《A Hunter's Second Life Aggression》11. The New Vessel - Part 4


That day, Kino didn’t show up at the headquarters. Instead, he opted to meet the mafia leader himself in one of his casinos in the Red District. He’d spent the whole afternoon dyeing his hair back to black and putting in the contact lenses similar to his original eye color.

It was the first time Kino had stepped inside a casino. It was a scary place for him. Women, alcohol, men in fights, corrupt politicians, the smell of money. At one point in his life, his father developed a gambling addiction at said location. Large men in black suits and floral attire guided him into the VIP section of the casino on the second floor of the building.

Opening the large double doors, Kino was greeted by a large room with a mixture of red and gold. All the gambling mafia members caught his attention. Everybody stopped what they were doing upon seeing a high school boy enter the VIP room. Suddenly, a large, dark-skinned man wearing expensive shades and a floral shirt stood before him. “This isn’t a place for little children, boy.”

“The big boss called for him.” A man in a suit on his left interrupted. The large man raised an eyebrow.

“For what reason?”

“None of your business, Rodrigo. Hey, come with me.” The man in a suit guided Kino in a spot of rounded red couches, liquors, and women. Once he entered, he felt various wraith aura inside the room. At the center of the place was a bald, hairy man in a yellow, floral shirt surrounded by slim young women in revealing dresses. It was the boss.

A wraith.

The boss recognized him right away and ordered him to sit across from him. As he got nearer to the couches, the boss' face immediately crumpled. His eyes squinted for a second as if trying to determine who he was. Since when did this boy and his family have been wraiths? But then flashed a smile as if he just remembered who he was.

He leaned forward from his seat. “Tell me your business, boy. Are you here to settle your good father’s debt?”

Kino looked at everyone’s scary faces before slowly shaking his head at the mafia boss. The smile on the big boss’ face was swiped off. “Then what is your purpose here?” He asked in a thick accent.

“I-I know how b-badly you want me to pay off my f-father’s debt but I… I’m having a hard time trying to make money right now…”

The mafia boss leaned forward, puffing tobacco smoke into his face. “For what reason?”

“S-Sir, I… It’s a huge amount of money and–”

“Of course, it’s a lot of money! That’s why I want it in my hands as soon as possible!” He hit the table with his palm. Kino flinched in surprise.

“And you see… I’m still a student… I-It’s impossible for someone as y-young as me to m-make a lot of money… I-I’m asking if you can give me m-more time to earn it… I p-promise to pay you back as soon as I get a decent job… after I study…”

“And how long will it take you, my boy? 10 years? I can’t wait that long!” He pointed his tobacco at him. “Your father said the same thing to me! Until he just died, returning me nothing!” He growled. Kino’s ears turned red upon the mention of his father.


He's a wraith. They kill humans for fun. What if he's behind my father's death?

He formed a trembling fist under the couch. “I-I… I will m-make it as soon as possible, Sir…”

“What do you want me to do? Shall I wait till you and your brother die too? Is it your plan to die like your father to escape your family’s debts?” The men roared in laughter from what the big boss said. Kino reddened further in humiliation. Afraid of looking anyone in the eyes upon the mention of “death.”

W-Why did I even show up to see him? I knew it was a bad idea. Shit!

“I-I won’t run away, Sir. That I can promise you. Just p-please give me more time and s-stop sending your men in front of my house and school...” He pleaded.

The boss laughed harder. “Is this why you wanted to see me? Were you afraid?” Everyone laughed again until his face turned serious. “I’ll give you a month.”

Kino’s eyes grew wide. “B-But that’s a very short time!”

“Two months.”

“I can only work in a g-grocery store! T-Three months…”

“Four months!”


“Six months! And that’s final!”

“But I–”

“Do you want me to sell your organs to make money out of you like the other kids? I’m only giving you six months and I’m already being considerate. That’s the longest time I can give you. I don’t care how you’ll earn the money to pay me back but I need it in the next six months. Be a stripper, be a hunter, rob a bank, it’s not my business. Or do you want me to give you to my daughter as a half lifeless slave in an iron cage?”

Kino gritted his teeth. “A year. P-Please, give me a year.”

The mafia boss’ face darkened threateningly. Kino bit his lips and tried his best to look tough in front of the man. “What did you say?”

“P-Please g-give me a year. I’ll pay the whole money back by that time.”

“I can’t do that. I need the money before my daughter’s birthday. I told you, six months and that’s it. Deal?” He pulled a revolver from his shorts and placed it in the middle of the table, threatening him. It was the signal the other men took to point their guns around him as well. Kino paled in fear, a similar kind of fear when he found out he was a wraith. He looked at the bald man in disbelief.

There’s really nothing I can do to talk him out of this.

He closed his eyes tightly. “O-Okay, Sir. D-D-Deal.”

The boss triumphantly smirked, puffing his tobacco. “It’s settled then. Good. Now take this little bastard outta here. I’ll see him in six months.” He waved as his men dragged the boy out of the VIP room until they threw him out into the street. Kino dusted off his clothes.

That man, err wraith. How can I make a million-dollar in six months?

“Moon head?” Walking in the streets of the Red District, a familiar voice called him by the nickname only the people in his team called him. He turned around and saw how the girl’s face was startled upon seeing his teary-eyed face. Her worried expression turned to anger, cheeks turning red like her hair. “The whole team was wondering why you didn’t show up today. Who did this to you?!” Her jaw was clenching. Behind her was the whole Parker Team.


Kino swiped his tears with the back of his hands like a little child. They all approached him, even the captain who was cold as ice, watched behind everyone’s back.

Solar lifted his face with a deep crease on her forehead. “Hey, who made you cry? Tell me and I’ll beat them up for you.”

Kino laughed at her remark. He admitted that he was touched. She sounds like an overprotective mother. She’ll be a really good top hunter in the world.

“I-It’s nothing. I’m just… really sad.”

About everything. Sorry for making you all worry.

He forced a weak smile, puffy eyes meeting the captain’s emotionless pairs. “I didn’t come today but, can I still come with everyone?”

That night, Kino and the Parker Team met in Itaport Downtown coincidentally. To make them not worry, he lied that his grandmother passed away and met with his uncle working around the area to inform him of the news. Meanwhile, the hunters were there to raid a small restaurant that’s been the secret hideout of H-type wraiths that’re fresh out of the Gate a month ago and they were just about to go home.

To comfort Kino, they decided to have dinner in a grill restaurant near the station. He was very embarrassed. He kept denying Ellis’ treat because he didn’t show up when a dangerous raid was assigned to them that day, and now they want to comfort him with a delicious meal. But they keep on insisting.

“What are you talking about? You’re part of the team! Of course, we’ll do anything to cheer a teammate up! To ease up your worries. We’ve been doing this thing since forever. Sometimes I even lie about getting sad so the captain can treat me to food.” Solar confessed as she munched on pork. Parker glared at her from what he heard as everyone laughed.

“That’s true. Now set aside your sadness and eat your food. There’s more than enough to go around,” says Ellis. The team ate the food happily.

“I still can’t believe I pitied that teen because he was a kid–until he attacked me from behind,” says Calix, drinking beer.

“Trust me, Calix. We’ve been through that before. Sparing women and children, only to get almost killed in the end. I can’t count how many times the captain saved my life from those situations,” Aran commented.

“Man, don’t blame yourself for that. That means you’re empathetic.” Calix tapped his shoulder. It seems the two became the closest since Calix joined the team.

“But you gotta put that aside when facing those monsters. Empathy is only for our people and animals. Not for devils.’’ Everyone nodded at Julius' remarks. Kino nodded slowly and simply looked away.

They didn’t know that one of the members of the team is an H-type wraith. Once they find out, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill him, right? Even though they assured him that he’s part of the team, that they will do anything to cheer a teammate up, and that they’ve got his back. Once they find out, all of those words won’t matter. Because he’s a devil not worthy of empathy, like the women and children they killed for being wraiths.

His eyes moved to the table next to them. The mother and child were H-type wraiths. He was sure that both heard what the team was talking about, but they ignored it, even smiling at each other. Maybe they got used to it. As long as no hunters find out, they should live their lives normally.

Kino wants to laugh in bitterness. I am. Pathetic.

He never cared about them when he was human, now that he turned into one and got inside their shoes, his heart starts to feel bad about them. He never wanted to be like them, he doesn’t want to experience what they’re going through. That’s why he can’t accept it.

He started to care because he shares their blood.

“What age was the youngest you guys killed?” He asked, not looking at everyone.

“An elementary student. Before we arrived, she had already killed all her classmates. I was a newbie.” Julius answered, stirring his liquor.

“Wraiths are dangerous like that. Murder runs in their blood since they were born. That’s why they want to conquer our world so badly.” Says Aran.

“Is Agartha really that bad?” Kino creased his forehead.

“That’s what’s written in the books. They describe it as worse than hell, they’d rather occupy our world than live there forever. But this world is ours, so what can they do?”

“Why can’t they just co-exist with us peacefully, right?” Calix pointed out, already tipsy.

Solar smirked, crossing her arms on her seat. “Tell that to their ancestors who started this war centuries ago. Peace my ass. I won’t forgive the devils who almost wiped out my clan.”

“They even started breeding with humans to deliver “peace.” Then the next thing you know, they‘re causing chaos in a supermarket because their wife wants to leave after finding out their secret!” The team laughed at Aran’s joke. Parker silently drank his beer.

“That’s why I will never date, ladies. I prefer to live and die old with my dog in the countryside.” Ellis shook his head.

“Yeah, I once read an article about human women not finding out their husbands are wraiths until they are old with children and grandchildren. Just imagine, that’s so horrible.” Julius nodded his head. “Hunters were losing their lives trying to wipe out the wraiths in this world, and here you are, carrying their offspring.” He laughed at his own words.

“I feel bad for the hybrids sometimes, man. I had hybrids go to my university before. When they got killed by hunters in a raid, that’s how I found out. One was even a classmate in some of my classes. It’s not their fault their parents chose to bear children despite the danger it’ll bring to their lives.” Everyone agreed to Calix.

Kino took that opportunity to ask. “So do you guys… kill hybrids too?”

They all nodded, “We may feel bad but, it’s orders,” Julius answered, playing with his fork.

Solar broke the silence. “Ah! We should stop this chit-chat, before some wraiths here hear our conversation and ambush us by the river. Let’s get our bill and call it a day, shall we?”

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