《The Guardian of the Stars》Chapter 21 When It Rains


Aiko climbed on top of a small store’s roof and watched the chaos unfold. A stampede of Lotucians all tried to rush towards the tunnel entrance. They were all in complete panic as the Red Beards burst through the broken force field. Only half a grid of six pieces remained standing. She kept her eyes fixated on Iya and Kal even through the crowds of people. Aiko remembered what Gerok told her about escaping but she wanted to see Iya in action. She wanted to see what everyone was raving about, this ‘Iya the Great’. She studied the Sagen Commander… she wanted to see what Cashius loved so much. Was it Iya’s strength and confidence or was it because she was stunningly beautiful? Even her armor she was breathtaking. Being her was one thing, seeing her in person was another. I could be Iya, Aiko whispered to herself.

Iya turned around and yelled to Kal, “Gather as many soldiers you can find! Start building a line of defense! I have to find my brother and see if the others are alive!”

Kal looked up at the smoking generators wondering how many people survived the explosion, “Go! I got this! We’ll hold them off while the Lotucians get to the tunnel!”

Iya nodded and dashed in the direction to where Jayce was working. There was so many people running trying to escape to the tunnel. She kept bumping into people, making it hard for her to get through. She noticed some had climbed on top of their roofs to avoid being trampled, she had to do the same. When she reached the top of the roof, she started running across other rooftops. Luckily, the stores were close enough together to jump across them. Aiko was on the second roof Iya hopped to. She covered her face with her hood as Iya dashed by jumping to the next store. Aiko had a choice, follow Iya or follow her orders and escape. She wanted Iya dead…

Iya hopped from roof to roof, jumping over people before until she was close enough to Jayce’s worksite. The explosion took everything out, the worksite was completely leveled. There were many people laying on the ground within the blast radius. The dead were completely burnt, blackening and smoking. Limbs were blown off while others were in pieces. Some were moving, a lot were not…

When Iya jumped down to the ground she ran over to the first alive soldier she could find. She checked for any severe wounds, “Are you ok?!” She screamed as the soldier slowly started moving and shaking her head. “Can you get to your feet?” Iya helped the soldier to her feet as she was still dazed. All the chaos surrounding them, made it hard for anyone to comprehend what was happening. Iya walked around to each person she could find still moving, while searching for her brother.

To the far-left corner were tables that were flipped over against a building. Some of the table legs were still burning. Iya noticed a small group of Third borns were bunched together under the tables. She quickly ran over and started flipping pieces over, digging through the debris. When she found Jayce, he was laying face down with his right arm twisted behind his back. Iya turned Jayce over slowly and noticed one of his metal measuring tools sticking out of his side. He had severe burns all over his body. Some of his clothes were burned off, leaving rags covering him. Iya gasped when she saw Jayce’s face. His face was burned from his right eye all the way to his ear. His eye was burned closed and his ear was gone…


Iya called out Jayce’s name with no response. She put her ear to his chest and she couldn’t hear him breathing. Iya didn’t want to pound on his chest because of the open burn wounds. She tried shaking him and screaming out his name. Nothing was working… Iya began to sob over her brother’s lifeless body. She softly cupped his torso, crying while holding him in her arms. All of sudden, she heard Jayce let out a very small gasp.

Afterward he inhaled slowly, wheezing small breaths. He tried to speak but his voice was too crackled. Iya stopped him immediately, preventing him from using any energy. She looked up and around to see if any her Medics had come around to this site yet, luckily there were two. When they spotted Iya, more soldiers, the medics, and a few Third borns rushed to help her. The Third borns were shocked at how bad Jayce and others were burned. Most who were under that table did not survive.

The Medics gently moved Iya aside and quickly worked on helping Jayce. One of her soldiers grabbed her arm, turning her around. “Commander! Come quick! Captain Kalvanius and the convoy are fighting the Barbarians. They’re getting out numbered.” Iya nodded with the soldier as she began to follow him. She turned around one more time looking at the Medics doing their best to patch up their Third born prince. Jayce slowly turned his head and made eye contact with his sister. He blinked a few times with his good eye signaling for her to go, she was needed elsewhere. Iya noticed his signal and blew him a kiss then quickly tried to catch up to her soldier.

Kal and his convoy held off the Barbarians as much as they could as they rushed into Nego. The Sagens quickly noticed the Red Beards weren’t going for the fight but more towards the food and medicines. Outside the boarder was a large wooden cart the Barbarians were emptying the sacks into. They were running around grabbing whatever they get could their hands on. Kal and his soldiers tried to intervene but there was too many ransacking through the markets. Kal ordered his men to keep trying to stop them by any means. There still was a battle just not what they expected it to be. They believed the Red Beards were there to take over Nego, not rob them.

In the midst of the Red Beards pouring through the Nego boarder, Gerok walked slowly into the broken city. He had his eyes fixated on the captain, he planned on ending this charade today. Kal saw Gerok was coming for him, he noticed the crazy look in his eyes. Barbarians flew by Gerok as he took his time walking in. Kal ran around giving orders, shouting to everyone to tighten their defenses. As he finished, he headed straight for his enemy.

Gerok waved his sword around in circles, mocking the captain by playing around with his weapon. He looked Kal with a smile and said, “A very important person wants you dead… You’re the only thing getting in my way now…”

Kal huffed at his comment, “Well, sounds like you’re still doing bitch work for someone else. Still grabbing your ankles for Barbarians? Pathetic… you’re nothing but a worthless traitor.”

Gerok laughed and together they circled one another waiting to the other to attack first. “I see you have your father, Artemis’s tongue. How’s his face doing? He’s lucky to he still has one… Kahn was supposed to kill him, not play with him.” He kept that smile he knew how to push the right buttons.


Kal lounged forward at Gerok making the first move. They engaged in a fierce combat by sword. Gerok knew of all Kal’s moves, he remembered his trainings from Sage. This Gerok however was evolved, he had more tricks up his sleeve than Kal was ready for. Gerok studied from anyone who would train him in different fighting styles. He learned as much as he could, any and everywhere. Kal alone wasn’t an even match.

Gerok started getting the upper hand with his battle with Kal. He kicked him to the ground and threw the captain around like a rag doll. Kal however, never gave up and got back to his feet. Moments later Marcus came rushing into the battle scene fighting off the Red Beards. When he saw who Kal was fighting, he dropped everything and ran in his direction. Marcus had been waiting for this moment… Kal was holding his own but saw Gerok was more advanced. Marcus ran to Kal and Gerok as fast as he could. Blowing through people, whether they were friend or foe. Marcus only saw red when he laid his eyes upon Gerok. When he got there, he kept his full momentum when he lounged at Gerok.

Gerok was taking by surprised to see his old comrade, Marcus. He took a few steps back to prepare for two opponents, “Well, look here! You’re getting old Marcus but you still look good.” He shrugged his shoulders while shaking his head with approval.

Marcus was furious and pointed his sword at his enemy, “I’ve waited a really long time to feel your blood on my hands. Traitor! This is for Prince Jaycen!” He shouted looking in Kal’s direction who agreed with Marcus.

“This isn’t fair… I’m outnumbered Marcus. It’s cool, you’re going to need the help.” Gerok lounged at Kal kicking him in face knocking him to the ground. He quickly moved to Marcus with swift moves with his sword. Marcus countered all of Gerok’s attacks as he moved backwards towards the boarder. Gerok jumped in the air trying to kick Marcus but he ducked under Gerok with a roll. Kal got to his feet and quickly dashed towards them joining the fight. Both Marcus and Kal teamed up against Gerok. He held his own against the two, knocking one down and attacking the other. Gerok knew he couldn’t keep this up for long before they got the upper hand.

Both Kal and Marcus knocked Gerok to the ground a few times as well, the last one really hurt him. He quickly looked behind him to see how much the Red Beards had gathered. When he turned over his shoulder, he saw his savior and smiled. Cain was walking towards them, killing any Sagen soldier who got in his way. When Cain saw Gerok kneeling on the ground, he threw his large two-sided axe at his opponents.

Marcus saw the huge axe coming their way and screamed, “Watch out!” Both Marcus and Kal drove to the side in opposite directions. The axe landed in the middle of a Lotucian soldier’s chest, knocking him back a few yards. The axe stayed straight up lounged in his chest plate of his armor. The Red Beard clan leader slowly walked up to the group pulling a sword out of one of his men. He swung it around in a crisscross while looking at Marcus and Kal. Gerok smiled and took a step back, joining his back up. Cain was not to be taking lightly, he was a ruthless soldier. He never took prisoners, all of his enemies had to die…

Together they approached Marcus and Kal. The Sagens were not intimidated though, this was the fight of the century. They were not afraid of dying in battle. It was the most honorable way to go within their culture. The Sagens looked at one another and Kal whispered, “Together… we do this together.” Marcus nodded at the plan. Gerok throw the first blow at Kal and they all started going at it in a fierce battle.

Two on two, Marcus countered Cain’s attacks and Gerok countered Kal’s. They would switch opponents, trading places within the match. Gerok laughed when he kicked Marcus in the chest, knocking him on the ground. He sat up and spit out some blood. “You’re getting old Marcus. You should have hung it up already.”

Marcus laughed at Gerok’s comment mocking him, “We’re the same age asshole… If I’m getting old so, are you. I’m actually enjoying myself, haven’t had a fight like this in ages.” As he got up, he lounged at Gerok again. He didn’t want to waste time talking, he wanted his revenge Gerok. “You always did talk too damn much…”

Cain came up from behind Kal and picked him up by his armor. He threw him against Marcus making them both stagger to get up. They all beat the day lights out of one another they were matched on a skill level. Gerok noticed it was his perfect opportunity to kill Kal while he was on the ground. He was desperate to finish his mission. Without hesitating, Gerok ran to give Kal a finishing blow but Marcus jumped in front of his captain instead.

The sword went through Marcus’s chest cavity and out his back. He looked down at the sword sticking out of him then looked up at Gerok. He grabbed his enemy tight while slowly reaching for his dagger. Marcus leaned in and whispered, “Revenge is mine…” He thrust his dagger into Gerok’s side by surprised. He pushed the sword further into Marcus’s chest while pulling away. Marcus died as soon as his head hit the floor. Kal screamed out, “NO! Marcus!” Gerok was not expecting his former comrade to do that. He stepped back disappointed he didn’t see that last move coming. Cain however, grabbed his axe from the dead Lotucian soldier’s chest and stepped in front of Kal’s attack.

Cain lifted his arms as high as they would allow, towering over the Sagen captain. As he prepared his finishing blow down upon Kal, they heard a loud yell, “Aww!” Cain tried to turn around but it was too late. Iya ran then jumped off a table. She flew through the air severing Cain’s head clean off his shoulders. His body stood still in shock. His head rolled by his feet while his body clasped beside it. Iya landed on one knee with one hand touching the ground, her sword in the other. She flicked her machete sword to the side cleaning the blood of the Red Beard clan leader. That’s when she noticed Marcus’s lifeless body laying next to her feet. She looked up at Gerok and a small shiver went down his spine… she felt nothing but pure rage.

Gerok was shocked and started taking more steps back. He saw Aiko running up and tried to attack Iya from behind with a small dagger. Iya saw it coming at the last minute and flipped Aiko over her shoulders. She twisted Aiko’s arm snapping it in several places. Gerok screamed out, “Aiko!” He lounged after Iya despite his wounds. The blood stain thickened on the side of his armor. Before he could reach her, a loud rumble of thunder came from the sky.

Everyone stopped in their tracks. The Lotucian people stopped, the Red Beards stopped even Gerok, Iya and Kal. Everyone looked up to the dark blackened sky as large rain drops fell on their faces. The thunder started getting louder and stronger as well as the rain. Strong winds started to pick up, making it harder to see. Kal jumped up and grabbed Iya’s arm. He screamed at her, “We have to get out of here!”

Iya still tried to attack Gerok, not wanting let him get away. He quickly ran to Aiko and grabbed her by her good arm. They hopped away as the Red Beards also started fleeing with their wagons and everything else, they could grab. Iya tried to ignore the storm approaching but Kal wouldn’t let her. She turned around and snapped at Kal, “We can’t let him escape! He killed Marcus! He has to die today!”

Kal snapped back, “We’ll die trying to kill him! We’ll have our chance another day! Please Iya we have to go!” Iya bent down and cut a braid off Marcus’s hair. This braid was the most decorated with gold beads and jewelry. It made her sick she had to leave his body behind.

Kal and Iya were all the way on the other side from the tunnel. There were still people who hadn’t reached the opposite where the entrance was. They turned back towards the heart of city and pushed the remaining people to head for the tunnel. They saw the Third borns escaping with Jayce and the other wounded Sagens. Along the way, Iya had to scoop up a child who was sitting in the middle of the road. The rain was falling so fast there were already large puddles and the winds were destroying majority of the food market stands. Nego was going to get destroyed…

When Iya and the others reached the tunnel, they noticed some hadn’t even reached the other side yet. There were thousands of people all bunched within the four-lane passage to Azul. It was the only way to safety. A Lotucian stood by Nego’s tunnel entrance waiting for everyone to come through. He screamed hurry up to anyone who was lagging behind. “I have to shut the tunnel entrance, other wise we’ll go with the city.” He saw Iya and Kal running as fast as they could. Iya held on to the child tight as while trying to make haste. The gate started closing on its own without the Lotucian soldier pressing the emergency button. The tunnel was being controlled from the other side. The Lotucian screamed out once more, “They’re closing the gate! Hurry! I can’t stop them now!”

A few more people manage to get through before the gate closed. Iya and Kal had to dive through the doors in order not to get trapped. Iya put down the child and she was able to find her family. Her parents thought she was already in the tunnel. There was nothing left to do but to walk back to Azul. The huge pods that transported everyone back and forth were blocked and shut down. Five miles of road with thousands of scared and panicking people made the trip seem longer.

Iya looked up at Kal, he was all bloody and bruised up from the fight with Gerok and Cain. She looked back down at the braid in her hand and couldn’t help but to think about Marcus… Today was a disaster for everyone. When it rains, it fucking pours she thought…


A Lotucian soldier witnessed everything that happened. The loud rumble of the bombs exploded in Nego, shocked Azul as well. The Lotucians that lived in the kingdom city were all glued to the walls watching their beloved market city get torn to pieces. The soldier ran as fast as he could to get to his queen. Others began to panic in Azul as well. Not only is Nego’s force field halfway destroyed, a storm was finishing the job.

When the Lotucian reached the queen, he tripped over his feet falling to ground. Queen Amara, her people and the rest of the Sagens all wondered what was going on. They heard the loud rumbles and saw the Red Beards flooding Nego. The panicked soldier quickly informed his queen he pressed the button to the emergency gates. Once closed they can only be opened manually. Amos, Surra and a handful of other Sagens all ran to the tunnel entrance.

“Open the damn door boy!” Amos screamed as he tried to look outside the side window. He could hear screaming and shouting as the people of Nego tried to cross through. “Don’t you see them coming?! My commander and her convoy are over there! Your people for crying aloud! Open the doors…” Amos got into the Lotucian soldier’s face. He grabbed him by the side of his armor and pushed him on the wall. The soldier was a purple creature with small tentacles coming out of his cheeks with black eyes. The young soldier was scared shitless… Amos and the others didn’t care how scared the soldier was, they needed to get everyone to safety.

The young soldier yelled out, “You can’t open that! What if there’s Barbarians in the tunnels too? We have to protect the queen and ourselves!”

Surra screamed back at the soldier, “You can’t just kill everyone over there! You don’t have a choice… I’ll kill you myself if you don’t open this door!”

“That won’t be necessary…” Queen Amara gracefully came up from behind. She removed a small key from around her neck that was on a necklace. She walked up to the control system that manages the doors and transport pods. When she turned the key, the doors open and a flood of screams came busting through. The others hadn’t reached the other side yet but were rushing as fast as they could.

When Azul heard the bombs, the queen knew the Barbarians had found a way. The force field’s energy was failing and her biggest fear was a storm without protection. It couldn’t capture the storm’s energy without all the pieces. Some of the farms were under the force field that was still intact. At the moment the queen didn’t have any other better plan than to let them in. She had to save her people. Nego was four times bigger in size then Azul but she knew she would figure something out.

As people came bursting through the gate in Azul the royal guards quickly tried to organize them. Thousands of people quickly filled the kingdom city. Queen Amara took to high ground and delivered a speech. Reassuring her people everything was going to be okay. The panic started to lower when the queen announced the kingdom stored food reserves and seeds to regrow. When Queen Amara heard the news about the force field possibly failing, she started gathering an emergency food reserve. Underneath the palace was a cellar filled with food. There was also a small farm on Azul behind her palace. If one city failed the other would be able to supply everyone.

Surra looked through the crowd for Jayce but didn’t see him anywhere. She started thinking he was towards the end. She also was looking for Iya and Kal. After waiting for a few minutes, Surra started seeing bunches of her comrades. Some were assisting the medics carrying the wounded through the crowds. There were a lot of groups carrying the badly burned from the explosion. Surra started to panic when she saw a lot of the wounded were Third borns. She still couldn’t find Jayce anywhere until… She saw Iya and Kal helping to carry him with two of the main medics.

They were trying so hard not bounce around too much. As soon as all four reached the other the side, they moved quickly to set Jayce down. He laid there unconscious, suffering from the pain. Surra ran as fast as she could to get to his side. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The love of her life was fighting for his… When Surra reached her beloved, she screamed out, “Oh my goodness! We have to get him back to the war carrier.” She looked up at the two Medics and pointed to the ship. “What are we waiting for? Pick him back up… slowly!”

Amos and the queen quickly rushed to see what was going on. Iya and Kal stepped back and let the medics with Surra help take Jayce. There was nothing Iya felt she could do for him right now. She had to focus on what her next move was going to be. There was too much to process about what just happened…

Amos right away noticed the defeating look on Iya’s face. He exhaled deeply when he approached them, “We saw the blast from other here. We could see people panicking and running to the tunnel. That’s when we saw the Red Beards stealing food and crops. Surra and I were gathering up the troops but everything happened so quickly. By the time we got almost everyone together, the Lotucian people filled the tunnel. A stampede of people wall to wall blocking our way…”

Kal walked up and placed his bloody hand on Amos’s shoulder, “We understand…”

Amos was eager to find out, “What happened over there?”

“Gerok happened… he was working with the Red Beards. He is our main priority now. We can’t fix the terminals without the Third borns and majority of them are dead.” Iya stared off into space. She looked straight ahead not looking at anyone. She stared out the window watching Nego get flooded by the rain. The storm didn’t look as strong anymore but the rain stayed consistent.

Amos noticed something else off and began to look around. He didn’t see the last general and best friend. He began to look confused thinking he may be with the wounded. Amos looked down at his commander and asked, “Where’s Marcus?”

Iya sighed deep and walked up to Amos. She handed him Marcus’s braid and slowly closed his large hands around it. When Amos looked up his face slowly began to drop. He blinked a few times waiting for his answer. Iya had a hard time looking at Amos’s face without tearing up. “Like I said, Gerok is our main priority. We need to find the bastard and kill him already…”

Amos closed his hand tight around his best friend’s lock of hair. He closed his eyes and put his fist to his lips. “Let the hunt begin… he will kill no more Sagens.”

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