《HAVEN: THE SKY SCRAPER》Book 2 Chapter 1: Home
A family can be seen running in the direction of the eastern docks, a mother and father along with two small children and a baby. In the distant background can be seen what they are running from, the Leviathan, in it's retreat towards the mountains it has been destroying a small town that is now ablaze.
"I want to go home" the little girl cries.
"Everythings going to be alright just keep going" her mother reasures her whilst clutching the baby.
Explosions can be heard in the background, not only in the sky but also coming from ground as the enemy has made its way far inland thanks to Stouts efforts at dispersing the army.
Screams can be heard from the town they are running from as the Leviathan heads off into the distance, the ground onslaught continues however.
"We need to get out of here" the mother states in a panic to her husband.
"A Sky Scraper! A Sky Scraper!" The young boy yells jumping up and down excitedly.
"I didn't believe it" the husband states to his wife as they all look on in disbelief.
Heaven's Gate can be seen bursting through the clouds in the night sky, shining brightly like a star with its vast array of lights.
"AHHHHHH" they all scream as the enemy begins to fire upon the family.
'Warning! Warning! Enemy fire detected'
The system can be heard announcing onboard Heaven's Gate and zooms a camera down bringing the family into focus.
"Angelus, protect those people!" Oliver demands.
"In pursuit already" Angelus replies.
The family are taking shelter behind an old field wall as the humming from drone engines can be heard approaching.
Drones zoom around them before Angelus hovers directly in front of them.
In a frightened panic the family press themselves up against the wall holding each onto each other.
"Greetings from Heaven's Gate" Angelus greets them.
"Please do not be afraid, my name is Oliver I am the commander of the Sky Scraper you can see before you, we are here to help, there is a team on the waydown to help you with food and medical supplies, these drones will protect you until then" Oliver's voice can be heard speaking through Angelus.
An escape craft can be heard making its way towards the family.
"Top gun, begin bombardment" Oliver commands.
A gun at the top to the front of Heaven's Gate begins to reposition itself with the crew inside loading and taking aim at the designated ground targets.
"Take aim, fire!" The commanding officer instructs everyone, a mighty ruckus with a 'buff' sound and a flash of light takes place as the gun begins to fire.
A screeching noise can be heard down at ground level, soldiers jump out of the tanks they are in and attempt to flee, but it's no use, the biggest explosion the family have ever seen takes place a short distance away from the town they have fled from.
"Are you seeing this?" Daniel asks, turning to Michael, the pair of them watching everything from a large window in the control room, Michael looks back at him in an equally worried manner.
The enemy immediately calls a retreat beginning to flee for their lives.
"Angelus" Oliver says.
"Already on it" Angelus replies.
"Quick let's get out of here!" One of the fleeing soldiers can be heard saying.
Suddenly beaming lights can be seen all around them as drones hover in a circular imprisonment around them.
"This is Heaven's Gate, surrender or die" Oliver states through all of the drones at the same time creating a frighteningly loud amplification.
The soldiers look at each other before dropping their weapons.
"Give the town some aid" Oliver continues to instruct everyone.
The control room is alive with activity as subordinates coordinate the relief efforts, escape craft leave the hangers with soldiers, medics and other essential personnel along with supplies to help the town.
"Keep to course, maintain our speed" Oliver instructs the subordinates before looking over at Daniel and Michael.
They look back not sure what to say, still shocked at what they have just witnessed.
Oliver walks over to the window and stands next to them.
"That was just one shot" Daniel mutters back.
"Scary isn't it" Oliver replies softly.
"I've heard about the main weapon system, and what it's capable of" Michael states observing the burning ground disappearing out of view leaving darkness outside the window again.
"I haven't" Daniel remarks.
"The main weapon system is what gives these things their name, what you've just witnessed, isn't even close to what this thing is capable of" Oliver explains.
The three of them share a moment of silence as they look out of the window as the aircraft flies through cloud cover again.
The rescue ships have all left the eastern docks and are making their way steadily through open water; they have been at sea for a day now.
"How goes our fair seas?" The queen asks walking into the control room of the battleship she is on.
"Clear so far, there is a storm surge I want us to navigate around, luckily there has been no retaliation from the enemy, so far at least" Blackcroft replies monitoring the fleet.
"So far being the operative words" the queen states in agreement.
The sea is quiet and calm, a great rest bite for all the passengers who have escaped the danger over in De Monte Floris, the gentle waves begin to pick up velocity however, bashing against the sides of the ships as they navigate around the storm surge.
"Can't wait to get home" Claire states, herself and Finley resting against the bow of another ship.
"Me too" Finley states in agreement.
They look out into the ocean quietly as the wind begins to pick up speed.
Thomas and Kyle are resting and laughing together having landed safely on the aircraft carrier the previous night.
"Finally going home" Kyle mutters happily slouching into his chair.
"You must be looking forward to it" Thomas suggests as he pulls a blanket over himself.
"Like you can't believe" he replies.
"Come on, let's get some rest" he tells him reassuringly and the pair of them settle in for the night.
The following morning Daniel and Michael are already wide awake when a soldier knocks on the door to their living quarters.
"Come in" Michael tells them politely.
"The COTAF would like to see you in the control room" the soldier informs them.
"Ok thank you" Michael replies and the soldier nods politely before leaving them.
"Come on then" Daniel mutters with a yawn and rubs his eyes.
They make their way to the control room and head over to Oliver who is standing at the same window they were looking out of last night.
"I thought this might interest you" Oliver states with a smile and points out of the window.
As Heaven's Gate begins to rise in elevation, Daniel and Michael look down at the city that can be seen nestled in the base of the mountains.
A beautiful place complimenting the landscape around it, still amazingly intact despite the war.
"Home" Daniel mutters softly before resting his head against Micheals shoulder.
Michael places his arms around him and gives him a kiss on his forehead.
Oliver walks over to his usual position in the control room.
"Message inbound from the rebels sir" a subordinate informs him..
"Put them on the main screen" Oliver instructs and walks over to speak to them.
Gunshots and explosions can be heard as Captain Simon comes into view.
"We can't hold them, the Leviathan has us pinned down" Captain Simon explains.
"Hold on just a little longer captain, we're nearly there to help you" Oliver replies assuringly.
"THEY'VE BROKEN THROUGH THE BARRICADES!" a soldier can be heard yelling outside.
Captain Simon abandons the video feed and rushes outside.
"Get some soldiers on the drones and send them out ahead of us" Oliver orders everyone.
Drones make their way to hangar four, soldiers attach safety cords to connectors on the drones before stepping onto them, around two soldiers on each drone and zoom off ahead of Heaven's Gate.
Over with the rebels, they have already lost three quarters of the base and are pinned down.
Further down the mountain where a pathway leads up to the base tanks and soldiers can be seen slowly making their way through the destroyed barricades.
The rebels along with the Haven soldiers that are with them, are defending the base from various battlements, using whatever means necessary.
The Leviathan continues its onslaught, Captain Simon takes a hard look at the devastation being caused around them, from the rocks falling as the mountain is struck, to the dead bodies on the floor, finally he takes a look over at the prince and princess who have fled from Ferrum, they are both clearly terrified and are cowering frightened on a stairway.
With the next bombardment on the mountain, he makes a difficult decision.
Soldiers storm the base with ease rounding up the remaining rebels and Haven soldiers.
The prince and princess are tied up, gagged, and forced to their knees at the edge of a dropoff.
A General known as Clasandra slowly makes her way up the mountain, walking slowly, even her own soldiers are frightened of her.
"You must be the infamous Captain Simon" she states mockingly.
"Oh look and you've even bought us some gifts" she continues this time with more enthusiasm in her voice as she looks over at the prince and princess, she is quite menacing with a hint of derangement.
"We surrendered, no need for anymore bloodshed" Captain Simon attempts to reason with her himself on his knees and tied up.
"You don't seem to get it" Clasandra states as she paces up and down.
"We are in charge now" she continues and walks over to the prince and princess.
"Perhaps you need a reminder of what happens when you try to defy us" she says sarcastically with malice in her voice and elaborating with hand gestures.
The prince and princess look up at her with tears streaming down their faces.
"They're just kids, leave them alone!" Captain Simon demands out of desperation.
Clasandra turns slowly to face him before pulling out a gun and shooting one of the rebels dead.
She then kicks the prince and princess so they fall backwards down the drop off, murmurs of terror can be heard from them as they fall helplessly.
Everyone can only watch in horror.
"They're here" a pilot states to his commanding officer on board the Leviathan, the aircraft is under different command to Clasandra and has already moved off.
Heaven's Gate suddenly appears into view over the mountain making an abrupt stop above the rebel base.
"This is Heaven's Gate, surrender or die" Oliver warns the enemy through ginormous speakers on the aircraft.
His voice booms over the mountains unsettling snow, the former crew of the Gate can't quite believe they are seeing it airborne again.
A hum of engines can be heard coming from the drop off and some drones appear into view, one of which the soldiers have successfully caught the prince and princess mid fall.
"Greetings from Heaven's Gate" Angelus states, appearing directly in front of Clasandra.
The General gives a nod to her subordonate who merely raises her own gun slowly and points it directly at the face of a Haven soldier.
"Angelus, fire a warning shot" Oliver instructs the drone.
"Warning shot in progress" Angelus states.
A single shot from Angelus hurls towards the subordinate, hitting her with that much velocity it sends her corpse flying around ten feet backwards, a gaping hole can be seen from where half her face used to be.
"This is your last warning" Oliver states sternly.
Alarms suddenly begin to go off in the control room as projectiles can be seen on the scanners heading straight for Heaven's Gate.
‘Warning! Warning! Enemy fire detected’
The onboard system immediately warns the control room, the scanners identify the missiles heading towards them.
"Fucking Leviathan" Oliver snaps.
"Send out flak" he instructs.
“Sending out flak sir” his subordinate replies.
Flak is sent out to meet the enemy projectiles and successfully protects the Gate, but unfortunately not the mountain, explosions can be seen as rubble falls down on the base.
In the panic of the situation the enemy flees including Clasandra, drones without soldiers place themselves in defencive positions around the base.
"Prepare the escape craft, send medics and secure the surrounding area" Oliver instructs everyone.
"Bring the prince and princess safely to the Gate" he gives his final command before making his way towards hanger four himself.
"Incredible" Captain Simon states looking up at the Sky Scraper.
The escape craft make their way down to the base and immediately medics rush about the place to provide aid, soldiers begin to help clear up the rubble and free the wounded.
The prince and princess are quickly taken to Heaven's Gate where medics are waiting to see them.
"Get the wounded to safety! Fix the blockades!" Captain Simon yells his commands at the people around him.
He watches as an escape craft makes its way down directly landing in front of him, Oliver steps out and walks over to him.
"It is very good to see you lot" The Captain states in a grateful tone, reaching out to shake his hand firmly.
"Glad to lend a hand" Oliver replies with a smile.
"I think there are some individuals who would very much like to speak to you" the Captain states hinting at the gathering crowd around them.
The former crew of Heaven's Gate have slowly started to gather around Oliver, realising he is the commanding officer.
"Any word from the prime minister?" Simon asks.
"Captain, you and your soldiers are to start making life difficult for our enemy, time to begin the liberation of Flumina" Oliver informs him.
"Sir, what about us?" One of the younger Haven soldiers asks politely.
"Time to go home" Oliver tells them and immediately the crew begin to rejoice, the younger soldier who had asked the question places a hand to his face, and begins to cry.
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