《Professor Fang》The Dark Side of The Moon: The Dragon's Mountain


The Tyrannosaurus Rex lunged forward, with it's jaws wide open, but Lindsey, thinking quickly grabbed the riders spear and stabbed it into the Tyrant Lizard King's mouth.

She embedded the blade right into it's tongue causing the giant to to thrash around in agony. It tried desperately to shake the spear out of it's mouth, but when it bit down on the weapon, it just cut the spear in half. Lindsey, Kirsteen, Hisera and the rider meanwhile fled to the nearby cave for safety.

Whilst the Tyrannosaur struggled to get the blade out of it's tongue, one of the riders, a young woman returned. She tried to impale her spear into the Tyrannosaurs mouth having seen what Lindsey had done, but the creature spat what was left of Lindsey's spear out, narrowly missing the rider before pursuing her.

Though the Pterosaur tried to fly as high as it could, it's rider kept forcing it to go lower so as to keep the Tyrannosaurs attention.

"I'm sorry old girl, but we have to get him away from here." She said.

The rider managed to drag the Tyrannosaur back down the passage way and into the ruins of the village.

By this stage Professor Fang's bones had mostly healed and he was ready to try and take on the Tyrant Lizard King again, regardless of how futile that may be.

As the monster reached up and nearly grabbed the Pterosaur, the Professor pulled the fabric off of the ruins of a tent and jumped over 20 feet in the air, onto the Tyrannosaurus' neck. He then wrapped the cloth around the Dinosaurs eyes.

"Stop it, you'll be killed." The rider shouted out in desperation at the Professor.

The Tyrannosaur however struggled to throw the Vampire off, with the Professor holding on with all his strength. The Tyrannosaur stomped its way blindly through several more ruins, very nearly tripping itself up. As it let out a series of deafening roars in frustration, the rider flew over it's mouth and hurled her spear straight down it's throat, cutting it open.

The Tyrannosaur soon collapsed to the floor, choking on both the spear and it's own blood. In it's last few moments the Dinosaur managed to gag the spear out of it's mouth, but it's inner throat had been cut completely open.

The rider flew back to the top of the mountain to inform the survivors that the crisis was over, whilst the Professor sat beside the Tyrannosaur as it took it's last breaths. He even rubbed it's lower jaw to try and comfort the Dinosaur.

"Sadly it was you or us. Nature's cruel that way." The Professor said.

Lindsey, and Kirsteen were the first to return to the ruins of the village.

"There are some perks to being a Vampire it seems." Kirsteen said upon seeing the Professor had mostly healed.

"Yes well it doesn't feel that way when you're still awake whilst all your bones are being crushed by a Tyrannosaur, but I get your meaning." The Professor replied.

Suddenly the remainder of the Pterosaurs and their riders returned to the village.

"You arrived just in time." Kirsteen said sarcastically.


"Who are you?" The leader of the riders, a large burly man snapped?

"Just travellers passing through, I happened to help save your village, or rather what's left of it. Ask your friend when she get's back, you know the one of you who stayed behind to fight the monsters." The Professor said.

"The flyers got too wild being near that thing. We couldn't control them." The Professor wasn't buying it.

"Well she managed it?" He said. .

"Okay Professor" Lindsey interrupted. " I get what you mean but it's probably best not to antagonise the angry people with spears."

The rider who the Professor had helped slay the Tyrannosaur soon returned.

"It seems we owe you our thanks." The leader said, somewhat reluctantly to the female rider.

"I wouldn't have been able to slay the monster had it not been for this, eh mysterious traveller." The rider said.

"Yes well you can thank me later, but right now I need your help. The mountain that's the center of the valley. I, we, need help getting there." The Professor replied.

The leader laughed.

"You think an old man like you can make your way past those beasts. They have been twisted by the dark magics into being creatures far beyond."

"Yes I know your friend Hisera told me, by the way how is she."

"She's fine. Obviously taking a rest after her ordeal, but she'll live." The female rider said.

"Yes well not for long if you don't help me, us get to the mountain. I might be able to fix the core. I can't promise anything, but not to sound smug, I have a much, much better grasp of magics than you do. If you'll just lend us a Pterosaur we'll be on our way." The Professor asked.

"I admire your confidence old man, but our entire valley is at stake."The leader replied, not sure if the Professor was joking with all his boasts.

"I'm not just an old man" The Professor said as he bared his fangs.

"Vampire!" The leader shrieked as he held his spear in place.

"There are Vampires on the moon as well as Dinosaurs?" Kirsteen said in surprise.

"Well if some of the humans ancestors who were brought here were infected, why not?" The Professor replied.

"Vampires are evil, bloodsucking monsters. I don't know what cheap trick this is." The leader said.

"It's no trick, I'm one of the few nice Vamps."

"Or" Lindsey interrupted. "Even if you don't believe that which I wouldn't blame you for, he's in the same position as you. If this valley explodes into space, he'll die too. In fact, worse as a Vampire, the lack of oxygen won't kill him, he'll just float through space forever. You can count on him to want to help save this valley regardless."

"Well I don't know I'd imagine he'd actually be okay with nothing but his own company forever" Kirsteen interrupted.

"But ehm seriously though you can trust us to want to save our own necks." Lindsey said getting back on point.

"He did help me slay the monster." The female rider interrupted. "I couldn't have done it without him. He covered the monsters eyes, allowing me to get close to it's mouth, Any other Vampire would have fled at the sight of one of those giants, but he didn't."


The leader frowned. "Well I suppose we don't have anything to lose. The mountain could go at any minute. I want you to go with the Vampire, and I shall come too."

"We'll need a full army to get to that mountain." The female rider said.

"Maybe not. That's the mistake we've made every time. We charge in there and the monsters see us coming. Maybe stealth is the only way to get to it."

"You know he's probably right." The Professor said.

"That is if we can still trust you Vampire."

"Well I'm not the one who ran away from the Tyrannosaur." The Professor responded.

"Okay, let's not fight." The female rider said. "It probably doesn't matter what we do as the valley's doomed regardless. I'll get the flyers ready."

Hisera meanwhile rested at the very top of the wall that surrounded the village, near where the Pterosaurs were normally kept.

As the leader and the female rider prepared Pterosaurs for the three time travellers, Kirsteen went to try and comfort Hisera.

"It's okay, the Tyrannosaurus is dead." Kirsteen said.

"I left him. I left him. In all the confusion I, I."

"It's okay" Kirsteen said, having no idea what she was talking about.

"We're going to the mountain. The Pterosaurs will take us there." The Professor told Hisera.

"You have to let me come with you."

"No you're still too cut up from the Raptors." Kirsteen said firmly.

"She's right, besides we need all the people we can to protect what's left of the village anyway. If you do feel better, you can help there." The leader said.

The female rider helped The Professor, Lindsey and Kirsteen get strapped to their Pterosaurs.

"I trust none of you have ever ridden one of our flyers before?" The rider asked?

"Well me and Lindsey have ridden on the backs of Pterosaurs and other flying creatures many times, but Kirsteen here, well."

"Sorry I was off singing when all my friends were learning how to fly Dinosaurs."

"Pterosaurs actually" Lindsey had to interject.

"And I'm not crazy about heights either to be honest." Lindsey continued.

"Well don't worry." The female rider said.

"We've put you with our oldest and most experienced flyers. As long as you don't startle them they'll take you there no problem. They'll follow our lead."

"Can I ask what your name is?" The Professor asked the female rider.


"And yours?" He said to the leader.


"Alright I'm Fang, this is Lindsey and eh, I've forgotten your name again?" The Professor said jokingly to Kirsteen who didn't appreciate it. "It's Kirsteen, Kirsteen."

The Pterosaurs departed from the cliff top at a lightening speed. Kirsteen could not stop screaming at first. Her screaming however caused the Pterosaur to begin to panic and fly off course. Fortunately Tiseia was able to command the beast to follow her, though not before telling Kirsteen to shut up.

Lindsey wasn't much better due to her fear of heights, but she was used to overcoming these kinds of problems unlike Kirsteen.

The five Pterosaurs took the Professor and the others across the valley and to the mountain in just over 20 mins.

Despite how badly it had been ravaged by the magics collapsing, the valley still looked beautiful. There were massive lakes, forests and open fields, filled with wonderful prehistoric creatures below.

Brachiosaurs, Stegosaurs, Triceratops, various species of Hadrosaur all herded together for protection.

There were a few gruesome sights along the way however. They witnessed a Carnotaurus attack and kill a small sauropod, and also by one of the lakes. A gigantic Spinosaurus emerge out of the water like a Crocodile and pull a Hadrosaur down to a watery grave.

"Remind me not to go skinny dipping in this valley." Kirsteen said at the sight of the Spinosaurus' lake going red with the Hadrosaurs blood.

"Spinosaurus" Lindsey said. "They were always among my favourites. The biggest meat eaters ever to walk the earth. Don't worry though they prefer to live near the water. We'll be fine where we're going."

"You'll soon be eating those words." Miscorak said.

As soon as they came near the mountain the Pterosaurs suddenly stopped in their tracks and kept in the air by flapping their wings. They tried to pull back the way, but again Tisia and Miscorak commanded them not to.

"We'll need to land and try and get in from the bottom." Miscorak said as he struggled to control his Pterosaur.

Before he could finish a large shrieking sound suddenly came piercing from the mountain.

"Damn those monsters. It's like they can sense us." Miscorak said in fear.

Several large, hairy, yellow, Pterosaur like creatures soon came flying from the mountain. The sight of the monsters was enough to make a pack of nearby Allosaurus scarper for the nearest woods.

These new creatures were incredibly fast, but under Tiseia's command the flying reptiles were able to keep a good distance ahead of the monsters, except for Kirsteen's Pterosaur. Her screaming at the monsters caused her Pterosaur to fly slightly off direction, allowing one of the mutated Pterosaurs to fly ahead and cut her off.

Kirsteen stared into the creatures hideous face. It had three eyes, all of which were bright green, with a red iris. Green slime meanwhile dripped from it's long, thin jaws.

The monster spat it's slime right into Kirsteen's Pterosaur's face causing it to scream in pain. Some of the noxious liquid splashed Kirsteen and burned her skin too. The mutated Pterosaur then rammed into Kirsteen's Pterosaur and clamped it's jaws around it's neck.

Kirsteen tried to fight the mutant off herself, but several more started to swarm her. Lindsey soon noticed Kirsteen wasn't with them, but when she tried to direct her Pterosaur back the way, several more of the mutants soon swarmed her too.

To Be Continued.

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