《Weeds and Immortals》A 'common' guy


Once again I was really motivated and strove hard to comprehend the two techniques Imm had left me. The ‘Heavenly Mist Illusion’ technique and the nameless moving technique, both were extremely important to me.

The moving technique, because without it I would have to stay on this boring path and continue my life as a slightly unnatural weed. The illusion technique, because it could serve as defense as well as attack, in a world of cultivation certainly something I would need.

Also, the ‘Heavenly Mist Illusion’ technique had another alluring property I needed. It could make me look like a human! Well it’s not really making me a human, it rather created an illusion around me, giving me the body of a human.

Still, certainly better then running around as a floating plant of grass….

Faced with this, of course I was madly comprehending these two techniques, learning how to utilize them.

Both revolved around the manipulation and conversion of qi. Put into a nutshell, I first had to convert and change the qi inside my body into a slightly different form of qi, just like I did to acquire my qi-vision. Then in the second step I manipulated this different kind of qi and used it accordingly to the manipulation arts described in the techniques.

This new form of qi would then move alongside my wishes.

I began with the Illusions technique.

Just as the information inside my mind told me, I converted a portion of my qi into another qi form called ‘Heaven Mist Qi’, then I manipulated this qi and spread it around me just as described. White mist seeped out of my leaves and covered me, it truly looked just like natural mist!

With another thought of mine the mist changed forms and the illusion formed around me.

Suddenly there was no small patch of weed growing on the path. Instead a young, plain but still decently handsome man had appeared on the exactly same spot.


He had normal black hair, brown eyes and very normal features. All in all, he was truly just a normal person, someone no one would pay attention to.

I was satisfied with this form. There was no need for me to stand out, especially as I was still too weak right now. So rather than creating the illusion of an incredible personality, I created a normal, plain guy so as to avoid any troubles.

The only problem were the clothes. I had no idea what kind of clothes I should give my avatar and I thought that I certainly shouldn’t use Imm’s style as comparison. That guy was incredibly powerful and in the first-place kind of weird. It wouldn’t be funny if I got into trouble because of copying his style!

Seems that I would have to stay naked for now.


Well I wanted to be average and avoid standing out, but that place… it should be fine to make it a little more ‘outstanding’.

A weird smile crept on my new illusionary face, creeping me out more than it should.

Anyway, this illusion technique was pretty good. It was simple to use but hard to see through and didn’t use up too much of my qi. The qi-containers inside my body automatically absorbed and refilled more qi then the technique was using up, so I could keep the illusion up all the time.

Of course, right now this body was no more than an illusion, nothing physical. So, I couldn’t just pick up my real body and wander of.

The ‘Heavenly Mist Illusion’ technique could temporally make my illusions physical, but the qi consumption was enormous, more than I could currently naturally absorb. So, if I used it, I could only keep it up for a few moments. After this my qi would be completely dried up and the illusion would vanish.

This was where the second technique Imm gifted me came handy.

Instead of calling it an moving technique it was more of an psychokinetic technique. After converting my qi into the specific qi of this technique, I could easily make things float according to my will.


Naturally this also included my own body.

Adding to this, this technique also had low qi consumption and even if used together with the ‘Heaven Mist Illusion’ technique the consumption could still barley be covered by my natural absorption.

Coming to the point, I was now able to freely move around while looking like a human! Of course, I still had to be careful as my illusionary body wasn’t physical and could be seen through be higher leveled cultivators. But at least I could now move on!

With this in mind I began executing both techniques and moved in the direction of the small village, Imm had told me of.

This is the begin!

I thought to myself, walking naked into the village. Oh by the way, of course I could have made myself invisible first to check out the clothing style…. But no need to spill tears over this stuff, right?

Just as one could expect the first reaction to my sudden appearance in the village was rather…. Let’s say strange.

A few young women at the entrance were the first to spot me and my uncommon…. ‘thing’. At first they froze, unsure what to think of this situation. Later their expressions turned strange as they noticed that I was naked. Finally, their faces became red as they stole glances at the uncommon part of my body.

During the whole process the face of my illusion stayed calm and composed. Just as if I wouldn’t notice their reactions. But in truth I was laughing, my amusement reaching the peak as I watched them .

I truly have to thank that weirdo.

Then finally I saw a young man, somewhat in my age walking down the small street to check on the young woman. He was wearing a simple brown robe, missing any adornments.

I quickly moved, changing the illusion and made my illusionary body wear similar, but slightly changed clothes.

The girls stared at me, wondering if they had seen wrong. If this gigantic thing had only been born in their imagination. Their faces only became redder as they thought so.

The young man who had just arrived had a strange look on his face as he arrived at the entrance of the village, seeing the blushed faces of the young women. He wanted to ask them what was up, but decided to delay that for later.

Instead he focused on me and quickly checked my appearance.

Upon seeing that I looked just like a normal passerby he smiled friendly and approached me.

“How can I help this friend?”, his wording was polite and his voice nice to hear.

I nodded inside my head. This young fellow was alright.

“I have lost my way, so I wondered if friend could tell me my current location and let me stay for the night.”, I pointed at the darkening sky and also smiled friendly.

“I would be thankful if friend could help me find a stay for a single night!”

The youth nodded. This was a common occurrence. People who come to small villages to request for a place to stay for the night and a small dinner. There was no reason for him to deny his request and taking someone in would bring good karma.

“Friend is very fortunate. We have just rebuilt our houses after a fiercer fight a few weeks ago. If you came any earlier I would have had no other choice but to send you away, but now I can help you find a stay and dinner!”

I politely thanked him and he lead the way into the village.

A fight hm? It seems that this world was truly no good place for the weak to stay in.

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