《Will of the Void》1. The Beginning


So where do I begin?

Let's start with the 13th year of the 21st Era.

[ Era 21 Year 13 November 2 ]

My name is Orion Haloligh and I was born on the last year of the 20th Era and I am currently 13 years of age. I am currently a Grade 2 magic swordsman apprentice at the Bluestone Institute of Education or the Academy as most call it. The academy is where new warriors come to study from all over Bluestone.

Bluestone is one of the 5 regions of our planet Gaia. The 5 regions include Bluestone, Redstone, Greenstone, Yellowstone and Blackstone. The first 4 of which are inhabited by humans and are considered the 4 Nations of Gaia. On the other hand Blackstone is a wild area which is inhabited by animals and magical creatures and is by far the largest of the 5 regions.

As any day I was awoken by the sound of my alarm going off at 7:00am. I turned off the alarm and got out of bed and went to take a cold morning shower so I can go to the academy at 9.

After wearing my academy uniform which was mainly the color grey with blue stripes and accents, I went down stairs for breakfast. My mom as usual was making breakfast and told me to sit down at the dining table till breakfast is ready. While I was captivated by the smell of an omelette being made, a man wearing an office suit made his way to the kitchen and indifferently said "I'll be off for today" and left. That man ofcourse is my father Barron Haloligh. He is a Grade 6 Alchemist working at a normal pharmaceutical company. He's not very talkative and mostly leaves me to my own devices eventhough I am his only child... as far as I know. I don't have any memorable memory with my father but by no means can I say he's a bad father for not regularly interacting with me. I am thankful for him not being strict and giving me the freedom I have.


While I was on this train of thought my mom placed the omlette infont of me snapping me out of it with the sound of the ceramic plate coming into contact with the table. I hastly said "Thanks Mom!!" and started eating. After a few seconds of observing me gulping down the omlette, she gave me the warmest smile and said "Take it slowly, there's plenty of time left" and left the kitchen. After taking Mom's advice I slowly had breakfast, grabbed my bag and left for the front door. After twisting the handle I yelled "Mom I'll be off!" and exited.

The entire capital of Bluestone is connected by railcars which is the most used public transportation system in the capital. I have used the railcars for the past 2 years to attend the academy and from my experience lots of other students do the same. Currently I can see 6 other students on the railcar with me. The railcar takes about 15 min to get to the academy from my stop.

When I got off the railcar I was greeted with the gate of the academy. I managed to make it 11 minutes before the classes began. However unlike other days, today we won't have regular classes as today is the advancement exam.

The advancement exam is held near the end of each year to test each student and to grade them according to their capabilities. There is no set amount of years to graduate, if you manage to become a grade 5 in your profession then you can graduate. There are a total of 10 grades in each profession.

After taking a deep breath I walked in with expectations of becoming a Grade 3 magic swordsman apprentice.

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