《Talents: Activate》Chapter 6


It is a bright morning filled with a lot of sunshine and warm breeze.

“It is quite hot,” Uche complains, speaking to Chiamaka who is standing beside him.

They are standing in front of a high-rise glass building having flat windows. At the top of the building, you can clearly see, written in bold, the word ‘MICROEDGE’ beside the company logo.

“So this is where your mother works, wow,” Uche says, looking at the top of the building.

“One of the leading tech companies here in Nigeria,” he adds.

“Yeah,” Chiamaka and takes a deep breath.

“And she is the…umm…,” Chiamaka stutters.

“Let’s just say not much gets done without her,” she says and clears her throat.

“Say what?” Uche reacts, surprised.

“Alright, Alan…Uche, whatever, let’s go do this,” Chiamaka says.

“Umm, ID, you’re coming into the building too?” she asks.

“Yeah I probably have to. If I’m close enough to your mom’s office, I should be able to discern if there are any advanced talent abilities within that area and try to pin it to your mom if she’s the one,” ID answers, stepping out of the car.

“Alright. So you don’t need to enter her main office then, cause I think she won’t like it to be so crowded,” Chiamaka replies and they all walk into the building.

The receptionist at the entrance tries to stop them from entering but Chiamaka just says her name using her mom’s new surname.

“Chiamaka Davidson. You can confirm with my mom,” she says.

“Already did. Sorry for the inconvenience,” the receptionist says and hands Chiamaka a special card customized for her to enable her pass through the doors without interruption of key card or security codes.

“No problem, thanks,” Chiamaka replies and walks with the guys into the elevator.

“Floor twenty? Wow,” Uche says as the lift takes off.

While in the lift, Chiamaka throws a question.

“Say, how did you guys easily accept all these power stuff and how exactly does it feel, being treated like normal humans?” she inquires.

“Well, some of us discovered our abilities at an early stage in life, some were lucky to meet other advanced talents who helped them train and control their abilities. While some of us grew up in a home full of advanced talents,” Uche answers.

“About the being treated like normal humans, sometimes it can be very frustrating. Sometimes, you just feel like bursting forth and blowing away all these puny humans and their little toys. Taking charge like the superior beings we are,” he adds.

“Huh?” Chiamaka says, shocked.

ID stands there just looking at Uche. There is a brief moment of silence.

“Hahaha,” Uche laughs to break the silence.

“It’s a joke, you know. An A.T. joke?” he says.

Chiamaka takes a deep breath and sighs. ID smiles a little remaining silent.

“Besides, there’s a body responsible for stuff like that, making sure the humans are safe from villainous threats of advanced talents, crests and unknowns alike,” he adds.

“A body?” Chiamaka questions.

“Yeah. Like a team. Pfft you didn’t think we were working alone, did you?” Uche answers.

“Don’t worry Chiamaka, once we get you sorted out, we’ll fill you in on the details,” ID says as the lift stops and opens.

After going through some doors and offices, they finally arrive at the entrance to Chiamaka’s mom’s office. It has a mini reception and Chiamaka asks ID to wait there while she and Uche will go in to see her mom. ID agrees to the idea but pauses for a brief moment.


“I do sense a slight amount of phasic energy around like the person is trying to contain it,” he says,

“What? You have to be kidding me,” Chiamaka replies and sighs.

“Don’t panic yet. It could be anyone around here. The secretary or any other personnel around,” Uche says to soften the situation.

“Or my mom,” Chiamaka adds, holding the handle of the door.

The secretary is about to react but notices Chiamaka and just sits back to continue her work. Before Chiamaka can pull the handle of the door to open it, the door opens and in front of her is a tall Caucasian male with big black afro hair putting on a pair of eyeglass, wearing a long white coat, white shirt, a pair of white trousers and shoes, Professor Lenz. He just stands there looking down at Chiamaka expecting her to make way. Chiamaka stares back at him, surprised though. ID immediately recognizes that the phasic energy he earlier felt was from him.

“This guy seems quite strange and very dangerous,” he says to himself.

“Move,” Professor Lenz says in his deep strong voice.

“Ohh, sorry,” Chiamaka startles and makes way.

Lenz walks past her with his hand in pocket and the other reaching for the cigar in his shirt’s pocket. He pauses, however, when he reaches ID and turns to face him. They both stare at each other maintaining eye contact.

“Interesting,” Lenz says, smiles and walks away with the cigar in his hand.

“What was that?” Uche asks, surprised too.

“No idea,” ID responds and sits on a chair in the mini receptionist.

“Alright go ahead and don’t waste time. We don’t have all day,” he adds.

“Yes boss,” Uche replies, smiles a little and enters the office with Chiamaka.

“Chiamaka!!!” the mum yells, excited as she hugs her daughter.

“Hey mom,” Chiamaka responds.

Chiamaka’s mum, Mrs Obianuju Davidson, though in her fifties, has the looks of a very beautiful young lady. From her dress style, you can tell she is either manager, lead consultant or lead associate, somewhere along that line.

“So nice to see you, quite surprising too,” Mrs Obianuju says.

“Yeah but I mean I can always come say hi to my mum right?” Chiamaka replies.

“Yeah yeah,”Mrs Obianuju nods, slightly.

“So who’s this young gentleman you have brought into my office without any formal notice?” she inquires.

“Well…mom. You know how you always say we should bond more and I should tell you stuff more, well…this is my boy…boyfriend,” Chiamaka answers and coughs a little to clear her throat.

“Ohh really, seriously?” Mrs Obianuju asks, looking strangely at Uche.

“Well, young man, Mr Boyfriend, what is your name?” she asks.

“Well, first name is Uche, middle is Alan and last is Akandu,” Uche answers and while he says this he is already reading her mind, using his mind invasion to find out about Chiamaka’s father or anything related to who may have advanced talents in her family.

“Wow. A name that I do not know of, interesting,” Mrs Obianuju grumbles, taking her seat as do the Chiamaka and Uche.

“What of that other guy? Tomiwa was it?” she questions.

“Tomiwa,” Chiamaka says with a deep breath.

“We…had an unavoidable breakup,” she answers and exhales.

“Look mom, Uche is a great guy. He’s even a first class graduate from that ICT driven university,” she adds.

This gets the mother’s attention.

“Really? What course?” she inquires.


“Mechatronics,” Uche replies.

Chiamaka’s mother is impressed and smiles, hearing this.

“So what do you do now?” she asks again.

“I work independently for now while trying to secure a place for my master’s degree,” he answers.

Mrs Obianuju shakes her head a little and stares at Uche and Chiamaka for a while. Right there on her face, you can see that visage of pride and a bit of arrogance all mixed with smartness, elegance and fun.

“Well that’s a start,” she says.

“You can always apply here if you ever feel the need to grow in challenging environment,” she adds.

“Thank you Ma. Though I already applied once but never got a response,” Uche replies.

“Wow, that’s too bad. You can always try again. I’m sure there was an error somewhere before,” she says.

“Alright, before you two start talking work and then enter into your programming stuff and all of that, mom, I also came to hear more about dad, my own father, from you,” Chiamaka insists.

“Your father? Why the sudden interest?” Mrs Obianuju ponders.

“Well, you know my birthday was just a couple of days ago. I just want to know, that’s all,” she replies.

“I see,” Mrs Obianuju responds.

After a while, Uche and Chiamaka step out of the office, taking their leave. They tell ID and together, they exit the building.

“So how did it go?” ID asks.

“Well for some reason all I keep seeing is a shadowy figure of Chiamaka’s dad in her mom’s mind and I couldn’t find any trace of advanced talent in her mom,” Uche says.

“Quite interesting,” ID replies touching his chin.

As they are about to enter their car, ID senses another feeble aura of phasic energy.

“I can feel a very faint amount of phasic energy around,” he says.

“It could be anywhere you know,” Uche replies.

ID turns and faces a car parked opposite the high-rise building where a lady having medium bob hairstyle covering her forehead, blue glowing eyes, fair ebony skinned, a slim and nice physique, wearing a black sleeveless waist coat, white sleeveless top, pair of skinny black trousers and long leather boots, is standing. It is Oge and she is also putting on a nice designer sun shades. She notices that ID has spotted her and so, lowers her shades, looking him straight in the eye from the long distance.

“Oh come on,” ID murmurs.

“What is it?” Chiamaka asks, concerned.

“Nothing,” ID replies.

“Let’s go,” he adds. They enter the car and drive off.

“This should be fun,” Oge says, locking her car and walking into the Microedge building.

Elsewhere, at a restaurant and lounge center, a beautiful large box like building, well-structured and built with some pieces and designs, Ifunanya is sitting on a very cozy chair, sipping a drink from an exquisite wine glass.

“Enjoying the chill?” a tall, dark muscular young man, asks.

“Bleh,” Ifunanya replies with her usual plain expression.

The muscular guy laughs.

“As expected, Ify,” he says, taking his seat opposite her. There is a small round table between them.

“Good to see you again, Sesan,” she replies.

Sesan is tall, dark, muscular and handsome. He has medium length neat dreads which he packs with a ribbon at the middle, a bit of moustache and beard at his chin. He is dressed in a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans and a pair of black casual shoes.

“Good to see you too, Ifunanya. What brings you here by this time? It’s not exactly club time not that you’re the type to regularly club anyway,” he asks.

“Well…I mean, can’t a girl keep in touch?” she replies.

“Yeah but you’re usually doing your own stuff most of the time,” Sesan responds.

Ify just stares at Sesan for a moment with her plain expression, blinking at intervals while sipping her drink.

“Alright, to cut to the chase, you know everything has been calm so far but let’s be straight with ourselves, it won’t be so for long,” she says.

“Ikeoku is still alive, you still haven’t heard or seen anything about Balogun, Bisoye and the others and have no idea what they are planning. Then there’s also the unknowns that I, Charles, Ada and Nedu encountered some time ago plus the assassin group that is after Aisha, not to forget the recent case of Chiamaka,” she quietly rants.

“Wow that’s a whole lot but you are right. For now all these parties have been silent except for this recent case of Chiamaka to now stir things up,” Sesan replies.

“However, for now, we just have to wait. As we are now, we can’t really take the fight to them. Wemimo and Yetunde are comfortable, living like normal humans. Wale is on some expedition somewhere and I can’t reach some others. I want to find Balogun, I have unfinished business with him and I won’t rest till I do so,” Sesan replies, brimming with anger during his last sentence.

“Remember, protect not revenge,” Ifunanya advices.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever,” Sesan replies.

“How are you holding up anyway? After what happened to your dad?” he asks.

“I’m okay,” she answers.

“And your mom, your brother?” he asks.

“I’m sure she’s holding up fine and my brother, he should be alright,” she responds.

“You know, it’s quite hard to tell what you’re really feeling. You were born with this plain expression and strange personality where even when bad things happen to you, you show no particular emotional change or expression. Some would think it’s a façade but it’s really who you are. I can’t really understand but I’ll take your word for it,” Sesan says.

“What if it some part of our personality has something to do with our crests? Like how you’re the crest of Anyanwu, the sun deity and just like light brings warmness and calmness maybe that’s why you’re like that,” he adds.

“And how you’re the crest of Sango and easily brim with rage?” Ifunanya responds with her plain expression, sipping her drink elegantly.

They both stare at themselves again and burst into laughter.

“That’s just silly. I mean if you think I easily brim with rage, you should see Raji,” Sesan says.

“Ha ha ha. That one is just one violent guy,” ifunanya replies, laughing.

“Anyway, speaking of fathers, do you remember the great Ezeogu? Is there any way to find out about his past? If he had any wife or children, at any point in time?” Ifunanya requests.

“Hmmm, what relation does this have to with Chiamaka?” Sesan investigates, staring into Ifunanya’s eyes.

“Not sure yet. Just a hunch,” Ifunanya replies without quailing at Sesan’s stare.

“What about Charles, Ada, Nedu and Nelo? Why haven’t you reached out to them yet?” Sesan inquires.

“It’s not time yet. If we meet up, our crests will create a resonance causing Ikeoku to easily find me and we’re not ready for that yet. It’s the same reason why a limit has been placed on my powers for some time now,” she answers and gets up to take her leave.

“However, we might be in touch sooner than expected. I feel this Chiamaka’s stuff will bring about a great turn of events,” she adds, dropping her glass cup on the small round table.

“And how’s Mesoma holding up? After what happened and all,” Sesan asks.

“She’s good…I guess. The last time I saw her, she was. I hope she is,” Ifunanya replies, putting her hands into the pockets of her dark red jumpsuit.

“Thanks for the help, Sesan,” she says.

“My pleasure. You be careful. I know how powerful you are, well maybe not presently but still,” Sesan replies.

“It’s alright. I haven’t been playing these past years, you know. Can’t wait to see my own full abilities too. Thanks for the concern though,” she responds.

“Now, time to see how this fight with Ife goes,” she whispers and exits.

Meanwhile, at a flamboyant and fascinating good looking hotel, a group of people sit at the lobby, discussing.

“So how’s it going to be?” Tade asks. Tade has a slim but muscular physique, well-tanned, dark brown skin and a fierce face, wearing a face cap. He has slim legs, making his upper body seem bigger than his lower body. He is wearing a black shirt, folded at the arms, unbuttoned, with white inner wear, a pair of blue three-quarter jean pants, and brown boots.

“Well Tade, we’ll go have a look at it. I was thinking each of the crew gets a chance to fight but I might just go ahead and fight it out with ID straight up,” Ife answers.

“I’m sure that’s certain victory then, right?” he responds.

“Definitely,” Ife replies with a grin. She is wearing a folded short sleeved black t-shirt, a pair of skinny brown trousers and a pair of medium length black heeled boots with some accessories on her.

“Let’s move,” she says and stands up from her seat, exiting the hotel building. Tade walks right behind her.

There is a fat young man standing outside the hotel entrance door and with him, are two young ladies and another guy. One of the ladies, has a big stature, wearing some heavy metallic bangles and a violet turban to cover her hair while the other has quite a small stature, small hands, having a two puff hairstyle and cute puffy cheeks. The guy has short wavy hair, with an ear stud on his left ear, wearing a dark grey shirt, folded sleeves, buttoned all through, untucked, a pair of black jeans and a pair of black casual shoes.

Ife walks out of the hotel door in a cheeky, energetic and bossy style, hailing each of those standing.

“Dominic, my man, good to see you,” she says, greeting the guy with short wavy hair and hugging him.

“Still looking hot as always,” Dominic greets back with a smile and they bump their fists.

“Dan the man, glad you could come,” she moves to greet the fat guy.

“Anytime Ifelola,” Dan, the fat guy, responds and takes a drink from a bottle of beer he is holding.

“Ese, bigz girl, long time, this should be fun,” Ife greets the big lady with a hug.

“Good to see you, tiny hot lady,” Ese replies and laughs.

“Finally, Lil Bims in the building!!!” Ife calmly yells.

“Glad to see you again, Bimbo,” she says, greeting the small lady with a hug.

“Yoo Babe!!!” Bimbo hails back.

“Alright guys, let’s do this. You guys will back up just in case they want to try anything funny,” Ife says as they all step out in style.

“Wait!!!” Tomiwa shouts, showing up suddenly.

“What do you think you are doing Ife?” he asks.

“This is not the plan. Let us go and just kill them all,” he says.

“Want me to take care of this?” Tade requests, looking at Ife.

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle this. You guys go ahead to the car,” she answers and the others move out.

“Plans have changed Tomiwa. We’re no longer working together. Deal with it,” she tells Tomiwa.

“What?! I’ll kill you!!!” Tomiwa yells.

“I thought you’d say that,” Ife replies, appearing at Tomiwa’s back.

“Huh?!” He yells and turns to face her but instantly notices the sword in Ife’s hand and that his body is already cut in half.

“Truthfully, I never really liked you,” Ife says as her sword dissipates and she starts walking to meet her crew.

“Damn it!!!” Tomiwa cries out and fades out of reality.

Ife and her crew arrive at the agreed location at the exact same time ID and his friends arrive there. The location is a big abandoned land with some abandoned buildings opposite each other. Ife and her crew are standing on one of the buildings while ID and his friends are on the other.

“This should do,” ID says as he jumps down from the top of the building to the large empty land between the buildings.

“Sure,” Ife responds, jumping down too.

“This match will be settled by one party giving up either by death or saying I quit,” Tade says aloud to all that are present.

“A special phasic dome is already in place so you can somehow fight to your heart’s content in this little reality marble,” he adds.

“She packed quite the crew, huh?” Aisha says to Tomisin.

“Seems so,” Aisha replies.

Chiamaka watches having a mixture of fear and anticipation, standing beside her good friend Ifunanya.

“Don’t worry, Chiamaka, this should be fine, hopefully,” Ifunanya says, encouraging her.

“What if he loses?” she asks in fear.

“He won’t lose, you have believe that,” Ifunanya quickly responds.

“Fine then, ID, shall we begin?” Ife says, grinning.

ID calmly takes a deep breath and exhales, looking confident.

“Sure,” he replies.

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