《The Progress of Perfection》Chapter Two: The First Day


No matter how many times you look at a piece of wood, you will something you've never seen before. Maybe it's a new groove, of the way a certain area has a slightly different shade of colour than the rest of the wood. A crack, a bump, a cranny. The possibilities are endless.

Kyle regularly had this thought when he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. It typically manifests more deeply after a run in with the those who are 'jealous of his greatness'.

I never noticed how the wood swirls around that black spot before... One, two, three, four grooves huh. Could have sworn it was five last time I checked. I should really ask the building manager what type of wood this is.


Hours passed until Kyle's eyes began to feel the weight of the day that passed. With a deep intake of air, Kyle submerged into a slumber, with hopes of a dream that will take his mind away from reality.


Waking up around midday, Kyle sluggishly raises himself from his bed and stands up. He peers through the cracks in his eyelids and scans the room. Remembering where he is, Kyle sigh's with relief. That is, until he remembers he still has three days until the semester starts. With a loathing of the outside world, Kyle decides he will spend the entire three days in his room, only leaving to eat and relieve himself.

And with that decision concluded, Kyle swirls around and jumps back into bed.


The three days quickly flew by with not a single thing worth mentioning. If Kyle's family ever found out he spent three days doing nothing but sleeping, eating and reading story books for children, they would have him publicly castrated and use the family dog as the tool to do the deed.


With the beginning of the semester and the day of Kyle's first class, it was time for him to finally leave his room for a non survival reason. Unfortunately, Kyle was already late for his first class since he was heavily invested in a dream he was having in which he was riding a dragon and firing lightning bolts from his fingertips at his fellow classmates. With no time to wash himself (not that he normally does), Kyle hastelloy put on his brown robe over his undergarments and runs to class.


"You are three minutes late to class young man. I'll excuse today because it's the first day of the semester, but do it again and I'll have an imp alight that behind of yours. You're a second year now, I expect better."

"Yes miss, sorry miss." Replied an out of breath Kyle.

"Good. Take a seat at the back of the class since it's the only place available. If you can't see then tough, your fault for showing up late." Said the elderly woman in green robes behind the large desk at the front of the room, with an expression some would argue is one of slight contempt.

"Yes miss."

Kyle hurriedly found somewhere to sit and ignored the noise of youths snickering.

"Now, as I was saying before I was interpreted, I am Miss Winters I will be your tutor for this year. Anything that has not been categorized in your curriculum, will be taught by myself. Also, any sort of problems, whether personal of work related, will also be handled by me. Pleased to meet you all. I hope you have a very fulfilling year. You are our future mages and I expect the very best from you."

Kyle was already growing bored with this rehearsed speech.


When do we get to do some magic? Kyle thought.

As if reading Kyle's mind -

"Now I am sure you are all eager to delve into some new magic, unfortunately for you all, you must do a theoretical and practical exam first so we can see how much you remember from the previous year and have an understanding of your level of ability".

For a single second the entire class become a being of one mind and let out a groan of exasperation.

As Kyle looked upon the pieces of paper known as 'the exam' in disgust and fear. He couldn't quite understand why a mage should have to prove their ability on paper when they are beings that can manifest wonders and miracles into the world.

Okay, question one. 'Who was the first person to create and utilize fire magic?' How the hell am I suppose to know that?! What's that got to do with learning magic? Errmmm... The first, dragons are old and they breathe fire, that’s magic right? I guess I'll put 'dragon'.

Alright, question two. 'In a situation in which you are shot at by a standard crossbow used by the Potenceps army from a distance of one hundred feet and have an almost exhausted mana supply, what is the most appropriate response that ensures your own safety and the incapacitation of your assailant that does not result in their demise or grievous bodily harm?' WHAT THE FUCK?! We didn't learn this. We haven't learned combat magic. Hell, we don't even know what our element is yet! And I don't know anything about crossbows, why would a mage know anything about crossbows? Only the empty use such things. Earrrrgh! I'm just going to put 'cast a barrier and then fire a lightning bolt at them'. If they're to weak to die from that, they can't be considered my assailant to begin with.

Question three. Using Balarg's theorem as a guideline, explain the mana system, its connection to the great Veil, how it replenished and how it differs from the sharing of mana between an individual and a celestial being.'


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