《Two Friends》The Path Behind Icicles


The leader of the huntsmen rose his eyebrows as Helena replied, but his expression turned back to its seriousness as he replied “You sure are a child, answering so honestly” he shortly paused while giving a last glimpse to the two girls “I am Fred, we will have to bring in front of our higher superiors as we cannot conclude a complete report without the two of you” he signaled to some of his men to collect the deer that they have killed. He stood up and looked down at them, as if he was angry by just their sight “Follow me” he turned around, while his men slowly picked up the peace to catch up to him as they were slowed down by carrying their hunt.

Miriam wiped her tears of as she finally stopped crying, yet as soon as she saw the state Helena was in all she could do was hold her hand tighter “Should we follow them?” she asked a bit worried if Helena would be able to move.

Helena smiled as Miriam tightened the grip on her hand “I don’t think we have a choice, since we are outnumbered” she stopped talking midsentence as she touched the tip of the spear that was coming out of her shoulder. She instantly grabbed it and pulled on it but couldn’t get it out. “We should start walking, I don’t any of us wants to spend another night in the woods” she laughed it off to cover her pain and stress while started to walk towards the huntsmen yet keeping a distance between them and her.

Miriam just nodded and smiled while she followed up to Helena, then whispered “Do you think they know what we are?” At this moment Helena turned around with an expression of confusion yet disappointment at the same time “Are you even using your brain, or did that freeze as well?” then yanked Miriam’s arm towards her. Thereafter she leaned in and whispered “One thing is for sure; they don’t think we are humans” Miriam looked at Helena surprised “We might look like humans but do tell me if a human would survive a snowstorm or under snow. And I don’t even know how long we were unconscious for”.


Miriam nodded again, but with a sense of defeat yet now having a better understanding of their situation than ever. It could be kill or be killed, or just a walk to the huntsmen’s settling.

In the front some of the huntsmen were eying Miriam, still amazed by her unique features. One of them address Fred as he saw the girls get closer “Sir, I think they are whispering and plotting something” Fred didn’t reply to his subordinate, just turned around to see the girls himself, then turned his attention back to the road “If I were you I’d worry about myself, since you didn’t kill anything today”.

Fred was known as the best hunter among his peers, yet as age has taken a toll on him, he did not wish to part with his honed skill. He trained and lead many men throughout many hunts and ambushes they have encountered. But because of his tunneled pursue he had no time for love, nor to find a partner to share his achievements with.

The novice run up to Fred, while still being ashamed of his mistake, but could not withhold his curiosity and spoke up “Sir, why do they have two names?” Fred did not reply to the question, he just stared in anger. The novice felt as if he has asked the wrong question, wronging his superior once again. He apologetically lowered his head “My apologies for over stepping”. Fred just ignored what he said then out of nowhere “Brynn, go give the girls one of your blankets, you will be responsible of them until we arrive”. Fred moved his hand showing him off “Go, satisfy your curiosity”. The huntsmen were baffled by Fred’s orders, while some were laughing at Brynn knowing that he will have to look for something else when they reach town, while others where whispering why would Fred order something as such, he was known to be very cautious. And others wondered ‘Did the old age get to him?’


Miriam saw Brynn walking at a fast peace towards them, then yelled at Helena “Someone’s coming towards us!” Helena angrily replied, “I am not blind!” with this she pushed Miriam away from her, with her weak state she couldn’t send Miriam further than two meters away from her.

Helena stood still, while she slowly started mumbling something as her fingers were moving. Brynn unaware of her magic, he just thought she was freezing from her mumbling. He covered her with his blanket. Both girls were so surprised at Brynn’s actions, that Helena pushed him away, while Miriam just started running towards Helena. As she reached Helena, she just curled up next to her and enjoying warmth for the first time in a while.

Helena was at loss of words, as Miriam reached to her. The warmth woke her up to reality. She looked up the Brynn “Don’t you want to keep your job? You will get fired if you help us”.

Brynn grinned and proudly replied “Not if it’s an order” he then kneeled in front of them, grabbed them and held them up. Despite his fresh start in hunting, he was quite strong. Holding both Miriam and Helena. Then started to walk to catch up to his group, during this time the two girls were both happy to finally have their burned reduced but also scared for the unknown that awaited them at the arrival of who knows where. Brynn out of nowhere leaned towards Miriam and smelled “You guys smell so nice, I envy you” then realized that he was not aware of the harshness the two have been through “Sorry” then looked at Helena “Does it hurt?” he sadly looked at her shoulder as he saw the spear come out.

This behavior only angered Helena more and more, you cannot sugar coat such a dire situation.

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