《The Guardian of the Stars》Chapter 27 Blood Over Everything


The morning of the Warrior’s Solstice, Iya awoke suddenly springing up in the bed. The sun shined bright through the penthouse windows. All the curtains had been pulled back. She noticed she didn’t have any clothes on and quickly covered her bare body shocked. Everything was so fuzzy and she felt hungover like she drank too. Some of the memories of last night slowly started coming back. Flashes and blotches of the conservation she had with Cashius then it hit her… Iya’s head tingled as the most important memory came through.

When she turned to her right Cashius was sitting on a chair close by the bed. He had one leg crossed over with a foot on his knee as he ate a piece of fruit with a knife. He nodded his head to the side while humming a soft melody. Iya jerked and pulled the sheets harder around her as she watched Cashius amuse himself. “Now I’m your prisoner?” She pulsed before asking this question. She almost afraid to ask, the thought was nerve racking. “Why am I naked? You didn’t…”

Cashius stopped what he was doing and smirked at his guest. Iya could hear the leather of his long black boots as he dropped his feet. His cape draped over the chair and his Stellan armor was cleaned making it look shiner than before. He smiled as he turned to look at her, “The thought did cross my mind while you were laying there in between my sheets, but that’s not my thing… I want my women willing and awake when we make sweet love. I would never do anything like that to you. I just laid there besides you and watched you peacefully sleep.” Iya stared at Cashius with a stoic face as she held the sheet tight over her bare breast. She knew now she was dealing with a complete psycho. Getting away from him was not going to be an easy. “If you want your dress, it’s right there at the foot of the bed.”

Iya looked to where he pointed. The dress draped over the edge at the far end. She would still have to get out of the bed to get it. Iya slide out of the bed covering her breast with both hands. When she reached the foot of the bed, she turned her back to Cashius and slipped the black silky dress over her curvy body. He watched every second of course, enjoying the scenery. Iya looked over her shoulder and said, “This can’t be just about me and Kal.”

“No, it isn’t... but it was time I separated you two. I did what I did last night because I needed to have your undivided attention. I needed you to be harmless… you tend to get violent when you get bad news. You stayed awake a lot longer than I expected by the way.”

“Harmless? You could have told me as a real man, as a friend. Instead, you made it clear you’re in control…” Iya stared into Cashius eyes with disappointment. “I defended you when everyone else said you were weird and strange. I was proud one of my childhood friends became the Star Lord. I was proud to say I work for you Cashius… Now I see what everyone else sees, a monster.”

Cashius stared back at the woman he obsessed over. He sensed her sadness and a for a second felt guilty. Iya was always sincere and humble towards him. In that moment he felt he owed her an explanation. “You don’t understand what’s really going on here. Tonight, the announcement at the festival is reassurance. There are Sagens that are loyal to me, loyal to Proctor’s cause. They are on board for what I’m trying to do to Sage. You should be grateful, I had to convince a few to allow you continue my bloodline.”


Iya’s head jerked back to his last comment, “Continue your bloodline? What exactly is going on Cashius?” She cocked her head to side sarcastically, “Please do tell…”

Cashius smiled before clapping his hands three times. A maid came out from the back pushing a cart of fresh breakfast foods. She rolled the cart close and stopped by the table. Cashius got up and pulled out the other chair for Iya to sit in. “Come sit down, I know you’re famished. One of the side effects to that sleeping aid is the munchies. I saw Tyannitus eat enough for three men one morning.” He extended his hand out over the chair nudging Iya to come to the chair.

Iya slowly walked over to the table and allowed Cashius to scoot her in. “Well, you’ll excuse me if I don’t ever want to eat with you again… I like to eat without thinking I’m going to be drugged.”

He laughed at the statement, “I can assure you it’s normal food. Last night was an one time thing… I let my emotions get the best of me. I need to you eat for tonight there is going to be a big celebration. Since I’m on this honesty train with you, I’ll tell you everything you wanna know but you have to eat.” Iya cut her eyes as she picked up a piece of fruit. She looked over at the maid who was acting strange. She kept looking around like she’s never been in Sage before. Cashius caught on to Iya’s stare he knew she would figure it out, “Barbarians are not the best maids or butlers… The hardest part was finding a way to cover their tattoos. Let me tell you, it took lots and lots of makeup.”

Iya turned her attention back to Cashius, “You let Barbarians in the kingdom? Are you insane?”

He looked up at his princess and replied, “Yes… Insanely determined. Now eat so I can tell you my story. I recently found out more about the family I thought I never had. Like I said, there are a few who are super loyal to Proctor and what he stood for. Picking up the pieces to his grand plan was not easy but it needs to be done.”

“What grand plan?” Iya picked up a cup of water and sniffed it before sipping gently.

“To turn Sage into the empire… Proctor didn’t just want to allow outsiders in, he wanted us to be ones who controlled everything. We were being used by the Star Lord and his Council. After I’m done, I’ll have no need for the Twelve Queened Council. Sage will be in control of everything. Everyone will have to report of us…” Cashius grabbed a plate of eggs, a piece of meat and more fruit. “At first I was going to destroy Sage until I found out something very important about Proctor… the real reason he was at my mother’s house the day she died. I thought he was there because I was a Star Child. He was there to say good bye his daughter…” He looked up at Iya and stared straight into her eyes, “I’m not Sagen, my mother was Saijerian. She was the daughter of the Saijerian healer and leader, Isabel and Proctor. I am Proctor’s grandson…”

Iya didn’t blink an eye. Instead she studied Cashius, trying to get a deeper understanding. “I guess now it makes sense. You think it’s your duty to complete what Proctor was trying to do…”

“It is my duty Iya. I was appointed by his followers to finish what he started. Proctor molded me and shaped me into the man I am today. He spent more time with me then his own children. I cannot fail now and I won’t fail into turning Sage into the empire. Proctor often talked about how he had the chance to see what the universe had to offer by walking in the Colonies. The Saijerians didn’t discriminate, they opened their doors to everyone who wanted to trade or seek refuge. Proctor fell in love Isabel, just like Gerok feel in love with his Saijerian wife. Both turned against Sage because they wanted to be free.”


“The Saijerian Colonies has it’s flaws. Disease and blight is rapid up there and that is why Sage keeps it’s doors closed. We are elite because we put our people first. We made the choice to work for the Star Lord and his queens to keep peace and equilibrium, in return all we asked for privacy. We allowed refuges to start the Colonies on Blackius as another way to help those who lost everything. They lost everything because of war, famine, and disease. They would lose everything from civil wars or because one person wanted it all… We are a planet like no other. We are full of beautiful brown people, so many shades of brown we can’t name them all. Our hair is thick as wool like the animals we herd and eat in which we can do a hundred hairstyles. Our bodies are thick, full and pure. Why would you want to change that with mixing everyone with us? We were asked keep the equilibrium. We became the Guardians of the Stars to keep everyone safe.”

Cashius looked down at the floor as Iya walked closer in his direction, “Change is inevitable, my love. It would do you some good to understand that. I don’t have a choice in the matter, it’s always blood over everything… The Guardians will be for Sage. I didn’t say the change was going to be easy. No one will think to rebel and go against us…”

“But you do a have choice! If you’re being forced to do this, I can help you.” She placed her hand on Cashius’s cheek and slowly caressed his jaw line. “I care about you… I don’t want this for you. I know you’re a good person…” Iya moved in closer and gently kissed Cashius on his cheek. She had to try something, she thought. She can play his obsession against him. He didn’t move as she slowly moved to his lips, maybe she can change his mind. Her sweet smell was intoxicating to him… Cashius closed his eyes trying to keep his composure but couldn’t any longer. He wrapped his hands around her waist tight, not letting her go.

The kiss intensified as he squeezed Iya against his body. She wasn’t trying to go too far… When she felt him getting too excited, she pulled back. It made her snap out of the moment. Still inches away from his face, Iya looked down then back up. Her plan backfired for all she could think about was Kal. She softly pushed back and turned her head to the side. Cashius cupped Iya’s hands that rested on his shoulders he knew why she stopped. She took a step back and wiped her lips.

Cashius cut his eyes at the princess, “Don’t start something you can’t finish, my love. If you think seduction will change my mind it won’t. I would save that energy for when you become my wife.” His words made Iya take a few steps back in shock. What did she expect coming from a complete psycho? She felt stupid for even trying… “I know you’re thinking of a way out of this and there is no way, I don’t need any help. I have already thought this through from every angle. Stop trying to fix this…”

Iya gave Cashius a disgusting look. Her upper lip was scrunched up high and it almost touched her nose. “This is what you want? To force me to be your queen and destroy our way of life. If you go through with this, I will find a way to stop you…”

“If you don’t go through with this, I will kill everyone you love. Don’t temped me Iya, you can make this easy or hard for yourself.” Cashius truly banked on Iya thinking she had a chance to save her loved ones. He needed her to believe it, even though it was a lie. Cashius clapped his hands three times again and his Barbarian maid came out. “Take the princess to her room. She needs to freshen up for tonight’s festival.” He turned back towards Iya, “We have a busy night tonight, don’t we?” While still looking at Iya, “Don’t let anyone in her room. Her maid Neta already has another assignment so there’s no reason she should be by.” He turned one last time towards the fake maid and cut his eyes at her, “Do I make myself clear?”

They could see the maid swallow a big gulp before replying, “Yes my Lord.” She bowed and turned her attention towards Iya who walked pass Cashius without saying another word. The misfit looking maid escorted Iya through the courtyard to the palace. Since Iya’s room was in the back of the royal quarters by the garden, they decided to go through the back. Iya didn’t say a word to the maid as they speed walked down the hall. Just before getting to her room, Iya noticed Surra walking in the opposite direction. As they passed by, she made a face at Surra by widening her eyes trying to make a signal.

Surra noticed the oddness of her commander’s actions. She continued walking passing them, pretending like nothing was wrong. When they were far enough away, Surra cut to the left going down a small hallway. She went through the maid’s entrance of the quarters, Iya’s room connected at the far. Her mother Neta used that entrance to enter Iya’s quarters.

She peeked her inside Iya’s room slowly looking around to see if they had reached her room yet. Surra didn’t see anyone so she slowly walked inside the bedroom. She whispered Iya’s name a few times but she didn’t answer. The strange maid came from behind the corner and both frightened one another. “Who are you?! Why are you in here?” said the maid as she confronted the unexpected guest. Iya quickly walked up behind the Barbarian and grabbed her by her head. She twisted her hands, snapping the Barbarian’s neck. She fell straight to the floor by Surra’s feet.

“What the hell did you do that for?” Surra stood back and stared at the dead maid confused. “What’s going on? I haven’t seen you or Kal since yesterday. Kal’s parents are freaking out and wondering if they should notify the king.”

“No! We have to find him first…” Iya exhaled deeply before speaking, “Surra, Jayce was right about everything. Cashius he’s… it’s been him along.” She somewhat began to sob as she told Surra the whole story. Iya told her everything she could remember. Surra’s mouth stayed open the whole time Iya explained what happened at last night’s dinner. The information was so overwhelming she had to sit down.

“He didn’t… did he?” Surra asked as she filled with rage.

“No, he didn’t… he wanted to make a point that he was in control. He knows about me and Kal. I know Jayce told you.” Iya looked out her window and started getting undressed. She felt very dirty from being with Cashius the whole night.

“I knew way before Jayce found out. I was secretly rooting for you two the whole time.” Surra smiled at her friend, trying to ease some tension. “He told you all of this? Wow he’s really arrogant… How is it that Jayce was the only one who could see right through him? All the times I could told him to let it go… now we’re on the brink of a civil war! I have to find Jayce! He’ll help me find Kal and we’ll keep him safe.” She walked behind Iya as she bent down to turn the water on to her bathtub. “Wait, how long are you going to keep this up? We have to tell somebody…”

“I will keep this up as long as I have to… Surra promise me that you will do as I asked and find Jayce and Kal, please. This man is crazy insane and we don’t know who all we can trust at the moment. If we tell too many, the people I love all die. I will buy us some time by playing along. Trust me…”

Surra walked closer to Iya and gave her a tight hug. Iya was in her robe when Surra surprised her. “I am here with you until the very end, my commander. You know I will fight this till my last breath. I will find the boys and fill them in.” She wiped the tears from her face and quickly turned to dash out the door. “He will not win!” Surra screamed back before leaving. Iya watched as her best friend left. She didn’t have much time to get ready before the festival began.

Iya put on her formal attire, a beautiful evening gown for the occasion. When she was finished getting ready, she stood at the mirror looking at herself in the eyes. She knew whatever happens it won’t be from the lack of her trying to stop it. The whole situation infuriated her. Knowing other Sagens were helping Cashius made the situation worse. The uncertainty of who was helping was the biggest issue. Cashius showed his true colors but others are not willing to do the same just yet. She didn’t have time to warn her father or the rest of the family. Iya felt like she didn’t have time for anything. She was taking it moment by moment, hour by hour and secretly praying Cashius didn’t get to Kal first.

As night fell, Iya walked down the long hallway following the noise of the crowd. She did her best of getting glamorous without Neta’s assistance. As the Warrior’s Solstice kicked off Iya knew she would have to put on a fake persona to convince everyone she was actually choosing Cashius as her Chosen. The new Star Lord was already on the balcony hyping up the crowd below. Spilling ale all over the floor, Cashius was good at entertaining the people. Iya walked through the empty Grand Hall and stopped at the sheer curtains just before walking out. She noticed her family wasn’t sitting on the podium overlooking the ballroom. They were all outside sitting on a stage with the rest of the Sagen Council. The elevated wooden stage looked newly built and it overlooked the whole market place.

The ballroom activities and dancing were all taking outside this time. Something that had never been done before. The royal family mixed and mingled with the Council and other prestige’s members of the Sagen society. They looked like they were having a great time as the king and queen danced together to the live band with the crowd. Her sister and oldest brother Jaron Jr. sat close together talking about tonight’s events. They were waiting to see what the big announcement was going to be.

Cashius looked behind him and saw Iya standing inside. He finished his little act and turn around to face Iya. He extended his hand towards to Iya for her to take. She took a deep breath and slowly extended her hand out to his. Cashius pulled Iya out to the balcony quickly, surprising the princess. The crowd roared and cheered when they saw their commander step onto the balcony. The Star Lord raised both his hand and Iya’s high to the sky, “Tonight, ladies and gentlemen is a very special night. I have asked the Fourth born princess to chose me for life and she agreed! I have become her Chosen! As your Star Lord together Iya and I will make new beginnings.”

The crowd cheered, screamed and whistled in excitement. Most of the people on the stage gasped and whispered at the unexpected news. Even Iya’s parents both stopped dancing and looked at one another surprised by what they heard. Patricia especially found the announcement to be odd since she knew about Iya and Kal’s secret affair. She could sense something wasn’t right. Iya tried her best to maintain a smile while combing through the crowd looking for Kal but there were still no signs of him nor Jayce… The pregnant princess Patricia slowly stood up to her feet, wobbling to stand up right. Jaron Jr. saw his sister trying to stand and helped with a hand. “Help me off the stage Jaron. I need to find Jayce or somebody.”

Jaron assisted his sister off the elevated stage, “Where are you going? You shouldn’t be doing too much in your condition.”

Patricia snapped at her older brother, “Something is going on and I want answers.”

Jaron hopped down off the stage and said, “Well I’m coming with you. If anything happens to you on my watch, your husband Rex will kill me. That is, if mom and da don’t do it first.” He ran beside his sister as she wobbled up the stairs to the Grand Hall. The night was alive and the Sagen people were just as surprised as Iya’s family to hear she had finally chosen a life partner. She tried to avoid too much eye contact with Cashius purposely made it a point to be all over her. He constantly kissed all over her cheeks and the hand he was holding. All Iya could think about again was what happened to her Kalvanius.


Kal, Jayce and Aiko ran quickly through the forest until they reached the end. They saw the festival kicking off with lights, loud music and fireworks bursting in the night sky. “We have to hurry the festival is starting!” The others tried to keep up with the captain, Jayce and Aiko knew Kal was desperate to get back to Iya.

Jayce stopped mid way huffing and puffing to catch his breath. Aiko stopped near him to do the same. He couldn’t hold in his feelings about Aiko anymore, “We can’t take her with us Kalvanius! We can’t trust her! She’s Gerok’s daughter…”

Aiko stood straight up and snapped back, “I don’t trust you either! You killed my father and I don’t know what’s going to happen to me! Gerok’s revenge is what got him killed and one day your revenge will do the same. I’m only helping you out because Cashius deserves to die!”

Kal joined in with Aiko, “Jayce just let it go! We could use all the help we could get right now. I understand the feeling behind it but right now we don’t have time for that. If we don’t get back to stop him, we’re all screwed.”

Aiko stared at Jayce and Kal as they all stood in a circle trying to rejuvenate. “There is something you need to know about me if we’re going to work together.” She slowly transformed into the late Gerok. She rubbed her hands together before returning back to herself. The boys jumped back in shock to what they just witnessed. Kal had never seen anything so supernatural.

Then it dawned on him, “You were the one Iya and I were chasing in the market in Nego. That’s how Gerok disappeared… he was never there.” Kal put the pieces together.

“Yes, that was me…” replied Aiko. “We will always be enemies in the end but for now, we need to take out Cashius…”

“NO! Now we definitely can’t trust her! She’s a Skinner! They are a banished people for a reason… Skinners were known for messing everything up where ever they went. Pretending to be kings or spouses, causing civil wars, you name it. That’s why you don’t see them anymore. They’re extinct because they became outlawed… I say we arrest her now and have my father deal with her.”

“Skinner? I thought they were mythical. No matter, we don’t have time to arrest her Jayce and we could definitely use that kind of power at the moment. Cashius doesn’t know Aiko is still alive. We need to use all advantages we have.” Kal looked between Jayce and Aiko before turning his attention on the festival.

They could hear the crowd cheering louder then before. People whistling and screaming congratulations to the ones on the balcony. Kal started to panic, only Iya or the king made speeches on the balcony of the Grand Hall during the Warriors Solstice. Am I too late? He thought. Kal started picking up the pace once he reached the back of the crowd. He tried to push his way through to the front, he had to get a better look.

Halfway there, Kal and the others could see Iya and Cashius standing side by side waving to the people below. Iya wasn’t looking in the direction Kal was coming from and didn’t see him trying to make his way through. Cashius did however… He grabbed Iya by the shoulder turning her around and gave her a big kiss. He pulled Iya’s body in close, making the kiss look real and passionate.

When Cashius let his prize possession go Kal had made his way to the front. He looked up with his mouth wide open walking slowly towards the balcony. His worse fear had been confirmed… Iya slightly wiggled her way from Cashius’s hold and turned towards the edge of the balcony. When she looked down, she saw Kal and his reaction. She didn’t see him coming… All this time Iya was wondering if Kal was unharmed and this is how he finds her?

One of her worse fears had been confirmed…

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