《A Hunter's Second Life Aggression》24. Playing god or Playing the Devil - Part 2


“I think I saw him…”

“Who is it?”

“The vessel of my brother, Magnus…” Beatrice poured another glass of pineapple juice. It was tasty and sweet. There aren’t any fruits like it in Agartha.

“Did you have a look at his face?” Asked the man in floral sleeves. Upon learning that the Everhart Princess crossed the Yellow Gate and landed in Itaport, the man in his 50s immediately sent his men to look for her. He heard the news that she was having a hard time looking for a place to stay, so he invited her to reside in their family villa. But for whatever reason, the princess kept refusing.

Beatrice stared at him. He seemed to be in a deep state of thinking. Did he run across him before? “I didn’t. Just his voice. I followed him outside but I failed to catch him.” She stressfully swiped her hair up.

“Y-You may have failed, my lady, b-but at least you found a useful lead. How about you quit sulking and busy yourself with a nice feast? Rodrigo, tell them to bring out the lamb!”

Beatrice gritted her teeth. “You don’t get it, Heinrich! My brother Nero stepped into this place before me! I can’t let him have Magnus’ heart and power!”

And soon brother Carmine will follow, or worse, Valerius will also…

Beatrice’s hand and body shivered in fear as her half-brother Valerius’ face entered her mind. She will never forgive their father for naming him after the great wraith god as he turned out the opposite of his holiness. If anything, their Valerius was the reincarnation of that demon lord sealed by the church and not her older brother Magnus.

Beatrice almost broke the glass in her hand into pieces. She dropped it on the expensive agarwood table with a loud thud. “Are you alright, my lady?” There was a tone of worry from Heinrich’s voice.


“Thank you for inviting me, Heinrich. But I have to go.”

“M-My lady, m-maybe you can stay for the night for a while and we can discuss—” A bloodshot glare made the middle-aged man shut his mouth.

Everyone fell into silence as Beatrice stood up and walked out the door of the extravagant living room of the Homa mansion. On the other side of the door, she was greeted by a teenage girl. Her eyes in green contacts were full of curiosity looking down at her.

“What made you come here at this hour, Henrietta?”

“Dad, can you do me a favor…”

Beatrice sighed and continued walking in the hallway to find the exit. That must be the daughter he keeps mentioning to her. Heinrich’s sudden hospitality of inviting her to stay in the Casa Homa Villa tells her he’ll be expecting something in return, and that would be a marriage contract between his daughter and one of her brothers to get them bonded with the royal family. Based on her knowledge, the Homa family came from a noble clan back in Agartha. When Heinrich’s family moved into this world, they must’ve lost their noble title. Maybe one of his children was born with one core, that’s why linking with the royal family will get their status back. Wraiths with royal and nobility blood were naturally born with three cores randomly placed in their bodies. It makes them difficult to kill and more likely to survive than wraiths with lower status.

“Did that old man think I’m stupid? We aren’t here for such pathetic reasons…”

Besides, the Everhart empire and its rulers have fallen. His family won’t get anything but dust from us. Yet if I obtained my brother Magnus’ special power. I can get everything back. I’ll be declared as the new goddess of Agartha and this world.


I won’t let anyone have it but me.

“What’s happening?” Police officers and a few hunter officials were blocking the entrance gate of the school the following morning. Students were stuck outside trying to get an idea of what was going on. Some were even crying and throwing up.

“Hey, Kino! Have you heard?” Morris came running towards Kino. He pulled out his phone.

“Twelve students were found murdered in the science lab this morning, their head and bodies were mutilated.”

“W-What?! Who did it? Did they catch the culprit?”

“Unfortunately no. They are currently looking for evidence, so for sure, class will be canceled for today. Man, this is scary… it was probably a wraith attack. That’s why we have hunters involved.”

Kino felt a stabbing pain in his chest. If a wraith did the murder, this wraith can expose him anytime soon too.

“What the hell is going on?” Henrietta appeared beside him. Morris immediately disappeared upon seeing her. Kino guessed he still holds a grudge against her and her friends, and he cannot blame him.

Kino told her what he heard from his best friend.

“Wow, that’s pretty scary.” He turned his head to Henrietta. The girl didn’t look terrified at all, despite her words.

“W-Why do you think they died?” Henrietta looked at him, then grabbed his hand without warning. His face instantly heated up when she leaned to his ear and whispered in a flirting tone.

“Maybe they knew something they weren’t supposed to?”

Kino trembled. Did she…

“Want me to take care of it for you?”


“Announcement, everyone!” It was the president of the student council. “Classes are canceled! Please keep updated on the school website for further news!”

Students cheered despite the terrifying reason there was no school. Henrietta pulled Kino’s arm. “Yay! That’s wonderful! Hey, Rosen, let’s go downtown!”

“I-I… uh…”

Her mood was so bubbly. No one can ever suspect her.

If my suspicions were right, then it means Henrietta can do the impossible. She isn’t powerless at all. I don’t know what to feel if she’s the real person responsible for this. Can I ever predict her at some point? I think I will have a hard time.

He lit up his spirits convincingly. He had to ask her. “W-Where do you want to go?”

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