《Will of the Void》0. The Introduction


Same, it's all the same... Like it has been for the past thousands of years, strolling through the never ending desert without a goal.

You might be wondering what I am talking about, well let me explain.

I've been stranded in a dimension known as the Null void. The Null void is a god forsaken land without day, air so thick and polluted a normal person would die in a manner of minutes, and an unforgiving amount of magical beasts and creatures that have adapted to these conditions that can tear apart a person as fast as you can blink.

The Null void is a dimension that's a next door neighbor to our own and it wasn't always called the Null Void, it was known by the name Tir and used to be full of life just like our own. The former habitants of this dimension were called the Tirians and they were a civilization that was known for their magical and technological advancements.

Then you might ask as to why they don't exist anymore. The simple answer would be to say they and many other realms including our own engaged in a war and they got destroyed. The detailed answer is well..... a lot more complicated obviously. Buckle up it might be confusing and long...

There are 12 dimensions in total, they all have different laws of physics, different living organisms, different cultures, different levels of technological advancements, different moral codes, different religions and beliefs. Name something and I can bet my right arm it's totally different in another dimension. They mostly never interacted even though there were ways to travel between them with the help of costly spatial magic. Suppose if one dimension advances in technology and magic so much that they end up using up nearly all the resources and life energy of their own dimension but in return get weapons of mass extinction and also a way to break into their neighbor dimension in masses... what do you think happened?


That's right, approximately 12,000 years ago another dimension known as Rigon did exactly just that, they invaded Tir as a desperate attempt at preserving their doomed existence. The Tirians fought back and managed to ask for help from other dimensions. What resulted was the military might of all the dimensions being focused on Rigon and Tir. This lasted for nearly a century. When the dust settled Tir was nothing but a dead husk of it former self due to their star being harvested for energy by the Rigonians. The star of a dimension provides life energy for the inhabitants to use magic and to produce new souls to grow the populace.

Rigon managed to get enough energy to keep living on but were severly handicapped with most of their forces exterminated. The surviving Tirians died out while a lucky few managed to escape into other dimensions. Without the life energy of a star to support Rigon the void took over. Resulting in the birth of strange magical creatures that didn't rely on life energy that thrived in the darkness.

These creatures started using the door ways that were established during the war to break into other dimensions, causing chaos for the recovering dimensions that were still dealing with the aftermath of the war. A treaty was established among the other dimensions to islolate and quarantine Tir which had become the Null void. What does "isolate and quarantine" mean? Basically thousands experts that were well versed in Temporal and Spatial magic came together and carried out the biggest mass spell in history. This basically deactivated all the active doorways and made it near impossible to

establish new doorways. Being Temporaly displaced meant flow of time was different in the Null void. The time here moves approximately 1028 times faster. This means that 1 year in the other 11 dimensions equate to 1028 years here.

You might now be wondering as to why and how I am in this dimension... Well let me tell you my story.

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