《Cor Navim》C7: Somnia et sequuntur somnia


I had them sit in the chairs, pushing my memories to the view screens around me. My old squad ran to my left, and the view started moving forward. "This is two years before I was killed." I tell them. "Anyone not wearing armor, is the slave of a warlord. My boss is behind me, you will see him when I look back to make sure he is still there." We round the mountainside, and the ground opens up to reveal the thousand acre poppy field. The darkly tanned skin of the men and women only made them look more emaciated than what they really were, but it was still a hideous sight, they only had a few tattered rags on their bodies covering the parts of their bodies only spouses should see. "What kind of beings are those?" Bridgette asks next to me. "Humans." I answer without looking at her. But I can tell every eye is at me now. "My old world was not able to traverse the heavens, we were bound to our own world. You will only see humans, or animals we use for food in any memory of mine." My mind keeps the memory flowing, the starving people's bodies engraved into my mind. I checked behind me, showing the face of the man who was in charge of this mission, and we kept walking forward. A shout to my left and the view went that direction, the sights of the rifle visible for a brief moment at the sight of a man beating one of the slaves for dropping a sack of poppies, the man being beat was already dead from not being fed, not even the blood left the man's body as the skin broke open revealing the bones that had obviously been broken multiple times, and healed wrong. I shut the memory off, trying to close it out, but without me wanting to, my memory shifted to the day my daughter was born, the happiness and joy of seeing that life after the destruction of one made me a bit happier, but not for long. My wife laying in the hospital bed in front of me. "Is she beautiful, Bubba?" "She is." I lean over and kiss her, the memory goes dark as I closed my eyes. When I lean back, her smiling face is all that matters. Her irises yellow from the cancer she fought for most of our marriage. At that time, she was already fully blind. "Molly, she has ten fingers, and ten toes. She has your smile, and your mother's nose." I sit on the floor, feeling the tears in my eyes as I watch my own memory. "What color are her eyes, Bubba?" Molly's voice was serious. "They are blue baby, as blue as the sky." I told her, as I looked into my daughter's brown eyes. But the smile on Holly's face was what I wanted to see. The beeping of the monitors became louder in the memory, as her heart slowed and finally stopped. I was able to stop the memories then. I laid back on the floor, and just laid there. "What was that second one?" Michelle asked. "The death of my wife." I say. "Our Daughter Clair taxed her body too much, and a disease took her vision a year before. All she wanted, was her daughter to have her old eyes, a blue-grey as a foggy spring morning. So I lied. Rebecca's eyes look similar, it's why I thought she was blind the first week I knew her." "She called you Bubba?" Dani said. "I had a lot of hobbies, and like doing things with my hands; and not always the smartest way, or with a lot of thought. It has been driving me mad not having anything I can physically hold, and work my hands, I've been occupying myself with redesigning stuff, but it's not the same. I knew enough about things in my world to get into trouble, but not enough to get out of it; it's the same here, only now I can alter my perception of time to figure out ways around my own mistakes." I felt a hand touch me, and a series of alarms go off in my mind, rather the computer that is my mind, stating that a slave contract had been enacted. She just had to go and do it. "Even after I told you not to, and showed you a memory as to why I didn't want it, you do it anyway?" I looked at Bridgette. It took me, and her, a second to realize she was actually touching me. It took the rest of the girls a bit to realize it as well. They started standing up while staring at Bridgette's hand on my ankle. "Well," Rebecca nervously chuckled, "you now own each other." I could tell she wanted to ball up and cry. Heather's hand fell through my shoulder, Michelle's did as well. Dannielle tried to poke my hip, and her hand went through like I wasn't here, I watched their attempts, and felt none of them. But Bridgette's hand was definitely there. I reached for Rebecca's hand. And she stopped moving when I touched her. I didn't go through her either. I pulled her to me, hugging her. She gripped me hard enough that I thought she might break a rib, and started sobbing. I let her. All of us knew how she felt about me, her eyes didn't exactly make it easy to keep it a secret. When Dani told me to look up Alterian Biology, I figured something was up, but the fact that they display deep feelings in their eyes was fascinating to me. It wasn't like these infernal lights the computer, I was part of, used, it wasn't a flashing symphony like mine could be at times, they only showed deep rooted emotions about whatever they were thinking about. So if they were mad, or angry, there was no sign; but if you had crossed them, and they despised you with every fiber of their being, their eyes would shift to let you know their deep feelings when they thought of you. Romantic interest was the inner ring of their Iris shifting to red. Rebecca failed to keep it a secret from anyone, but other than Dani, nobody ever mentioned it. Being able to hold her, and comfort her like this is almost bliss. I haven't had any physical contact with a warm-blooded being in seven months. It wasn't long that I was in tears as well. I had almost forgotten what the ability to hold someone was. The turquoise color laid around the room, the color I had learned these damn computers used to show joy. I was indeed happy at the moment, I can feel someone else. I have no idea why, or how; but right now, i don't give a damn. When she finally decides to stop hugging me, there isn't a dry eye in the room. "What is it with you women, and crying?" I said with my own eyes full as well. They all laughed, it got me a kiss from Rebecca. The laughter stopped immediately. She pulled away from me, and looked me straight in the eyes. I had read up about her race, I knew what she had done, and I knew what was getting ready to come. She leaned into me, and whispered near my ear. "According to tradition, one is given, knowing it will not be the only one. Is one accepted?" I had already read up on Alterian culture, so I decided to answer back the way I am supposed to, according to the form. "According to tradition, One is accepted," I sent to her earpiece. She laughed again, before kissing me again, the inner half of her Iris red. "A slave and a wife in one day." I kid. I didn't want the first, and don't know how the second worked, but it still didn't matter to me. I looked to Bridgette, who was obviously happy, but saying nothing. "Why aren't you talking?" I asked pointedly. "I can't, unless you directly ask me a question, or allow it." "I allow you to do everything you were able to do before you touched me." I said, and she visibly relaxed, then gave Rebecca a hug. As soon as her hand left my ankle, Rebecca fell through me. It didn't matter though, she was now my wife. So this solidification thing has something to do with the princess.

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