《The Progress of Perfection》Chapter Four: The Day of the Elements


With a stretch and a yawn, Kyle rises from his bed and plants his feet firmly on the wooden floor. Today's the big day he thought to himself. Every mage in training looks forward to this day as it determines what path their training will take them. Such a day was only dwarfed by the day of their graduation in terms of excitement for a mage.

Today was truly a special day indeed for Kyle had managed to wake up early for the first time in a long time. He still did not deem it worthy of his time to perform any sort of bathing activity, if he keeps this up, he's going to be forcibly washed with water magic by Mrs Rueben again like last year.

He at least changed his undergarments and rubbed some saliva through his hair - after he saw his reflection in the mirror. Kyle hurriedly adorned his robe and headed to eating hall for some breakfast.

After a quick meal of bread and porridge, Kyle walked to the room he had his class in yesterday. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief as he entered the room. It seems that the combination of his early arrival and the 'day of the elements' has caused his peers to have a complete lack of interest in his arrival.

He quickly found his seat from yesterday, sat down, placed his head on his left hand like it was the heaviest thing in the world, and waited for the day to begin.

"What do you think your attribute is?" Asked one exited student to another.

"Probably earth since my father is from Sa'karr. What about you?"

"It's got to be fire man, I've always loved the stuff, and it's also the most common attribute so why not."


"You finally won't be the only person in the class who knows their element any more Ulfur. Does that make you feel less like the top dog now?"

"Of course not. I was getting fed up with being the only person in the class who can actually do any magic beyond making pretty shapes and lights."

And so the mindless chatter went on and on without any ending that seemed to be in sight. As Kyle was beginning to deeply regret his decision to get here early, a wondrous angel traversed in to the room and immediately silenced the chatter.

"Now, I'm sure you are all very exited for today but before we get started, let me tell you how today is going to proceed. You'll be glad to know that will be we will immediately be finding out each of your attributes. Afterwards you will go off to meet a mage whom shares the shame attribute as yourself and they will become your future teacher of everything related to said attribute. You will then come back to me and find out your results for yesterdays exam. Then we will discuss in length your curriculum for this year and what other non-optional subjects you wish to take."

This was a very important day indeed. So much to be done in one day. This day represents the true beginning of magic training.

"Now just before we begin, I will explain what an attribute truly means, why it is important and how you find out which one you possess. I'm sure you all know that there are five attributes, not counting rare attributes like light or darkness. There is fire, lightning, air, earth and water. Every mage has a dominant element that embodies not just their ability, but their very nature. A mage is able to learn spells from every element but the 'further away' an element is from your own, the harder it is to learn. For example, a fire mage will a have much easier time learning lightning magic than water, as it is closer to fire on the great line of magic. An earth mage has an equal level of aptitude to learn both water and air magic but will deeply struggle to cast even a simple flame strike."


Even though everyone in the room already knew all of this, they still could not contain their excitement. Every word she spoke was like a gospel of truth that their ears have never heard before.

"Why do we wait until you’re a second year magic student to find out your attribute if it's so important? Especially when you’re average mage learns of their magical talent when they are eight years old?"

When Miss Winter realised no one was going to answer her question, she decided to answer it herself.

"It is because learning it so early will distract an individual from learning the very basics of mana manipulation - which will hamper their control and proficiency with not just their attribute, but with all other forms of magic as well. This is why most of your entire first year here focuses on practising many different types of mana manipulation. Now it is most certainly not a crime for someone to learn their attribute before we deem it is time, we just advise against it for the reasons stated previously. I'm sure you all know that one of your fellow classmate already knows his attribute, that is because his father, whom is a highly accomplished mage, deemed it okay for him to learn of it early."

Many eyes turned to look at Ulfur, whom was wearing such a boasting grin on his face.

"Now the test to know your attribute is very simple. You place your hands on this orb and channel your mana into it; easy peasy." Miss Winter said as she opened one of her desk draws and placed a transparent ball that was the size of a person's head on top of her desk.

"Now, who will be first?"

Hands shot up so fast they would put a crossbow bolt to shame. Even Kyle shock his arm violently in the air, hoping the teacher would notice.

"You." Said Miss Winter, pointing to a short girl with red hair and a face covered in freckles.

The girl quickly got up and made her way towards the front of the room. She hesitated for a split second before placing her hands firmly on the glass ball. As mana coursed through her veins and found its way into the magic orb. A tiny spark could be seen in the very centre of the orb. The spark suddenly combusted and in its place was a flame that filled half of the orbs' volume.

"I don't think you need me to tell you what that means. Congratulations, my little pryomancer."

"T-thank you!" Squealed the red haired girl.

No one seemed surprised that her element was fire. Some mages say that you can find out most mages attribute just be looking at their appearance and personality.

As soon as the girl turned around to head back to her seat, everyone's hands immediately shot up again.


And so the test continued...

* * *

"So far, out of the twenty-six students in the class room, seventeen has performed the attribute test. Five fire mages, four earth, four water, three air and one lightning.

Kyle's arm was aching from his constant frantic motions of excitement. It now hung limply in the air as if it would cause the teacher to feel sympathy for him and pick him as a result.

With two more fire mages, two lightning, two air and one earth, it was finally Kyle's turn as he was the only left in the room who didn't know his element.

All eyes on Kyle as he slowly approached Miss Winter's desk. He could feel the weight of everyone's gaze upon his back. It made his already wobble knees move with an almost pendulum like movement.


Sweat trickled off his hands' as he placed them onto the orb that will help guide his fate. It's a good thing you don't you have to pick up the orb to do the test, or the chances of it tumbling out of Kyle's slippery hands were high.

With a deep breath, Kyle summoned his mana and sent it through his arms, to his palms and finally to the orb. The orb grew hot as a spark grew in the glass and ignited into a flame that now lived within a third of the orb.

"Seems you're a fire mage, well done... You may sit back down now."

Kyle could barely hear his tutor as his mind raced with such frantic thoughts -

Fire! That's the most common of all the elements. I'm a prodigy, Veil be damned! I was suppose to have something rare like lightning... Or even something even rarer, like darkness, or two attributes at once! Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire! How utterly mundane for a mage... I guess I can still be a good lightning mage since it's the closest element to fire - but still..

"Sit down Mr Hensworth."

"Huh, oh y-yes Miss" Stuttered Kyle coming back to senses.

Kyle didn't even notice the condescending smirks that feasted upon him, for his mind trailed back to his previous thoughts.

The flame wasn't even that big...

* * *

Kyle walked with a drone like enthusiasm to the building where he will meet his soon to be pryomancy teacher. He slowly turned the door knob of the rectangular building and ventured inside.

Remembering his previous instructions from Miss Winter, Kyle navigated through the many corridors until he found a large door with the name 'Mr Weasel' inscribed on it.

Kyle knocked on the door and waited. After about thirty seconds, he heard the words 'come in' so he opened the door and headed inside.

The room was small with a desk smeared in papers. A collection of alchemy equipment was gathered on a table in the corner of the room, many different symbols were etched into the stone walls that surrounded him. Next to a large desk was a man in red robes sat in a chair made of wood and horse leather. He looked to be in his mid forties, of average height and slim build. Under his nose was a heavily waxed moustache that curled upwards and looked slightly like the horns of a goat. His black hair was fiercely oiled back and his red slanted eyes stared intensely at Kyle.

"Kyle Hensworth I presume?" Asked the man.

"Yes sir."

"My name is Mr Weasel and I will be your fire tutor for the foreseeable future."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." Kyle said while performing an awkward bow.

Mr Weasel seemed to roll his eyes at Kyle's timid words and actions. Kyle glanced at the empty chair next to his tutor and wondered why he hadn't offered him a seat yet.

The two conversed about what Kyle can expect from this year and was dismissed. Kyle left feeling like the conversation was a tad rushed. He barely learned anything about what he will be doing in the future and this fire tutor of his barely even mentioned the word 'fire'.

With the feeling of lead crushing his shoulders, Kyle headed back to Miss Winter's classroom to discuss his future.

* * *

Miss Winter didn't seem to happy to him.

"What are you doing here? You are suppose to be with your attribute teacher." She barked.

"I was but he dismissed me, so I came back here like you told us to."

"...I see. All right sit down. Let's get this over with." She said as she placed her quill back in its ink pot.

"So Kyle, what does it mean for you to be a mage?"

"Errmm... To be powerful. To wield untold powers in my fingertips and do whatever I want."

"How childish." She replied with a click of her tongue.


"Your exam scores were overall average. Your practical skills seem to be slightly above par of your fellow students but your theoretical exam... was abysmal; to say the least."

"…" Kyle had absolutely no idea how to respond. He felt too defeated today to argue about his great magical ability.

"As you may know, this year you will be taught the likes of alchemy, alteration, healing, telepathy, mana shaping and the non-magical subjects, mathematics, history, geography, philosophy and linguistics - as well as how to use your magical attribute."

"When will I be taught another elemental magic beside fire?"

"At this academy, we believe it is very important that all mages have at least have a basic understanding of each of the five elements, however since you don't even know one, you will be spending this year just learning your attribute. Next year you will also be taught lightning magic. The year after that will be air and on your final year, you will be taught some water magic since it is the element you have he least attitude with."

"I see."

"So, Is there any changes you wish to make your curriculum?"

"I don't believe so."

"In that case you may leave. When you come to class to tomorrow you will be given a schedule that will tell you all about where and when each other your classes are."

"Okay, thank you miss."

As Kyle left the room, he noticed several of his classmates were waiting outside.

"Took you long enough!" Said one of the boys that regularly hangs out with Ulfur.

"S-sorry." Replied Kyle as he skittered away through the corridor.

* * *

Kyle rushed to his room and threw off his robe. What a disappointing day he thought. He laid down in his bed, ignoring his hunger. Sleep seemed to be the only thing that he believed would cheer him up.

* * *

It was the middle of the night. Kyle has been asleep for several hours, experiencing such joyous dreams. Kyle is suddenly awoke to feeling of rough fabric enveloping his head. Before he could scream, a thick rope bit down on his neck, crushing his throat and preventing him from speech.

In his dream... he was a king.

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