《Neb, just a Nobody》Chapter 2: Sculpting?


“Well, then it seems like you hardened your resolve young man, well start so listen carefully” Old man Senex said then started to explain how to sculpt statues from rocks and any other materials.

“First let's start with Sculpting. Sculpting is a form of art created many years ago, in sculpting one creates a three-dimensional figure that can be defined or abstract.” Senex paused for a bit to see if the young man he was talking to was paying attention, and seeing that Neb was attentively listening he grinned and continued.

“The technique we were gonna use is carving since we have no mold for casting, so resins for assembling, and I want to use a hard material so no to modeling. But remember that we might be mixing some techniques so try to remember them later”

”So the first step is to get a big rock for us to start” Senex disappeared for a moment and appeared again but this time he had a gigantic rock on his shoulders. “Like this one,” he says.

“Take that chisel and that hammer and approach the rock” Senex ordered Neb, and Neb followed like a sheep. “Place the chisel on the rock and imagine a rectangular cube, a hundred and seventy centimeters long, twenty-four inches wide, and has a height of fifteen inches.”

“After imagining, hit the end of the chisel with the hammer softly” The old man continued.


A buzzing sound exploded after Neb struck the chisel, and clouds of dark powder covered the area where the stone was. Scaring the shit out of Neb as he stood there frozen, in the same position he struck the chisel.

After a while, a perfectly rectangular cube was revealed through the clouds of dust and crumbled stone, but instead of shock Neb felt tired and could hardly even move, after a few seconds he landed on the cube out of consciousness.


“You have been logged out, due to mental exhaustion. Please take care of yourself and sleep for several hours!” The system’s AI voice echoed into Neb’s ears as he was logged out of the game, but he did not wake up after that, instead he was in a state of deep sleep after he was logged out.

After several hours the exhausted Neb finally woke up, he did not feel too good and he was very hungry at the moment he woke up so he forced himself to eat some bread from his nearly empty fridge and pair it with a bottle of milk.

“Ugh! What time is it already? I feel like shit” Neb stroke his temples as he forces the bread into his throat, in front of the computer.

Looking at the clock Neb saw that it was already noon, so he probably slept around 12-15 hours yesterday since the game started in the afternoon and it was seven when he logged out to eat.

On his computer, he was scrolling through the game forums looking for some useful in-game stuff, or just laugh at some dumbshit people are posting.

“HELP!!! THERE’S NO INTERFACE!!!”-biggerthanyou69

“I AM STILL LOST IN THE WOODS!!!!! HELP!!! RESCUE ME!!!!”- imahotgirl21


Neb almost spewed the milk he was drinking into his computer as he saw all of the things people are posting on the official forums for the game, and the game devs and moderators did not even reply to a single question or insult thrown at them.

It was quite common to see these kinds of posts since the game was almost perfectly modeled after the human world, and might have near similar laws of nature and physics. Since it’s greatly similar, specialized work in the real world can theoretically be jobs inside of the game like a chemical engineer for an alchemist, doctors for doctors, of course, smiths to blacksmiths, and so on.


After browsing through some stuff he put on his IED gaming helmet and logged back into the game.


Neb woke up on the rectangular cube that he cut out with the somewhat magical chisel, scanning his surroundings, he found out that he was still in the river only that it was nighttime already. Old man Senex was several meters away from him, back to his original position.

“Oh, young man you’re awake now. So how was the feeling of pushing your mana capacity to the limits?” Senex sneered as he changes his position on the bench, then threw the chisel and hammer to Neb again. “Come on let’s get back to work already.”

Lost for words Neb simply held the chisel and hammer again and waited for the old man’s instructions, wondering if what was that about the over depletion of his mana.

“Let’s start with the head, now, imagine a lady with her hair neatly tied to a bun, with thick caterpillar-like eyebrows, has glasses, with beautiful eyes, has a defined nose, and thick kissable lips, with a chin measuring exactly two inches long with a good jawline.” Old man Senex described, and continued. “Her ears are a little bit pointed, and her neck is slim and tender. That’s all of it, after imagining her face strike that chisel”

“Bonk” Neb struck the chisel and a face was slowly revealed with the same description as the old man said, the process was so satisfying to watch.

“Not bad kid you’ve got quite a knack for this kind of stuff” Laughed old man Senex as he caresses the face of his beloved Gehirn, it was on purpose as she brings a lot of knowledge.

“Oh by the way did I tell you that, after you finish each statue my wives might give you a certain blessing according to your craftsmanship?” Senex wondered if he told this detail to the young man because if he did not then the young man was purely working by faith on his words.

“Wait what!? You have not told me that detail at all senior!” Neb exclaimed as he learns that each statue might give him its blessings.

“Hehe, anyways the first statue is for Gehirn, the strategist. She holds much knowledge on how the world works, and the faces and details of each of my wives so I made you create her first as she can implant to your head how the other exactly look and won’t be needing my guidance. Also, she is the one that forged the chisel and hammer that you are using, they are called creation and destruction.” Senex proudly presented his wife to the young man, as he sits on top of the not so rectangular cube.

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