《Diary Log of a Ghost》Log entry 1


A cloudless night. People sitting on chairs wearing black clothes. You can see their faces with sadness and grief. A white rectangular object big enough to fit someone was decorated with gold-like ornaments was placed in a loving room. Candles were lit and white flowers were placed. A picture of a young man was placed above the rectangular object. Obviously those were a casket and mourning flowers.

Above the casket was a bluish mist with a silhouette of a man was floating gently. Well that 'mist' is actually me, i'm probably a spirit or a ghost. I'm already dead. And my actual body is inside this white casket.

Beside the casket, a women sitting on a chair caressing the side of the casket, Slowly and gentle. Like caressing a newborn baby. She has dried tears on her face, eyes wept but no tears falling. She's been crying for two days straight and haven't been sleeping at all. She is my mother. All this time, She never left my side.

I'm really worried about her. I kept saying 'Mom, please take a rest' 'Mom please don't cry too much' 'Mom, don't worry. I'll look after everyone' 'Mom, i'm alright! Look! I'm happy and I can float!

It is painful to see how she cries her heart out. Heartbroken and doesn't know what to do.

She always whisper to me words of regret and sorrow. Saying ”I'm sorry", "why did you leave us!", and "My baby boy! Please don't make your mommy cry and wake up!"

Those words really pierce your soul. I really wanted to talk to her but my words wont get through. Somehow I was able to calm my mom by hugging her, even with this misty ethereal body. She said she was able to feel me and that made me happy and cried once more. After that she was finally able to take a nap on the the chair. She really doesn't want to leave me.


At the back of our house, my dad sat down alone on the garden. I walked... Or float towards his front, staring at him. I saw him with a bottle of whiskey that he stored years ago, on hand. Even though he's holding liquor on hand, the bottle is still full of alcohol and the lid is still sealed. The look on his face was full of sorrow and frustration, blood shot eyes with large tears dropping on the grass.

He never told me what's the reason about why he haven't drank the whiskey but today, I learned of the reason. He said "This whiskey was supposed to be a gift for you when you became a fine adult, but to think you weren't able to reach eighteen years old......" He said as he removed the seal, twisted the lid and threw it.

"Your mother wont like it if I pour this on you casket so...." Dad lifted his hand holding the bottle, swung it twice. "....first shot should be yours" alcohol sprayed on my ethereal body, I was also able to smell the minty taste of the alcohol. Afterwards, only half the content was left.

He looked at the bottle, pointed it where my casket was positioned and said "Cheers, my son". He took three big gulps of the whiskey. "You're not supposed to die before me" he whispered. He walked into my room and left the whiskey on my table unsealed.

In one of the rooms, a relative was taking care of my baby little sister, she's a year old and really really cute. Somehow, when I floated around her room she was looking at my direction. I noticed that she was able to see me. It was a really happy moment for me to be able to interact with my sister. I really regret that I wont be a good brother to her. I wont be able to play with her, laugh with her, help her with her home work and have little fight and make up later. All those wont come true now.


For me, it was a dream to protect my little sister, you know. Like protecting her from animals or insects, bullies, or bad guys. I wont be able to say 'stop meeting that boy' or 'no boyfriends!' In the future. I guess i'll leave it to dad.


Right now i'm pretty sure you are asking "how the heck did you die?" Right? Well....

When I was walking home from school, I tried to cross road. The traffic light was green so its okay to cross.... When Mr.Truck came out of nowhere and BOOOOM!!..... I'm kidding, I didn't die like that. I was trying to make you laugh since it was so depressing. Haha..... No? Okay... Sorry.

The truth is, I died because of a heart disease. I think they called it heart arrhythmia? Since childhood, I always had this chest pains or my head feels so light I passed out. Somehow my heart gave up, cant handle the stress and just... Stopped beating. Pitiful isn't it?

I think I was revived a few times but... My heart didn't beat again after it stopped. And that was three days ago. And that's how we are in now. Giving people sadness, unfulfilled dreams and broken promises. Such a bad child I am huh?

I guess this is how life works......

......log end

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