《Typical Isekai: Trying to Fight Corruption in Another World!》Chapter 6


“I’ve got to say, that plan sucks.”

“Damn it, Narses, let me finish talking!”

“We’ll be finished if we mouth off to everyone about our plan to kill Dahlia.”

“For the last time, Narses, no killing!” Alessa exclaimed, throwing up her arms.

“It’s better than no plan.”

“ALL OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!” Rose screamed as she slammed her fists onto the table. Her face had turned red, twisting and contorting into a scowl. Her eyes were even bulging a little.

That was going to be my line, but she delivered it much better than I could have.

When all her anger disappeared, she looked adorably bashful. She covered her mouth with a hand and averted her eyes from us. Her cheeks were now red from embarrassment, rather than rage. Though, the way she brought her anger down from 100 to 0 was kind of scary, like she’s used to it.

She’s definitely got some anger issues after working for Dahlia and it makes me wonder what she’s had to go through. I should ask sometime.

Meanwhile, Narses and Alessa glanced at each other, chuckling to themselves, until Narses took a sip from his crystal flask and after he said, “please continue.”

“Okay then. As I was about to say, we should act under the assumption that Dahlia’s grandfather will decide to get involved in our small town. As such, we’re going to need more collaborators to join us. I remember all the things that Dahlia has done, because of various reasons, and there’s bound to be quite a few people who would be happy to join in. If we can get enough support, then we could get the Constable on board, since he seems like such a nice guy. The town council might join us as well.

Mom could try to sway some townspeople to join us, since Dahlia’s always been quick to threaten. There might be a decent number of people who’d want to see her humbled. Narses could help as well. Since he’s a ‘powerful mage and healer,’ he could be a compelling enough reason for them to join. If not, they might need more people to join our cause, before they’ll consider it.

As such, Rose could try to sway the people Dahlia has antagonized in the past. They’ll be holding grudges and might jump at the opportunity to strike back at her. I’m sure they’ve all seen how she’s been worked to exhaustion by Dahlia and it might make them sympathetic. And, if you’re willing, Rose, there’s something else you could say to make them sympathetic. It probably won’t surprise them to know that Dahlia does Dahlia things, but hearing it out loud might be enough to incense them to take action.”

“That’s quite the plan.” Alessa said, her eyebrows raised. “You really have changed.”

“But, what will you be doing while all that is happening.” Narses said.

“To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I’ve... If I try to help, it might just set us back.”

“Dahlia tried to kill you. If my story could convince people, then I’m sure you’ll be a great help.” Rose said, reaching out and grabbing my hand. We locked eyes and I felt my cheeks flush. Just a little.

Narses raised a brow at us, but didn’t say a word. He was content with pouring some of the contents of his crystal flask into his milk.


“Maybe, maybe not, but I could at least testify against Dahlia.” I responded.

“Alex! You can’t!” Alessa cried out as I felt Rose’s hand twitch.

“It’s rough, I know. If I testify, they’ll probably want to have me punished in some way, but I’m ready to accept the consequences.” Honestly, I’m not okay with being punished for what Alex did in the past, but she needs to atone so I can move forward.

Narses squirmed in his chair and looked away from me. I haven’t even told him exactly what I’ve done, yet. I wonder he might think if he knew.

“I uh... I’ve got a son at the Royal College at The Trident. If it ever comes to it, you can just go there. Just in case. Not as a student, mind you, but I'm sure you can impress the faculty enough to admit you.”

“Narses! You’re actually a big softie, huh?” My smile grew wider as his face grew pinker.

“Always has been.” Alessa smirked at Narses.

“Shut up!” He crossed his arms and turned away from us. “I’m only saying it because it would be a shame to let your talents waste away in this dump of a town.”

“But you live here too.” Rose said, poking his head.

“Only to work! I’m done learning.” Narses scoffed.

“Done learning because you can’t keep up?”

“Please, girly. With my talents as a healer, I could easily find employment. Perhaps, even with the royal family or some ducal house.”

Some ducal house, huh? Aren’t dukes and duchesses supposed to be just below the king in terms of hierarchy? The way he refers to them is a bit... is he actually a powerful mage and healer? But why does using even a little magic make him out of breath?

“I still have one more thing to add.” I spoke up and their attention went back to me. I can ask Narses about it some other time. “I want you all to keep my health a secret. If anyone asks, say I’m bedridden. I’ve been stuck at home, anyway. We might as well use it as a ruse of sorts.”

“People have seen you walking around already, but I suppose it shouldn’t be too strange to accept.” Rose said.

Narses turned back towards us and added, “Especially if I say something about it.”

“Oh, you’d do something like that? For me? Hmmmm?”

“Don’t look at me like that or I won’t do it.”

Ha! What a big softy!

“Alrighty then.”

“But why would you want that?” Alessa said.

“I want to practice with my magic. If I get into another fight, I would prefer to win.”

Narses snorted.

“Who would prefer to lose? Besides, you could probably win quite a few fights on brute strength alone. You just want to play around with your spells! Haha!”

My ears felt a little warm, but only a little!

“I’m excited to practice my magic, but there are still things I want to try. I want to test my limits. You said I’m talented and skilled or whatever, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need the training. It’s dangerous to be lax. If Dahlia somehow finds out I’m still alive and comes back early to finish me off, who knows what could happen? She might not even do it herself. She could stay away and send some thugs in her place.


It will also help us feign weakness. Dahlia might feel emboldened enough that we can lure her into a trap. She also won’t know our true strength, either, so we have the advantage of surprise.”

“She’s actually right. Sounds just like her father.” Alessa said, proudly, as she ran a hand through my hair. “Lionel would always say ‘brute strength alone is a general without an army.’ Do you still remember, Narses?”

“I haven’t forgotten. I’m not that old.” Narses hung his head and scratched his beard. The old man must be feeling nostalgic. He really is a softie. “Still, if you want everyone to think you’re bedridden, it will be difficult to find a teacher for you. Are you sure you want to train alone? I might not be as I once was, but there are still some tricks I could show you.”

“Your father taught me a thing or two, as well.”

“Yeah, back in the day.” Narses muttered to himself with a chuckle. Alessa had heard him, however, and glared. Though, she didn’t say anything.

I looked at Rose and she looked back at me, brow raised and with a smile.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. All of this is beyond me.”

“Fair enough.” I said, smiling back.

“Still, while it’s not preferable to train alone,” I said to Alessa and Narses, “I think it’s more important to play up our charade. No point in training me if it’s going to expose us. What will everyone do if they learned I was not only running about, but also playing with magic? How will Dahlia react?”

“At the very least, I could note down some things you should know. Wait, you can read, right?” Narses said.

“No idea.”


Narses moved his index finger through the air. It trailed light that remained still in the air, making letters.

“Hey, read this.” He said.

“Bollsack. You misspelled it.”

“Uh, that was on purpose.”

“Narses.” Alessa covered her face with a hand and shook her head.

“At least we know she can read now.” Narses shrugged.

Then, they became silent and seemingly preoccupied in thought.

“Yeah, that covers everything. Right?” I said, hoping someone would respond. I’m actually still pretty hungry. Hmmm... maybe I could go hunt after this, then I could practice and eat! Hnnnggg, I wonder if there’s anything fantastical to eat. Like a unicorn! So far, it’s just been fairly average stuff.

“So, how about it?” Narses leaned over to Alessa and murmured. Alessa glanced over to me and I don’t quite know what to think.

“Alex. You’ve changed so much, almost like you’ve become a different person.” She said.

“I know.”

Well, shit. She doesn’t even know how right she is, but there’s something in her eyes. It was not quite suspicion, but there was a great deal of unease. I can’t blame her.

“Do you really think that’s the best course of action?” She asked.

“Yes, I do.”

“Well then, I’m convinced. Narses, Rose, what about the two of you?”

“I was already ready to join in. It’s why I offered my help in the first place.”

He offered to help kill Dahlia, but I suppose simply exposing her crimes is a few steps lower on the escalation ladder.

“I’ve also been up for anything, though, I’m glad we have such a plan. It’s a pretty good one!”

Her smile was jubilant and she was bouncing excitedly in her seat. It made me gulp as I felt my face growing warmer, but I don’t know why.

“It’s all thanks to you and all the information you’ve gathered for us. And that thing you asked the staff at Dahlia’s house, to let you be the only one to write her about me, it was brilliant!”

Rose smiled as her cheeks took on a pinker shade.

“Thanks. I’m rather proud of that.”

Narses then stood from his seat and walked away to the door.

“This was interesting and all, but if you all don’t need me for anything right now, then I’m going to go do work stuff. Better than watching this sickeningly sweet display. It’s just UGH.”

“Aww, you know you like it, you big grumpus.” Alessa said with a laugh as she closed the door behind him.

“No, I don’t! Oh, and Alex, grow your hair back out! You look like a boy!” I heard Narses yell, before he flew into the sky.

“Fuck you! I won’t!”

“Alex! Language!” Alessa frowned at me. “Swearing is one thing, but swearing at is another!”

“I think I’ll get going, too. There’s actually few people I want to talk to that might be able to help us.” Rose said as she left, shortly after. “See you again soon.”

“See ya.”

“Maybe we should’ve picked out a day to meet up again.” Alessa said.

“Oh, that’s right! We should have weekly meetings to see our progress!”

I was about to open the door and run after Rose, but Alessa put a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s okay, I’ll try and talk to them after I wash the dishes.”

“Oh, then I’ll wash the dishes.”

“No, no, just go relax for a while longer. I’m sure you’re going to go run around in the forest, practicing your spells later, right?”

“It’s okay, mom, I want to do it. It can be a way I help out. I can’t be doing nothing around here.”

Alessa smiled and ran a hand through my hair.

“I suppose not. Thank you, Alex.”

“Happy to help, mom.”

She threw her arms around me and she whispered into my ear.

“Just be careful in the forest. Okay? I just got you back. If you’re planning on doing something dangerous, just wait until me or Narses have free time. It ought to be fine if we spend some time with you. A few times, at the very least. Better yet, you could wait until Narses returns with his notes for you.”

“I will, promise.”

She kissed my forehead as I closed the door behind her and I watched, from our silent house, as she ran to catch up with Rose.

She’s surprisingly spry, huh?

I pressed my back to the door as I sat down, bringing up my knees and resting my head on them. This is it, I guess. It’s time to go it alone.

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