《Talents: Activate》Chapter 5


At the new Lagos international airport, arrives a man having the look of a white Caucasian male in his mid-thirties, with big black afro hair putting on a pair of eyeglass. He is wearing a long white coat, white shirt, a pair of white trousers and shoes. As he steps out from the airport lobby, he pulls out a cigarette from his pocket, lights it and gives a puff. He has a calm but serious look on his face. The type of countenance that makes you to be cautious around him.

He is about to take a step forward when a lady bumps into him and steps on his shoe.

“Sorry,” the lady apologizes.

“Ma binu[1] I wasn’t looking where I was going,” the lady adds.

The Caucasian male slowly removes the cigarette from his mouth and lets out a puff.

“Huh? Kid, do you want to die?” the Caucasian male asks with no emotion on his face.

“Kid? Emi[2] die,” the lady says out loud pointing to herself being surprised as she also is in her mid-thirties.

“EEHHH!! Is it because I just mistakenly stepped on you? Kilode[3] are we not agemates,” she adds, hisses and turns around to leave.

“Well I guess you want to die then,” the man says calmly as he puts his cigarette in his mouth with his hands in his pocket.

The lady stands on the pedestrian side, waiting for someone to come and pick her up from the airport. Suddenly, a car moving at high speed with the driver struggling to control the car, swerves and hits the lady instantly killing her. People rush to help the lady and finding out she is dead, they quickly grab the driver threatening to take him to the police. The lady’s fiancé arrives only to find out his wife-to-be has passed on. He quickly grabs the driver along with the airport security officers and they leave the scene to settle the matter.

“That’s too bad,” the Caucasian man says to himself.

“Now time for business,” he says.

“Professor Lenz! Professor Lenz!” A young buff man in a black suit runs shouting as he approaches the Caucasian man.

“Oh there you are. You are the one to pick me up?” Professor Lenz, the Caucasian man, asks.

“Yeah, it’s me. Sorry I’ve been looking around for you,” he apologizes.

“Ha ha,” Professor Lenz laughs.

“No problem at all,” he says.

“Thank you Sir. Shall we get going then?” the man in suit requests.

“Alright,” Professor Lenz says as he follows the man in suit.

“What a sad thing, right Professor Lenz? I heard she was about to get married,” the man in suit says referring to the lady that just had an accident and died.

“Yeah quite awful if you ask me, which is why one must be careful,” Professor Lenz replies and shakes his head.

“Yeah. Especially with the way some of these people drive here,” the man in suit says.

Meanwhile, back inside Chiamaka’s mind.

“What is that?” Chiamka inquires trembling at the sight.

“Wait don’t tell me that’s--,” Uche says, stuttering a bit.

“Interesting,” ID says as he gazes upon the mysterious item.

“Is that her talent ability?” Uche inquires staring at the large obstacle made of massive chains.

“That’s right,” ID replies with a smile.

“What? How? A ball of chains? What is that?” Chiamaka continuously asks.

“Hey hey, slow down girl,” ID replies.

“Let me find out more,” ID says as he stares at the massive chains with high intense with his eyes having a gold glow.


“What is he doing?” Chiamaka asks Uche.

“Well, ID’s talent ability, Impact, has a function which allows ID to learn about the properties and basics of a talent ability by focusing on it for a while,” Uche explains.

“I see,” Chiamaka replies still seeming a bit confused and shocked.

“Yes!!!” ID shouts.

“I’ve figured it out,” he adds.

“That’s your talent ability and what I learnt is that it is linking ability and also has a repair ability too, meaning you also have healing ability,” ID says with excitement.

“That’s awesome!” Uche exclaims.

“Linking ability?” Chiamaka asks.

“Yeah but I don’t have the details yet,” ID replies.

“Now, time to see what your parents can show us too,” Uche says and they begin to wander off in Chiamaka’s mind to find memories of hers where her mother and father are present.

“There’s my mum,” Chiamaka says pointing to a memory of her mother.

“What of one with your father?” Uche asks.

“I don’t really have any memory of him,” Chiamaka replies.

“However I should be able to even see your baby memories but I can’t seem to find them,” Uche says pondering what could be the problem.

“It seems that a powerful force must have sealed them away or removed them,” ID suggests.

“Hmmm, this just gets more complex by the day,” Chiamaka whines.

“That’s alright,” Uche reassures.

“We’ll get to the bottom of it however I’m not getting that much of a talent vibe from your memory. I guess the best solution is to meet your mother in person,” he adds.

“Meet my mum?” Chiamaka whispers to herself and lets out a loud sigh.

“She’s quite busy plus she may not let you even enter her main office,” she adds.

“Hmmm,” ID ponders, holding his chin.

“Well you’ll go as couples then. I’m sure your mum would be glad to meet your boyfriend or fiancé whichever you prefer,” he suggests.

“ID!!!” Chiamaka screams.

“What?” ID innocently asks.

“It’s not really a bad idea if you think of it,” Uche says.

“Of course you’ll like it,” Chiamaka replies with a palm to her face.

“Well we’ll figure that out later,” Uche says.

“Now let’s see what your talent can do,” he says and proceeds to touch the massive chains.

Slowly he proceeds to touch the massive chains in Chiamaka’s mind and once he touches it, there is sudden outburst of ethereal chains from Chiamaka spreading to the others that are outside Chiamaka’s mind that is Tobi, Aisha, Ifunanya and Tomisin. Simultaneously, the chain makes contact with each of them and their minds are dragged into Chiamaka’s mind however it causes a mixture of their minds and memories.

“What is going?” Ifunanya asks looking around.

“Where are we?” Tomisin also asks.

“What? How did you all get into my mind?” Chiamaka asks being surprised.

“Uche it seems once you touched her talent it activated and since Chiamaka can’t control it, it has dragged everyone’s mind into hers,” ID explains.

“Hey why are your memories in my Ifunanya?” Aisha asks holding her head and lets out a scream.

“What?” Ifunanya asks being surprised.

“Hey…now that…you mention it…I can…see your memories…in my head Tomisin,” Tobi begins to stutter.

“Oh no. The uncontrolled linking is causing a collision of memories. This could lead to serious brain damage if not handled properly,” Uche says to ID.

“Quick Tobi, use your ability before we end up having a serious mind collision,” Uche quickly suggests to Tobi.


“Right,” Tobi stutters.

Struggling to keep his mind together, Tobi quickly uses his talents.

“Talent Activate: Imperial Judgement: Shutdown!!!”

Immediately, Tobi emits a powerful shockwave among all that are present and after that, they are all brought back to normal consciousness, out of Chiamaka’s mind including Uche and ID, all with their minds fully restored.

They are all panting as those standing quickly take a seat to relax their heads.

“What in the world was that?” Ifunanya asks looking and breathing normal.

“That was the effect of Chiamaka’s advanced talent ability,” ID replies, taking a gulp from a bottle of water.

“Basically, it’s a linking ability. It seems she can link talents, sharing the effect between different people,” he explains.

“Remember Uche saying the max he can take for a mind invasion is two but you all were able to come into Chiamaka’s mind. However, since she cannot control her abilities yet, it led to a mixture of minds and memories,” he adds.

“Which goes to say, whatever you saw in memory, please forget it!!!” Aisha yells and folds her arms.

“Don’t worry I saw your memories,” Ifunanya replies.

“Huh? And you’re not fazed at all?” Aisha asks looking suspiciously at Ifunanya.

“Do you want me to share with the house how you lay in bed at night dreaming about the one you admire?” Ifunanya asks with a light smirk.

“Hey hey, Ify love,” Aisha replies with a smile.

“Bribe me,” Ifunanya says.

“What if you’re bluffing?” Aisha hesitates.

“Alright, everyone Aisha’s secret crush is---,” Ifunanya goes on to expose Aisha however Aisha interrupts.

“I’ll buy you Shawarma!!!” Aisha shouts.

“Girl, somebody cannot play with you again?” Aisha says holding her chest.

“Hehe, spot on,” Ifunanya giggles.

“Anyway people, so the plan now is Uche will go with Chiamaka as her boyfriend to her mother’s office. I and any other volunteer will follow just in case although we won’t go into her mum’s office,” ID says.

“This is to see if Uche can see if the mum has an advanced talent ability and also from the mum’s memory find out the identity of Chiamaka’s father,” he adds.

Aisha, Tobi and Tomisin bursts into laughter.

“ID I’m sure you came up with this?” Ifunanya asks looking at ID in a funny way.

“Well,” ID replies with a shrug.

“Uche I mean Alan, must be really happy,” Aisha says aloud laughing hard.

“Like his dream has come true,” Tomisin adds.

“You guys,” Uche says with a palm to his face.

“Well, would it work though?” Ifunanya inquires.

“Sadly yes. My mum is that type of mother that likes to friend her daughter and roll with them. She’s interested in everything about me that includes my dating life. I just have to tell her I broke up with Tomiwa,” Chiamaka answers.

“Seems like an interesting mother,” Tobi compliments.

“Alright so it’s settled then. We move tomorrow. Let’s go get some rest,” ID suggests.

“Before you leave, Chiamaka, I never really asked but what’s your original surname?” Uche asks.

“Huh? It’s Ezeogu, why?” Chiamaka answers.

“Nothing. Just wanted to know,” Uche replies.

The moment she mentions the name, Ifunanya’s eyes flinch a bit and Aisha is quick to notice the tiny flinch.

Elsewhere, at the sea port of Lagos where international ships come, the customs and navy officials are keeping watch to catch smugglers. A lady comes out from a ship and jumps down to the ground.

“What a journey. To think I had to use a ship and still didn’t find anything,” she says to herself.

The lady has medium bob hairstyle covering her forehead, blue glowing eyes, fair ebony skinned, having a slim and nice physique. She is wearing a black sleeveless waist coat, white sleeveless top, pair of skinny black trousers and long leather boots; also a bluetooth wireless earpiece. She is carrying a small backpack with one of its hands and a thin long duffle bag strapped to her waist.

She begins to catwalk to find the exit after jumping down.

“Hey you there!!! STOP!!!” one of the naval officers, shouts.

“If you move I shoot!!!” another shouts.

“Who are you?!” he questions.

“Huh?” the lady is surprised a bit.

“Gentlemen, officers, you can call me Oge. I am quite in a hurry, you see,” she answers in a seductive voice.

“Don’t even try it. Your feminine whiles won’t work here. What are you doing here?! What is in your bag?!” the captain of the parole asks.

“Well you see,” Oge, the lady says as she drops the backpack to the ground.

“I’m not in a good mood at the moment and I’m in a hurry,” she says calmly and softly.

“What?!” one of the naval officers shouts pointing his gun at her.

Oge slowly and gently pulls out a sword from her duffle bag and in a flash cuts off the head of the officer pointing a gun at her. The others are shocked and rush to attack save for the captain of the parole who pulls out two swords, observing the lady.

Four of the officers immediately surround Oge however she lands a kick on one of the officers’ face which tears off his head from his body making blood gush off from his neck. Without delay, she does a quick spin and cuts into half the other three surrounding her.

Three other officers watching from a distance are shocked and frozen with fear. With their hands shaking, they struggle to pull the trigger of their guns but are finally able to after some time, letting out continuous shots at Oge. She easily uses her sword to slice the incoming bullets without moving an inch. Quickly, she cuts into the air by swing her sword diagonally, sending the shockwave of the slash against the three officers. This attack of hers cuts deep into the three officers, slicing their hearts in two resulting in their death. After this, she whisks her sword and turns to the captain.

“Hmph!!! I see. So you think you are a big shot by taking down mere humans,” the captain says.

“Ha ha. I’ll show you what it means to be a navy captain,” he adds, holding a sword in each hand.

“Talent Activate: water body.”

Immediately the body of the captain became like water and started producing bubbles.

“That’s right, in this mode I am in a liquid state and you cannot cut me,” he says, laughing loud.

Oge pauses and stares at him in silence.

“Amazing right? You must be frozen by the awesomeness of the ability. It’s a shame I’m going to have to kill you. You’re quite the fine---,” the captain says but before he can complete his sentence, he sees Oge appear suddenly in his front and then realizes he has been cut in half.

“What?!” he exclaims.

“How is this….poss..i..ble,” he stutters and dies.

“First of all, you talk too much old man. Secondly you were too foolish to realize that your body isn’t in a constant liquid state. There is a five seconds interval after two minutes when it becomes normal. What a fool trying to take on an assassin class,” Oge says with a grin.

“How boring and here I was thinking I could stretch a little,” Oge complains, making a pout.


Oge’s phone is ringing, she uses her bluetooth earpiece to pick the call.

“Yo!! Old man. What’s up?” she answers.

“Oge Oge, it seems you’ve accepted my offer,” a deep male voice responds from the phone.

“Hmph! If I didn’t we wouldn’t be having this conversation now, would we?” Oge replies.

The man from the phone lets out a loud laugh.

“Sure thing,” he answers.

“So I should be expecting good news then,” he says.

“Of course. I never fail my mission and I always hold up my end of the bargain. I hope you will hold up yours too,” she responds.

“That is not a problem. I and Queen may not have been the best of friends but I still owe her one or two so I will definitely find a way to bring her back,” the man replies.

“Good. Now then let me enjoy the city of Lagos a bit before I begin my hunt,” Oge says.

“Alright. I’ll leave it to you then. Goodnight then Miss Oge,” the man says.

“See ya and goodnight, Dr. Ezeogu,” she replies and ends the call.

“Now then,” she says, catwalks to her backpack which is on the ground, uses her leg to throw it up, catches and wears it on one hand.

After this, she squats and makes a powerful leap at high speed to the top of a nearby building.

Meanwhile back at Aisha’s house.

“Feel free to stay over!” Aisha shouts though everyone has already made themselves comfortable in the house and are about to sleep.

“I have so many rooms after all,” she lightly murmurs.

“Thank you so much Aisha, it’s already late,” Tomisin says holding a pillow before she enters a room.

“Yeah yeah. You could have teleported right away you know,” Aisha lets a quiet grumble.

“I know right,” Tomisin smiles sarcastically.

Aisha sights Ifunanya before she enters into another of the rooms and walks to quickly meet her.

“Hey, when Chiamaka mentioned the name Ezeogu, I saw you flinch a little. Why’s that?” Aisha inquires.

Ifunanya pauses and stares a while at Aisha, then lets out a light sigh.

“Well, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. During the battle against Ikeoku where my father lost his life, there was a man working with Ikeoku known to his members and friends as Dibiaukwu[4], the Grand Jazz-lord or Grand wizard as some even say and his name was Ezeogu,” Ifunanya replies.

“What? That’s the same name with Chiamaka’s dad,” Aisha says, shocked a bit.

“Yeah but it could be a coincidence. What if someone else has that same name?” Ifunanya responds with a shrug.

“I hope so though if not then maybe it’s not just Chiamaka’s life that’s in danger and also from what you’re saying, this man must know some pretty powerful people,” Aisha says as she turns to leave.

“Have a goodnight Ifunanya and forget my memories!!!” she yells.

“Ohh you want me to forget how you lay on your bed, holding your pillows tight, rolling on your large bed---,” Ifunanya says, teasing Aisha.

“Hey!!! Keep it down,” she whispers as she rushes to close Ifunanya’s mouth.

“Haha, goodnight Aisha,” Ifunanya says in her calm, expressionless manner.

“Shish!!!” Aisha exclaims, leaving to her room.

[1] Ma binu – Yoruba phrase that means don’t be angry

[2] Emi – me

[3] Kilode – what

[4] Dibiaukwu – Great doctor

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