《Paths of Divergence [Naruto fanfiction]》Successful Failure


Chapter 15

-Successful failure

After the police whisk off the man, Shizake, Kiba, Akamaru, and Hinata regroup to discuss the situation at hand. They peer around at all the destruction scattered on that particular block of the village. The smoke has calmed down due to villagers coming together to smolder the flames. Other villagers have already began going to reconstructing the bank that was practically blown to bits, hoisting large planks of wood in their arms and handing them up to the few men on scaffolding.

"So... is that considered a successful mission?" Kiba asks, a resounding bark coming from Akamaru.

"Well...we did catch one of them, right?" Hinata asks.

"Considering what we were tasked with... Lady Hokage will probably call this mission a failure," Shizake says coldly.

Kiba's shoulders drop, "Oh..."

"Although, we managed to capture one of them so I'm sure she won't be too upset."

"Hey, you're right! Hopefully we don't get chewed out."

"Mhm," Hinata mumbles, "We should go report to her, no?"

The two boys nod along with a conforming yelp from the ninja dog. With haste, they head to the Hokage mansion to turn in the mission report to Tsunade.


"So you compromised the mission causing the robbers to hit another bank, which they did successfully, yet you also caught one of them?" Tsunade asks demandingly.

"W-well, y-yes," Hinata answers.

The fifth Hokage sighs heavily, reorganizing the papers in her hand, "Technically I cannot give you a mission pass...but – you caught one of the perpetrators which will allow our ninja to interrogate him."

"Lady Hokage, I would personally like to investig-"

"Enough. Kiba, Hinata, you two are dismissed. Shizake, you need to stay back and fill out some paper work before you leave," Tsunade says.

The Hyuga and Inuzuka both bow before they head to the door to exit the room. Before they leave, Kiba turns his head, lifting up his thumb as well.

"Hey it was nice working with you, Shizake. See ya around!" He says.

Hinata stops too, giving Shizake a reassuring nod along with her sweet and soft smile. They then exit the room.

"Having trouble keeping your ANBU identity hidden?" Tsunade asks.

Shizake, flustered, rubs the back of his neck, "Sometimes, Lady Hokage...sometimes."

"I know it must be hard, having to step back and observe from the shadows while your comrades walk a different path."

"Perhaps... but the village is more important. It matters not where I walk, as long as the village is safe," Shizake says.

"At least you know where your heart is. Anyways, I assume you were going to say that you want to investigate this matter personally?"


"Yes... if you would allow me and my team to take over this matter, I'm sure we could find all of them."

The blonde Hokage squints her eyes, going over the thought in her mind.

"No. Not yet anyways. I want to let Ibiki and his underlings interrogate the person you captured. If that fails we move on to using members of the Yamanaka clan to peruse his memories. Once we figure out more info I will dispatch you and your team to take care of this, understood? " Tsunade says.

Shizake respectfully bows, "Thank you."

"You're dismissed."

The Uchiha exits the room, quietly shutting the door behind him and leaving. He takes a heavy sigh, relieved that the mission is over with. Seeing people from the academy stresses me out... my identity could be compromised at any moment. The boy looks down to see his ANBU tattoo barely peeking under his left sleeve. Reaching into his pack, he pulls out a solid black sleeve, pulling it over his arm to cover the tattoo up. Must remember to wear this more often.

"Hello once again, Shizake," Someone calmly says.

The Uchiha looks up to once again see Kakashi Hatake, book out and everything.

"Hm. How is it I keep running into you here, Kakashi?" Shizake jokingly asks.

The silver haired jonin shrugs, "You stalking me or something?"

"I see you have jokes... what brings you here?"

"Just finished a job for lady Tsunade, nothing serious. Hey, I've been meaning to ask you... how did that mission with Orochimaru's hideout go?"

Shizake heavily sighs, clenching his right fist, "Mission was a bust...somewhat. The place did belong to Orochimaru but it was all just a set up to try and capture me. Seems Orochimaru wants as many Uchiha as he can get his hands on."

"I'm assuming Sasu-"

"No. He wasn't there."

"I see..."

"I don't really care about Sasuke... sure, he's my family, but all I care about is-"

"Itachi. I understand. You'll get him one day, Shizake."

"That day can't come any sooner... I'll see you around Kakashi," Shizake says, walking past the jonin.


Kakashi leads his raven-haired student to the mountainous outskirts of the village. Massive clay colored rocks reaches up, grasping at the never-ending stretch of sky. Jagged points jut out from all sides and angles. Boulders sit comfortably in their nooks, resting against the giant mesas of stone. Every once in a while a small chunk will break off and go careening down, smashing into tiny bits and pebbles as the force of gravity brings it down to earth.

"Okay, Sasuke, we'll start by climbing this," He says, pointing to the summit of one of the small mountain like rocks, "Once we're there we'll begin training. See you at the top."


Sasuke nods his head, gazing up at the massive structure before him. He looks at Kakashi who ties a hand behind his back before proceeding to climb the mountain using only his free hand, which he makes look easy. Sasuke stares in amazement at the pure stamina his sensei possesses before beginning to free climb the mountain himself.

From behind a small boulder, another young Uchiha peeks over, looking at the jonin, Kakashi and genin, Sasuke strenuously climb the tall rock formation. He stays there, observing the two in their trials. Several minutes go by before the two finally reach the top. Shizake steps out from behind the boulder, approaching the huge rock and looking directly upwards. He's intimidated at first but finds his resolve when he remembers what him and Sasuke are training for.

Slowly he places his hand on a divot in the stone, feeling the baking sun's warmth radiating off the rock. He places his other hand in another divot, using his upper body strength to lift himself up. Once he's up, he places both feet into separate divots and begins the long climb to the top.

About halfway there, the young Shizake looks up, seeing bright flashes of light emanating from the top. Curiosity creeps into his mind like a fog crawling through the corners of a village. He continues to climb and climb, sweat pouring out of his every pore. Shizake goes to put his hand into an indent in the wall when suddenly his hand slips, leaving him dangling by his free hand. His biceps strain to their maximum potential, the Uchiha panicking while scrambling to place his hand into any free holding. Finally he finds one, huffing in fear while he catches his breath. He looks down at the massive drop back down to the earth below him, craggy rocks catching his attention.

"Can't...stop...here," Shizake says between breaths.

Shizake continues to push through the extreme agony his muscles are in. Finally he smacks his hand down on the flat surface of the summit, his other hand slapping down soon after. As he looks up he sees the silver haired jonin standing over the edge with his hands on his hips.

"What is it Kakashi?" Sasuke asks neutrally, singe marks covering his hand.

Kakashi rubs his chin, "A spy...or a stalker. I'm not sure. Who are you?"

Shizake climbs over the edge, lying on the back while wheezing, every inch of his muscles screaming in agony.

"Shizake...?" Sasuke wonder aloud, walking over to his cousin lying on the ground in the baking sun.

"You know him?" Kakashi asks.

Sasuke rubs his right bicep, letting them relax from the training, "Yeah. My cousin."

"Cousin, eh? That's right... your cousin also survived the massacre."

"Yeah. What are you doing here, cousin?"

After finally catching his second wind, Shizake sits up, looking at his cousin, "I...followed you two out here. I just wanted to see what you were doing."

"Fair enough," Kakashi says, crossing his arms, "If it's okay with Sasuke, you're free to join us."

Sasuke shrugs in approval, not caring as long as he gets his training done. Any training is just another step towards killing Itachi, Sasuke thinks to himself.

The jonin chuckles to him self lightly, "Less work for me I suppose. Now I can watch as you two go at it instead of Sasuke and me."

"I saw flashes of light coming from up here... what exactly were you two doing?" Shizake curiously asks.

"Hmm..." Kakashi ponders his thoughts, I hardly know the kid but he looks like he can hold his own considering he climbed up here by him self, "I'm teaching him – and now you – a new jutsu. It's called Chidori."


Shizake stops in his tracks, turning around, "Kakashi... I always meant to ask you something."

"Hm?" Kakashi mumbles.

"What made you decide to teach me your signature jutsu, Chidori?"

Kakashi mentally marks his reading spot, clapping his book shut, "Hmm...I remember that day like it was yesterday. Lets see... after I figured out you were Sasuke's cousin I thought it would be a good bonding exercise. I noticed Sasuke's anti-social tendencies and thought it would be good for him, well, and you, if I taught you something together. I...suppose it didn't work out as well as I thought it would."

"I can hear the remorse in your voice Kakashi. There's no need to apologize... even if Sasuke claims to have cut all bonds, the one him and I share is unbreakable no matter how hard he tries. We were bonded in blood first, lightning second. I never got to thank you... you went out of your way to teach me, barely knowing who I was, a secret of yours. So thank you, Kakashi," Shizake sincerely says.

Kakashi's mask pulls into a grin, an assuring nod following soon after, "Any time, Shizake. Now if you'll excuse me I'm already late to my meeting with Lady Tsunade."

Kakashi heads towards the Hokage's office whilst Shizake exits the building. He steps out on to the dirt street, inhaling deeply and exhaling sharply. Turning on his foot he walks off towards the certain place in his mind.

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