't like me leaving the estate."

"Yes, I am aware of your father's tendencies."

She looked at the flames; they danced violently with the wind.

"Your father was expecting this day when people would hunt for your family; that is why he created a plan to protect you and various others."


She asked; she lowered her voice and leaned forward. The grass caressed her arms with their fickle bodies.

"For years, he knew that someone would discover your home. We tried all that we could to protect you and Robert."

"Robert hardly needs to be protected."

"He was lucky enough to get a fighting tutor."

"How often do you train?"

"Well, I don't know anything fancy; I've been learning sword combat for almost a year now."

"Oh good, if something happens, you will be able to hold your own."

"What was the plan?"

"The intention was to put you through fighting lessons, then, and as soon as he had heard the word of an invasion, he was to send for me. I was then supposed to take you with me into hiding."

"Well, it sounds like everything worked out then."

"Not exactly."

He said,

"there were other forms of fighting you were supposed to learn. Your father cut it much too close, honestly."

She started thinking about the day before. Spring was in the process of approaching, and her estate was celebrating the end of winter. It was the first hint of a warm day, and the pond behind her house had melted. She ran through the field, letting the air engulf her, a freeing feeling compared to the dreary halls of her home. Whenever she was wandering out near her home, those freeing natural moments always led her to the same place, a small river that pooled at the edge of the forest. The river was decently shallow, and it weaved in and out of the bottoms of trees, leaving the roots to create unique grasping hand-like sculptures. She loved how the roots arched over the river like they intentionally moved out of its way.

The water had a silvery sheen that glistened and flickered around under the sun. Like its own breed of fish, the movements were fluid and constant. She lifted her dress. Like most of the clothes that she wore at the end of winter, it was a pale color, tan, to be exact.

She had not donned her stockings that morning or shoes, so they would not hinder her. She held her dress up and lowered her leg slowly until her toes dipped into the water. Testing the chilly, relaxing pool, she pulled her foot up again, then re-inserted it even deeper than before. The icy water was refreshing, and it was easy to tell that winter was still clinging on to any physical form it could. She placed both feet into a shallow section. Standing, the water only up to her calves. She smiled. Though her home was well-equipped with luxurious amenities, nothing was more pleasurable to her than the simplicity of pure nature. That day, the air was clean. There were only a few hints of snow dusting the shadowy parts of the grass, and the sun beat down, warming everything else.

"We better keep going."

Jeplin's voice jolted her back to reality, and she sat up again. He handed her some food and clothes,

"Now, in the middle of the night?"

She protested.

"It's the safest time, especially if someone is trailing us."

She agreed. She did not want to deal with any confrontation. She honestly hadn't thought that someone might be following them. The thought haunted her. They mounted the horse in the same fashion as before and continued on their way.

They always ate while riding unless it was a good time to rest and start a fire. Jeplin was careful about where and when to rest. She continued to eat as she slipped into a hazy tired fog. She laid her head on the horse's mane. She could feel the heaving of its breath beneath her. An oddly soothing rhythm that let her drift off again.

Another day passed, and she began to conjure more questions in her mind.

"Are we running in general, or is there an end goal?"

She said after finishing her breakfast, hoping this would not be a new constant.

The wind almost completely muffled her question, but Jeplin still heard it.

"Do not worry; we will not be riding for eternity; we will be arriving somewhere soon."

Silent smugness was her response.

She felt very far away from home. The feeling of loneliness was spurred by the miles and miles of simple grass leaving the sky open to the eyes. Tears ran down her face, but the wind swiftly removed them. She was grateful; she did not want Jeplin to see her weakness. She did not like anyone to see her cry. In her daze, she watched as they began to pass a forest.

Each tree was thin, tall, dark, and ominous; they all towered above them, bare leafless monsters. Kari's body slipped off the horse slightly, but she was immediately held in place by Jeplin's forearms.

They ate again and the sun set on another day. Kari could see the signs of a village in the distance; the tiny dots of light danced on the horizon like fireflies. She excitedly hoped that they would be stopping there.

As they got closer to the city, they began to pass a collection of houses. The houses became more prevalent as they got closer to the city walls. The houses were not very notable. The walls were mostly dirt and clay, and the entrance to the city matched the dreariness via a decrepit stone pathway.

There were not many streets that she could see from the main road, and what she could see looked as though it had been ravaged by a fire or a very rough winter. Jeplin gestured for her to get off the horse with him, and he started walking off the pathway.

They sneaked through the gate and immediately turned to an ally. They hid in the shadows until they reached a stable by some more old decrepit buildings. He looked at her, and before she could ask any questions, he answered them

. "We are trying to lie low... you need a disguise."

"Why?" She asked.

"I doubt anyone here knows who I am."

"This is a place where you don't want anyone to notice you. You will understand once we start walking around."

She shrugged and decided to trust him.

"OK, what should I do?"

He pulled a leather strap off of his wrist.

"Pull up your hair."

She was old enough to look like a woman, but he quickly remedied that. Her frame was thin, so anything overly bulky made her look like a young boy. He placed the hood from her cloak onto her head. He then knelt in front of her and wiped his hands in the mud.

He stood only inches from her. She knew that he was going to cover her face in the mud, but his eyes drew her attention. She looked directly at them. His eyes were a dazzling brown. She continued staring, almost to challenge him, but he remained focused. His hands slowly caressed her face, coating it with dirt. She had not expected the mud to be as cold as ice. She shivered. He finished. He wiped the excess across his clothes. "No matter what happens, do not speak." She opened her mouth to say something, but he stopped her by pushing her pack of items into her arms. "Keep a hand on your belongings at all times." They walked back to the main road.

The streets were grimy and narrow, leaving little room for anything. Each building was seemingly more disgusting than the one before. Kari's eyes darted back and forth while she tried to blend in and remain alert. They reached the more inhabited section of town, and she realized why Jeplin took all of the precautions. The streets were covered in prominent obnoxious men, primarily drunk and covered in dirt. She stayed at Jeplin's side. The slop that was supposed to be road clung to their boots and splattered with any movement. Everything was a disgusting brown and gray mess. Jeplin grabbed her hand as they approached what looked like an abandoned tavern. Kari carefully followed and almost slipped on the crooked steps leading into the building.

The inside was darker than the night sky, save for a few candles that hauntingly glowed in the corners. She jumped when she saw two gigantic men attacking each other only a few tables away. Like wild animals, they clawed at each other to survive. Jeplin looked at her. It was his way of silently telling her to stay.

He crossed to the bar and began talking to the man behind it. As the men got louder, she shrunk into the shadows. Her eyes remained on Jeplin. After a few minutes, he gestured for her to join them behind the counter. She slowly and carefully walked to him. She felt that each person could hear her every move; the floorboards creaked with each assumption.

The barkeeper led them up an almost wholly blacked-out set of stairs. Kari, relieved, placed her hand on the railing, searching for stability. In return, soot clung to her hand. Wanting any release from the stairs, the ash clung to her clothes and skin.

A bedroom was their destination. It was small, only holding one tiny bed and a fireplace. Not unlike the stairs, everything was black and dingy. Jeplin gestured for her to take the bed. "I have business to attend to. He handed her food. "Do not open the door for anyone, and do not leave this room." She nodded. She had no intention of leaving. She was exhausted. He lit the fire for her and left. She locked the door after him and climbed into the bed.

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