
I tried playing back my memories, everything after my meeting with Miranda was a fog, I could see only her, blue hair flailing, lightening pooling from her skin, that dragged behind her like a cloak, her grace and power, that made the very air seethe with radiance. Her unshakable will that let her fight against a darkness that defy reason for three thousand years, I carried her will also, I had to find a way to win.

This battle for my memories was held inside my mind, and the arena was filled with fog. I suspect that this area had once been alight with laughter and blazing images, long music and deep sleep, even if I was not aware of all my experience in my short life, my soul remembered them all, and maybe in the moments of my death I would finally see all the events of my life, the sorrows and joys played out before me.

But as I looked I see nothing but the fog. I fought off the gloom. No, despair cannot take me. I looked deeper into the fog, finally seeing two small dim lights. And hope rekindled barely, I will need to fan it alight.

My growing pain from my overstrained body did not pull me from my stupor, I laid back, almost floating above the pain and irritation, my eyes closed and in a surprising twist I fell asleep and I dreamt of Earth.

It was beautiful, a blue pearl swimming in the vastness of space __my mother. Suddenly a horn was blown from the darkness, and I saw a great dark hand reached for her, it went pass the clouds, and touched her surface, and I heard a voice like thunder, “ THOU ART MINE", a pulse ran down the length of that titanic arm, and fire and brimstone rained down from it, it overran the surface of the planet, the blue fading to mist, the green fading to Ash. She fought back my brave mother, she defended her children even while she fell apart. And she wept not for her death but for her children, her tears falling on those left __Her hopes and dreams.


The shedding started, and my body curled on itself, before arching back violently. My mouth opened wide in a silent pantomime of a scream, my limbs flexing in various unnatural position, muscles began to tear and bones crack.

But even while my body shattered itself, my blood shooting several feet into the air, my several hearts stopping midway for minutes at a time, with my only salvation being that at least a single heart still beat, keeping my grisly form alive.... even through all that, everything in me kept the only memories I had left.... I had forgotten my name, I had forgotten the face of my mother, I have forgotten the taste of food.. but I could remember two things.

My home, that quaint little house on top of a hill, what ever memories I made there was lost, but I could almost taste the air that blew down from the river, I could my laughter echoing in the air.

The second was my mother singing...

Who has seen my baby Who has seen my laughter

You say in the yard?

But I close my eyes, he’s gone!

Who has seen my baby

Who has seen my treasure

You say in the moon

But I close my eyes, he’s gone.....

A shadow reached for me, and I felt a terror seize my mind. Somethings wrong, something going wrong with my memories!, the image in my head of my home, was getting faded, like a picture being slowly put into flames, the house turning old, windows cracked and overgrown with dry weeds that looked like little creeping snakes, and the song was changing, my mother voice going from smooth and hauntingly sweet to insect like hisses....

Who has seen my baby...

Who has seen my secrets

You say inside the well


Let’s pile up the sands, so we see only hands

Who has seen my baby

Who has seen my sustenance

You say by the lake

Well, the tides are hungry, and so am I

My memories becoming elusive, holding on to them harder, like holding a slippery fish, it was like a dream and I am trying to hold smoke.... I cried out in my mind.... the destruction of my body ongoing, tearing my concentration, it offered a fresh set of pain I have not felt before...

I can’t lost this too, I have come so far, let me hold on, even the nightmares are a solace. Even if all I remembered was a warped version of my happiness, it was all I could hold on to. And I will hold on tight.

The memories squeezed turning into strings of light, the song distorted, like a single note stretched beyond meaning, and I held onto their ends. I held the light of my memories. I held the fading song... and a force pulled them from me.


“You shall not have them!”

In the midst of my torture, chills overwhelmed my distorted limbs, the erratic beating of my many heart a drum beat to my misery.

“your struggles are meaningless" the voice that represented the source of all my hatred spoke to me inside my head. “And my blood is jealous”.

The suction force increased.

I wont let it take anything from me. The experience I went through in the body’s of Miranda, had honed my resolve to suffering, my will was unshakable. The dragon blood want to emerge winner, but it doesn’t understand that my will was eternal. At least I hope it was, this battle had been going on for too long, and it seemed there was an immortal aspect of an absolute soul that I had before was gone, for even though I was determined not to give in, my grasp grew feeble.

“ Now you know your Frailty hatchling, now your pride shall leave you __the cursed pride of the Nephilim, has no hold on my blood.”

Inside each of my heart a single drop of golden blood formed, and a monumental transformation happened in my soul, a wave of gold washed over it. If holding back my memories before was like holding up a mountain, it now became a hundred.

My will strained, and I felt little snaps, that echoed like thunder claps, something inside me was being torn to pieces, and I looked desperately for anything.

something made me think of the great dark hand that ended my world, that was a new dream, a new memory. That pitiless hand that evoked inevitability. It was total in its conquest, it was my enemy, but my salvation I think laid in it mercilessness, it saw a world and took it.

And I made my will that hand, it did not struggle to hold my fleeting memories, for why should it struggle?

I remembered the words spoken


And deep within the fogs, under fleeting lights and dancing whispers, I did not just hold my memories. I started to seize the fog.

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