《Typical Isekai: Trying to Fight Corruption in Another World!》Chapter 9


I missed every shot!

As soon as I began to gather mana at my fingertips, the unibunny jerked its head to look up at me and I saw its horn pulsating with light!

It must be some sort of sensory organ that detects magic or changes in the mana around it. How else could it have noticed me?

It was such a blunder on my part. I never considered that, in this world of magic, such things were possible.

It dashed around into the field of grass with haste, but also precision. Despite my best efforts, I only ever saw it beyond the explosive range of each one of my balls of light- no, my magic bullets.

Its finessing me!

‘Just learn how to aim, 4head.’ I heard these words resurface to the forefront of my mind.

Ugh, I never learned how to aim!

All that time, it got closer and closer to the edge of the field and into the safety of the forest beyond. I can’t let it get away! What kind of incompetent mage would I be if I couldn’t finish off one lonely rabbit?

So, I sent a barrage of full-strength magic bullets into the field, though, a few stray shots made it beyond. None went too far or even towards Arreti, thankfully.

The series of explosions that followed shook the ground all around us, however, sent all sorts of wildlife scurrying or flying away. I flinched and glanced towards Arreti.

“Fuck. I hoped nobody noticed that.”

I continued watching Arreti, thinking that something would happen, but nothing did.

I returned my attention to the field and let out a sigh, mixed with relief and mild disappointment. I’ve hunted my quarry successfully, but at what cost?

When the clouds of dust cleared away, the field of grass that once swayed in the wind was reduced to a field of craters. Truly a no-man's land.

“I suppose there’s a certain beauty in destruction, like there is in creation.”

At least, that’s what I told myself as I drifted away back home.

Before I could leave, however, movement in one of the craters caught my attention.

“No... No fucking way...”

A pointy horn stuck out from the dirt and the unibunny, fully intact, followed behind it. It shook its fur clean and squealed at me, as if to laugh, before hopping away.


I have no choice, but to use my experimental magic! Arc lightning! I didn’t get to practice it in full at home, but now is a good a time as any!


With both hands, I placed the tips of my fingers together, and felt the mana gathering into a small circuit of purple electricity. It’s not good enough! I need more power!

Mana in increasing amounts fed into that circuit and it grew in size and intensity, as it buzzed and crackled. This is it!


As the unibunny reached the edge of the field, it looked back at me and smiled. It realized its last mistake as I laughed and watched its amusement turn into shock. A wave of lightning was flying towards it even faster than even my magic bullets! I thought I had finally succeeded, until my attack missed yet again as it jumped into the air!

Fuck this, I’m done. GG well played. You little bastard.

However, when it landed back onto the ground, purple electricity traveled up its legs! The unibunny tensed up and fell over stiffly as it did.

What happened? Was there still residual electricity in the ground?

I flew closer to the unibunny, to inspect my prey. Its white fur had been charred, ruining its pelt. However, asides from that burnt smell, the bunny smelt vaguely of chicken...

I wanted to pick it up, at least, to check the condition of the horn if not to eat the bunny. Though, it crackled with electricity. Was it safe to touch? I mean, it’s my magic. It should be safe, right?

“I don’t think I want to test this out.” I said to myself, hovering over the ground.

To test or not to test. That was my question, but it was answered for me when a gust of wind blew over me and large shadows covered the area around me. Oh, the fuck?

I turned to see a large, winged, scaled creature flying over me. It opened its mouth and I saw fiery light travel up its long throat. It’s a fire-breathing wyvern! Basically a small dragon!


I moved to the side, its flames just barely singing the loose fabric on my sleeve, and I watched as it incinerated my prized unibunny.

So much of my day had been spent in pursuit of that small creature only for it to be reduced to ash in the wind. What a waste.

However, what was a unibunny compared to a wyvern? It’s a wyvern! It’s not just a bunny with a horn, it’s an actual fantasy monster!

“Finally, a worthy opponent!” I cheered, rising into the sky. “Our battle will be legendary!”

Or so I thought.

It sent out a blood curdling roar that rung out louder than my explosions did. Then, I heard more roaring in the distance. I turned my head and nearly a dozen more wyverns appeared from the nearby mountain range.


“Quick skirmish, then? Eh?”

Then, from below, I sensed the movement of mana.

“What the-” Without looking, I moved away from the wyvern's fiery breath again. Is this how the unibunny felt when I shot my magic out at it?

Despite its size, the wyvern quickly ascended towards me and tried to roast me with its fire. However, each time, I not only saw the light in its throat, but I also felt the mana travel through it. Even when it suddenly turned its head and sprayed the air, I felt where the fire wasn’t and moved through it.

“I feel less bad for missing all those shots earlier. Totally wasn’t because of my aim. Totally.”

Regardless, the wyvern was too big to miss! I pointed my finger guns at the wyvern and unleashed a barrage of magic bullets into its side. Each and every magic bullet was dispersed throughout its scales, however.

“It’s not very effective...”

First, it was magic detection. Now, it’s magic-dispersion armor. Give me a break!

How about arc lightning?

“Oh yeah, worth a try.” I said, but I was wrong.

My lightning magic was shot into the wyvern to almost no effect. I say ‘almost,’ because it made it roar loudly. That was something, at the very least.

No... It also made the wyvern hurl out more flames than it did before!

I moved away with ease, of course, but the flames were much thicker, more viscous. It was like napalm! The fire, instead of dissipating as it used to, fell down towards the forest and set it all aflame.

Looking back at the wyvern take in breath, I realized something as it slowly pulled mana into itself. Not just through its mouth, but also through its scales. They didn’t disperse my magic, they absorbed it! I’ve just been feeding it more power with my attacks!

“Give me a fucking break!”

How else could I take down such a beast if not with magic? Suddenly, I wasn’t feeling so excited to battle this ‘worthy opponent.’ Especially with the other wyverns closing in on us. Oh, and the sun was setting. That’s important, too, I guess.

Should I just go home? A tactical retreat is a legitimate course of action!

No, I shouldn't. That’s surely Alex’s cowardice acting up. Besides, how can I practice or learn if I run away at the first sign difficulty. Yet, I was also feeling tired. Perhaps I’m feeling tired from all the magic I’ve been using, like Narses, so I have to.

The wyvern glided towards me, its mouth open and teeth bared hungrily. There’s at least one thing I could try...

I descended back to the ground, the wyvern tailing behind me and chomping away. Then, I brought up some branches from a tree, turned it into a long rod of steel, and threw it into the wyverns mouth.

It easily broke in half...

But the wyvern was choking on it! Its soft and squishy insides, of course that’s its weakness!

“We can take a break for now!” I yelled at the wyvern as it watched me fly away at speeds it couldn’t match. “Tomorrow, I’ll be back for round two. You lizard bitch!”

I flew towards home or, at least, the direction where I thought home was. Then I saw a few silhouettes in the distance, flying towards me from Arreti. Most likely, they were mages.

On one hand, they’re mages who know how to use magic. I would love to have someone teach me some magic tricks.

On the other hand, considering the nosy bunch of assholes back home, they might sooner arrest me for disturbing the peace. Fuck, they might even shoot me on sight. Alessa would probably prefer that I get myself home alive and not delivered to her dead.

But do they even have finger guns? Do they have authority to arrest or kill? I’d rather not find out like this.

I flew down towards the ground and thought about what I should do.

I could probably fly through the forest, but it would take a considerable amount of time to bob and weave through the trees. The mages might even be able to detect me. The unibunny didn’t, but I don’t know if it's true for the wyvern. Regardless, I need to be more careful.

I clasped my hands together and bowed my head.

“I’m sorry, The World. I was arrogant, forgive my foolishness. And please, grant me shelter.” I said, as a used mana to dig into the ground. I’m literally and figuratively going underground to hide. I can appreciate the... uhh... what’s the word? Never mind, I don’t care anymore.

Underground shelter, how should I do it? That’s the more pressing question.

“Oh, I’ve got it. I’ll just build a bunker!”

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