《A Man Led by the Heart of Another World》Burnout


What did the human have, but the Observer did not have? What did the human not have, but the Observer did have?

At first, people did not arouse much interest. They were not much different from other animals: hiding from predators, competing, building shelters, breeding, feeding. Until one dry day, an unusual thunderstorm began. The phenomenon of dry thunderstorms occurs not so rarely, in fact. Lightning struck a tree, and it fell. Thunder struck beasts, and they hid. Humans also retreated to their man-made dens, as they had always done before. No deviations from a standard model of behavior. But one curious human individual decided to take a closer look. This man watched the burning branch with special awe, but at one point he just like that tore it from the tree. The man showed all the other people a beautiful "red flower". Yes, having learned how to make fire, they began to use it in full!

The human had hands and did not have any limits. They did whatever they pleased with any phenomenon that touched their curious minds...

Let's skip it for another tens of hundreds of thousands of years.

Here it is, the main miracle of evolution, the pinnacle of life on the Earth — Homo sapiens sapiens. Once I was thrilled by the very fact of belonging to this species, but the Heart, whose world is filled with a variety of intelligent and semi-intelligent races, will never understand the pride of a modern man. This pride was due to the immensity of human curiosity.

Empirical methods of knowing Everything include not only observation, measurement, and comparison, but also experiment.

During the Scientific Revolution of the Renaissance, many naturalists [1] showed themselves as outstanding scientists. The envy of the Observer burned more and more, because they received much more knowledge.


I do not remember at what point the Observer decided to come down to Earth in the form of a human. He only wanted to gather data. After using some of his power to create a physical body, the Observer copied the old man he had accidentally seen. After a few hours of being in human form, he felt empty. The Observer made a not entirely correct conclusion about hunger: «Humanity has been developing its culinary technologies all this time in order to get rid of this terrible feeling more effectively. Fascinating.»

The new way of getting the data was quite interesting. Observation can be carried out not only by seeing and hearing, but also by smelling and touching... and tasting. Yes, he really decided to eat his envy. So he wandered around the world, trying different dishes, from African mosquito burgers to luxurious French cakes. Let's just skip the question of how he paid for it. If the Observer didn't remember it, which is unthinkable, then I can't know it either.

The Observer had also joined people's holidays: New Year, Independence Day, Shrovetide, and all that. There he ate his fill and enjoyed himself...


...With all his soul.

— How he could get a soul in the manaless world?

— We get there when we get there! Stop interrupting me. Please.

But could it last long?

|December 31, 201█, Moscow|

The Observer was walking towards Red Square to take part in a future event. He looked up into the distance. Through the window of the eighteenth floor of the apartment building, he saw a large family. They looked even happier than the Observer had ever been before. In a thousand years of culinary wandering, he had never been as happy at any holiday as this family. Like this one? No, he was surrounded all the time by joyful faces that shared the joy among themselves.


The Observer kept walking.

This void in his soul cannot be filled neither with Universal knowledge, nor with the most delicious delicacy.

|indefinite time later, Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku, Tokyo|

The Observer left the restaurant. On a street, he heard a noisy conversation between two young men, 19 years old in appearance...

— Wait, why should I quote their entire dialogue? [2] Let me just say this:

Those two were talking about going to TOHO cinema and the popcorn they would have. So the Observer followed their steps.

They have already entered the cinema, their voices are not heard behind the automatic glass door.

At tha time, the Observer thought: «I must to find out how the technology of making popcorn has changed over more than 4,000 years. I'll follow them into that building.» The three-meter Godzilla statue at the entrance did not impress the Observer, as the interior did not. But, impressions from watching were more than enough. The Observer did not have any questions about the reliability of the knowledge obtained from the fantasy anime, which was strange.

— May I ask one question? — Heart interrupted me. Again. Well, I think that asking a question is permissible.

...Ask your questions already! What are you waiting for? Oh, I remember! Ha-ha. This reminded me of our first meeting.

— Yes, of course, Heart.

— What is "anime"?

A. Of course. This world will be waiting for invention of animation for a long time.

— Let us settle this: if you hear a word or phrase that is unfamiliar to you, then copy the knowledge about them. I give permission.

As soon as I said this, my mind strained a lot. Wow, it didn't know that much?

— Now, your story sounds more understandable to me.

Was that amazement just now? Due to the antimemetic properties of spiritual essence of the Heart of the World, I cannot understand its emotions only from words. I can't even recognize the intonation!

— Naturally, it does. I'll continue.

The Observer spent several hours getting acquainted with human culture: literature, music, movies, TV series. That was more than enough time. Without using a thousandth part of his power, He simply left his body for a short time, leaving it unconscious, and connected directly to the servers with the desired content, and at one time studied absolutely everything that was there at that time...

|203█, P██████sk, Russia|

An elderly man with a snow-white beard sits at a computer desk in the city library. On the desktop screen, you can see many open windows with videos showing a variety of physical and chemical experiments.

— You've changed the narrative style. Intentionally?

— Uhhh... Yes.

— I see. I am sorry for interrupting. Continue, please.

There is an open battered book of some scientist on the table, which even in the Internet can not be found, as it is too "ancient". The old man was observing the scenes on the screen with barely noticeable longing. A young man wearing simple rectangular glasses walked over to the next table and sat down at it. He glanced at the screen, at the old man, sighed, and said:

— Oh, it's too late to do any experiments and write down the results: the world is going to end soon anyway... (mumbles) because "it" is still spreading, and I'm sitting here instead of working on... ah, it doesn't matter.

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