《A Hunter's Second Life Aggression》27. Playing god or Playing the Devil - Part 5


The news of Parker Yue and Calix Aiken waking up from the tragedy was widely spread among the headquarters the following Monday. According to President Eve, Parker woke up on Friday night, and Calix on Sunday at noon. Kino couldn’t help but tear up in front of the boss upon hearing the good news.

President Eve smiled at the boy. This boy has so much of his life ahead of him just to shoulder such responsibility of uncovering one of the biggest wraith mysteries for them. But the smile on her face instantly vanished. She’s killed hundreds—no, thousands of wraiths younger than this child. She shouldn’t feel any pity just because this one is a complicated case.

“If you want, you can come with Pierre after his shift.”

Pierre Yue staggered beside the president. “What? No.” The man glared at him. “You can’t see them either. You’re a devil.”

President Eve ignored his objections. “I’m sure they’ll be glad to see a friend.”

Kino forced a smile. How he wishes to get at least a positive reaction from them. Even if they couldn’t see him as a comrade or a friend anymore, a smile, or at least a “thank you” would be enough to keep him going.

Kino was greeted by his superior’s emotionless face as the man sat on the bed. Calix was in the other room sleeping after growing tired from talking with him. Although fear was evident in Calix’s eyes, he still sent Kino his appreciation and gratitude for saving his life. He mentioned that Pierre Yue had explained his wraith-cursed situation to him after he woke up. Based on Calix’s reaction, it seemed Pierre told him everything he knew. Kino didn’t hear any side comments either, maybe the guy wasn’t that hateful of him after all.

“You look pale. Is something wrong?”

Kino almost jolted in his seat. The captain was raising an eyebrow then returned his eyes to focus on the book he was reading.

“I-I should be the one asking you that, Sir.” He was expecting Parker Yue to be the most furious of them all. He even wore a bulletproof vest that Pierre found ridiculous when he requested one, but currently looking at how calm the younger Yue is, it seems the captain somehow didn’t mind a monster around him. “How are you feeling? Did they tell you about me?”

“I’m good. But I’ll be staying here for another week before I can get back to work. And yes, they informed me about you.” Unlike Calix, there was no fear in his eyes. Maybe he’s just really good in combat that he isn’t bothered by Kino’s existence, or maybe because he’s slaughtered countless wraiths he isn’t feeling any kind of fear anymore.

“I’m glad to hear that, Sir. Calix won’t be returning, however. I guess that makes me the only remaining member left.”

“They will send me new members as replacements, as usual. Don’t worry about it.” He couldn’t keep his eyes off the book.

Kino remembered how Solar and Parker argued when he saw her giving him a cigarette because he wouldn’t have his team members die over petty reasons. “How often does this happen, Sir? You, losing teammates?”


“This is my fourth time as a captain. Ellis and Aran were the longest surviving members I had. I didn’t think they'd survive longer but they did. They made it this far, yet it turned out no finish line and a trophy was waiting at the end of their track. Just like the others.” He creased his forehead and turned his head to Kino. “What about you? Is money enough reason to risk your life in the association? You should be running by now.” He smirked. It was the first time he ever showed emotion, even if it was sarcastic.

Kino shivered. The last words sounded like a threat. An image of him getting murdered on his seat with the book Parker was holding flashed in his mind. “I just want to pay my father’s debt and give my brother a comfortable life.”

“I don’t think they will let you out just like that, Rosen. You’re a special case but you remain a devil. They could betray you anytime.”

He bit his lip. “I already know that. But right now, I’m only thinking of surviving every day until I reach my goal.”

Parker closed the book. “It isn’t my business, and I shouldn’t care about someone’s life and decisions, especially to someone like you. But whatever it is, a person just doesn’t stop after reaching their goal. You wouldn’t like looking anywhere after reaching the top. Keep moving forward until you find another purpose to reach another, then another. That’s how we humans live.”

Kino recalled his idea of running away in case he successfully makes it out of the WHA when the time comes. But once he does, what comes after? He was focused on running away without thinking of the destination. Aran and Ellis reached the end of their track with no finish line and trophy waiting for them, he wouldn’t let the same thing happen to him.

“Was that from the book you’re reading?”

“It’s what that old man kept telling me.” He referred to Ellis.

A nurse entered the room to bring Parker his dinner. Kino bid him farewell and informed him that he’ll be visiting again in the following days.

“Hey, Rosen.”

He turned around.

“Thank you.”

A genuine smile pursed Kino’s lips. He was glad that day turned out well. “See you, Sir.”

New members of the Parker Team were introduced by a vice-captain while Parker gets further treatment in the hospital. On the other hand, Calix had to stay longer as he lost an arm and leg. He isn’t coming back as a hunter anymore.

“I’m Duke Archer. A former police officer. Nice to meet everyone.” A tall bulky man with short, black hair, brown eyes, and sleeve tattoos slipping from his wrists greeted them.

He seems nice.

“I’m Loki Menken! A fresh graduate from a university! I've been working as a hunter for about six months now! I volunteered to be moved to this team because my previous team members hated me!” A guy the same height as Kino, with green eyes and spiky hair dyed in deep orange, cheekily greeted his new team.

“May we know the reason why?” Maxwell, their vice-captain, raised an eyebrow when Loki suddenly pulled a burger out from his uniform. Maxwell Ramirez is a huge man in his thirties, with spiky, black hair, green eyes, and thick stubbles that gives off the impression he’s strict and scary, but is actually a chill dude.


“They hate me for this, Sir.”

“W-Well, you’re not supposed to eat during working hours, Mr. Menken… Is that the burger from my pocket?”

“M-My name is Aria, from the Himura clan! N-Nice to meet you!” Next was a shorter girl with blonde hair and huge, gray eyes who introduced herself. She was hugging a book very tightly in her arms.

“Nice to meet you, Aria. What is that book for?” Asked Maxwell. He failed to get his burger back as Loki Menken started running away with it.

Aria blushed in embarrassment. “I-It’s my spellbook… because I-I can’t cast energy… w-without reciting the spell vocally!” The girl looked at her shoes when she couldn’t control her tears anymore and began sobbing in silence.

The vice-captain scratched his head. “It’s alright, Aria. We don’t mind.”

“B-But, Sir, I-I’ve been a hunter for three years now and I-I still can’t cast a spell using my m-mind! How did I manage to survive out of the five teams I had with t-these p-poor s-skills!” She groaned. “I-I’m going to die this time!”

“You won’t. Don’t worry.” He gasped and muttered something under his breath. “Why do I have to lead weird kids this year…”

Kino felt sorry for the girl. Is she going to be okay?

Maxwell noticed the curiosity in his eyes. “Himura’s teams get wiped out all time and she’s always the sole survivor, despite her err—poor performance as a herald.”

“She seems scared of dying, why isn’t she quitting?”

I could ask the same for myself.

“She’s from the second most powerful ergo-herald clan, the Himuras. Just below the Panelle clan. Maybe being a hunter is an honor in such a prestigious family.” They watched the sobbing girl cry in the corner hugging her spellbook. “She was listed in this team because no other teams want her as they believe she delivers bad luck and death, like what she did in her previous teams.”

If only Calix or Solar were here, they would cheer her up.

“So, the three of you should be informed this is Parker Yue’s team. The captain is still in the hospital for treatment until next week. I was assigned as this team’s vice-captain and temporary captain until Mr. Yue is allowed to go back to work. And here, we have Mr. Kino Rosen. I’m sure you are all aware of who he is, right? He’s a human-cursed wraith working on the human side to help us eradicate the wraith species with abilities he acquired from his curse. The Slayer.”

The new members nodded. Their eyes were full of curiosity as they stared at him like an exotic artifact.

“P-Please don’t kill us! I’m weak and s-scared of d-d-dying!” Aria hid her face behind her spellbook.

“Do you eat people? Can humans eat wraiths, Sir?” Loki has returned with a lunchbox in hand. They were pretty sure it wasn’t his.

“I beat up the landlord’s granny in my previous apartment when I found out she was a wraith. Do you mind if I beat you up?” Duke cracked his fist and neck.

Kino and Maxwell only exchanged incredulous looks.

As if the duty days were back to normal, no difficult raid missions were assigned for the period. Kino got along with Loki instantly among the two new members. In the first seven days with them, he had learned each of their personalities. Aria is the worst version of himself. She suffers from anxiety and lacks confidence. Duke is the overconfident one, with the strength and looks of Supermoon. In every mission, civilian ladies would complement his appearance and skills. For sure, Solar would get along with him very well. Then there’s Loki, who Maxwell finds to be the biggest pain in the ass. He’s a funny guy but eats whenever he gets the chance. Kino has been wondering where he hides his snacks as his trench coat and uniform looked unfitting to store so much. Eventually, he got the nickname of “walking fridge” from Maxwell, which pissed him off on a certain level.

“Hey, man, this is the new store I’m talking about. Let’s give it a try.” Loki tugged at his shirt when they passed a store on the way home. Loki was about to go in. Kino fixed his black cap and face mask to look at the signboard. It was the new cafe near the headquarters Loki kept mentioning since the other day. Even from the outside, he could feel the various wraith auras inside.

“I-I’m sorry, but I gotta go. My younger sibling is alone at home. His babysitter had some important matters to attend to.”

Loki sighed in dismay. He agreed to wear casual clothes and a mask after work if he wants to leave with Kino every day. It fascinated Kino as Loki’s friendship might be genuine to do such a thing, knowing he’s a wraith. He’ll certainly agree to check that cafe but not that day, so he can satisfy his new friend. “But—alright. Hey, wait! I’ll come with you!”

Loki took the opposite route when they parted in the station. The guy waved goodbye to him before stepping inside the LRT. Kino waved back with a smile on his face. A sudden thought of loneliness hit him when the train eventually disappeared into the tunnels.

If Morris learned that I’m a wraith, will he keep the friendship with me, like Loki? And Loki, one day, he might die too. Aria and Duke as well. An unexpected horrible death. Just like Aran, Julius, and Ellis…

How can I take it the second time?

A ring on his phone interrupted his depressive overthinking. It was from Pierre Yue. The first thing he thought of was Parker and Solar. He answered it.


[Where are you, Rosen? I’ll pick you up. It’s an emergency.]

“W-Why? What happened?” He heard the man curse from the other line.

[Solar is missing.]

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