《Talents: Activate》Chapter 4


Back at Aisha’s house, Tomisin and Chiamaka have arrived safely and are sitting on a couch in the massive living room with Tobi, watching TV. Chiamaka put her hands on her head, face bent down; she is filled with fear and sorrow at the same time.

“Why is all this happening now that I’m about to be done with my degree?” she mutters.

“Maybe they are following me from my village after all,” she adds.

“Well for once, I guess the saying might really apply,” Tomisin says, sipping a glass of juice.

Chiamaka sighs, relaxing her head at the top of the couch. Tomisin brinks out a pair of eyeglass from her trouser pockets and puts them on.

“Huh? Weren’t you just shooting stuff now accurately without your glasses?” Chiamaka asks.

“Yeah,” Tomisin replies.

“I don’t necessarily need the glasses, I’m just attached to it because before I awakened my advanced talent abilities, I used to wear glasses, I guess it’s a habit now,” she adds.

“Or your boyfriend said you look good in them right?” Tobi teases and laughs.

“Shut up joor!!!” Tomisin shouts back.

Chiamaka laughs a bit.

“Anyway, why would anyone from my village be after me? They don’t even know I exist I believe,” she says.

“What do you mean?” Tomisin becomes interested.

“Well, my mom said when I was born, my father died and few of his family members knew of her pregnancy. The few that knew never found out if the delivery was safe or not because my dad relocated with my mom and cut away any communication with his family.

So since I was born I have never visited my father’s village or even communicated with any of my father’s people. My mom took care of me herself for a while and later remarried not too long after,” Chiamaka explains.

“That’s why I want to do my best and graduate with the certificate she has been looking forward to,” she adds and sighs.

“And now this has happened and scattered your entire life abi?” Tobi comments.

“Could it be that when your birthday reached, one of them somehow found out and has decided to capture you?” Tomisin questions.

“The thing is they want to capture you, not kill you, that means you must be of value to whoever is involved,” Tobi suggests.

“Wait, what exactly is your ability?” Tomisin asks.

“Ability?” Chiamaka repeats.

“I don’t even know. I have no idea about what’s happening to me. Maybe I should just tell my mom. She will probably want to move me out of this country. Yes that’s a good idea,” she says.

“You don’t get it, do you?” Tomisin replies.

“This is not your everyday stuff, this is the supernatural. It doesn’t matter where you run to, the fact they are using bounty hunters shows how serious they are, they will find a way to track you and if you cannot protect yourself, you will become bush meat to them,” she informs Chiamaka, with a stern look on her face.

Chiamaka sighs and is frustrated.

“I’ll still tell my mom,” she says.

“Suite yourself. Sooner or later she’ll find out anyway,” Tomisin replies.

“Assuming she doesn’t know already,” Tobi adds.

Elsewhere, at an art gallery, a young man in his early twenties, wearing glasses and having a big afro, is standing in front of a large painting on display at the gallery.

“Catch your fancy?” an older man, dark in complexion and with a lot of beard, asks.


“Hmmm, I wouldn’t say. I’m just trying to figure out what the artist is trying to express,” the young man answers.

The older man chuckles.

“By the way, I have been seeing you a lot these days, around the gallery. Looking for anything specific?” he asks.

“Something like that,” the young man answers.

“I heard there are some old artworks in these gallery; some masks and face sculptures made by the old and famous artist, Benjamin Awili. Am I right?” he asks.

“Hmm, interesting you pay attention to the news on our site,” the old replies, rubbing his beard.

“Sure. The artworks are here however they cannot be on display at the moment as there is an ongoing exhibition now. Once the exhibition is over, the gallery will be free for a while and so the artworks will be on display,” he adds.

“I see,” the young man replies.


The young man’s phone vibrates indicating a call.

“Excuse me, I have to take this,” the young man says, seeing the name of the caller.

“Hey, Ify!!! This is a call I wouldn’t normally expect. What’s up?” he says, picking the call.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Ifunanya replies.

“Well, you guys hardly ever invite me to hangout except my help is needed,” the young man answers.

“Ha ha,” Ifunanya giggles lightly.

“My bad, Uche. Sorry about that,” she responds.

“By the way where are you now?” she asks.

“Ikoyi, at an art gallery,” Uche answers.

“By this time? Really?” Ifunanya replies with a sigh.

Uche pauses and checks his wristwatch.

“It’s just past 9pm, not so bad I guess,” he says.

“I shake my head for you,” Ifunanya responds.

“Anyway, I kind of need you to help me with something,” she adds.

“I knew it!!” Uche softly exclaims.

“There just has to a needful reason,” he adds.

“I’m sorry. Look we’ll definitely have that chill someday yeah,” Ifunanya replies.

“It’s alright I’m used to it now. So what do you need?” he asks.

“Can you come over to Aisha’s place? I’ll explain,” Ifunanya suggests.

“Sure. I’ll head over there now,” Uche replies.

“Alright. See you then. Thank you,” Ifunanya responds and ends the call.

“Leaving already?” the older man asks.

“I was thinking you would buy some artworks. You know, they are good investments since most of them appreciate in value,” he adds.

“Ha ha,” Uche lightly laughs.

“I’ll think about it when next I’m here,” he says and leaves the gallery.

Back at Aisha’s house…

“YOU DID WHAT?!” Ifunanya screams, calmly at ID and Aisha.

ID just stands scratching his head and smiling a bit while Aisha whistles as she slides backwards to the stairs leading up to her room.

“Hey Hey, don’t even think about it Aisha,” Ifunanya says in a calm but fierce manner.

“Or I’ll burn both you and your precious house,” she adds.

“Hey hey, don’t you dare lay a finger on my stuff!!!” Aisha yells back.

“If you want to have a go at it, I’m ready when you are,” she adds and makes a stance as if to materialize her sword.

(Ifunanya and Aisha usually have this light friendly spark between them. They are occasionally at each other’s neck. Maybe we will find out later in the series. J )

“Calm down, you two,” ID says, trying to calm the atmosphere.

“Calm down? I’m calm, am I not?” Ifunanya responds.


“It’s your fault!” she calmly yells again.

“Why would you even agree to such a deal from her?”

“Ife is a bounty hunter, she’s definitely up to something. She can’t be trusted,” Ifunanya adds in her calm soft voice.

“You guys are just the same!!!” Chiamaka shouts.

“Just when I thought I could trust you guys, you go and turn me to a trophy that the winner takes home?!” she adds.

“That’s just evi---“

“Hey!” Instantly, Aisha appears in front of Chiamaka and interrupts her.

“Shut up!!!” she says in a calm manner. Her eyes have a fierce glare as she looks down at Chiamaka who is sitting on the couch.

Aisha stands there for some time and the whole house is quiet, watching for what will be the outcome. Chiamaka just sits, afraid and unable to utter a word as Aisha stares into her eyes.

“You’ve been saved twice now and this is the thanks you have to say?!” Aisha asks.

“Not that we need it anyway but are you really that naïve that you think it will all be smooth sailing from now on?”

“From the very first day ID saw you, mostly what he and Ify have been thinking about is your protection even when you did not know about any of these. During our chat with Ife, he already devised a plan that would benefit you in the long run and yet you call him evil? Now I don’t care if you call me evil that’s your opinion but him? That’s just not fair.”

“If you think you have another option, then leave we won’t stop you. See if you can survive on your own as you are now,” she says.

Chiamaka is silent, unable to even move an inch, as tears begin rolling down her eyes.

“Yes. That’s right. Cry. That’s the only thing you can do at the moment,” Aisha says.

“So watch and understand the pain of being weak, so that you’ll never be comfortable with it,” she adds.

“Are you not going too far?” Tomisin speaks up.

“You’ve always had your abilities, you learnt how to fight early enough plus you seem to be wealthy and all; your life has been smooth, you have no idea how I feel,” Chiamaka sobs.

“Ha ha ha,” Aisha laughs.

“You know nothing girl,” she says.

“Let’s not go into details about our past, who we are, where we are from, what we went through or what some of us are trying to run away from. We’ll save that for another day,” she adds.

Chiamaka sniffs and says, “ but…but from what I heard from you people, ID will be the one doing the fighting and from what I know of him and have seen among you guys, he doesn’t look like a fighter to me.”

“Huh?” Aisha says and laughs out loud.

“You really are naïve. You’re actually judging a book by its cover,” she says.

“Don’t let his smiles and calm acts fool you. That same calm, innocent, unable-to-hurt-anything face, is far stronger than you can imagine,” she adds.

“Don’t go giving incomplete info,” Ifunanaya says.

“You know there’s a catch to it,” she adds with her arms folded.

“A catch?” Chiamaka asks, wiping her tears off.

“Oh yeah, the more he--,” Aisha goes on to explain.

“Hey, I think we’ve had enough of that for today,” ID quickly interrupts.

“Don’t worry Chiamaka, you’ll be fine. Relax, there’s still time before we have that duel with Ife and possibly her crew,” he adds.

“Well I’ll just end with this Chiamaka,” Aisha quickly speaks up, walking back to the staircase.

“A wise man once said, ‘the same sun that nourishes the plant is still a danger to it’,” she says, walking slowly with her hands relaxed at the back of her head.

“Pfft!!! Ha ha ha,” Tobi bursts into laughter, trying to cover his mouth and placing his other hand on his stomach.

“Let me guess you’re this supposed wise man right?” he mocks.

Aisha halts as if she just received a heavy knock.

“Hey!! Hey!! Can’t I just have my moment?!” she yells at Tobi, putting her palm on her face.

“You’ll soon leave here now,” she adds pointing at him.

“Leavers,” Tobi replies with a loud laugh.

“Abeg, can we now eat?!” he adds.

“Ohh what I cooked?” Aisha says, swiftly changing to a smile.

“Please, I beg you in God’s name, let’s eat what we ordered,” Tobi replies, kneeling down.

Everyone else bursts into laughter.


Ifunanya’s phone rings with the soundtrack of one of her favourite childhood cartoons.

“Great, Uche’s here,” she says.

Ifunanya opens the door for Uche to come in.

“Where’s my sharwama?” she asks, standing in front of the door.

“Lucky you called again to tell me when I was at the spot if not,” Uche answers and hands it over to Ifunanya.

“Hope you didn’t forget my suya!!!” Aisha screams from behind.

“Of course not,” Uche replies, with a chuckle.

“So much requests,” he murmurs.

Ifunanya makes her way to Aisha’s dining table as she eats her sharwama. This is one of the times her usual calm and plain expression has a smiling one with joy.

“Man, she sure does love her sharwama,” Tobi comments.

“Suya!!!” Aisha screams as she runs and grabs the suya pack from Uche’s hand before he can even settle down.

“Aisha baby,” Tobi teases, drawing near to Aisha.

“Hey! Don’t touch me! I don’t know you,” Aisha replies, keeping the suya to herself.

Tomisin quickly teleports and snatches the suya from Aisha.

“It’s mine!! All mine!!” she laughs, holding up the suya pack.

Aisha quickly moves to where Tomisin is, with lightning sparks, to snatch the suya pack however Tomisin teleports to another spot.

“Ha Ha, you know we can do this all night and you won’t catch me,” Tomisin teases with her tongue out.

“We’ll see about that,” Aisha replies and zooms towards her again.

“Now, now we can all share you know, it’s quite much actually,” Uche suggests

“Except y’all wanna battle this out,” Tobi says, bumping his fists.

“Wanna? Seriously? Pfft! You killed mood,” Aisha says, walking sluggishly to the dining table.

“As in ehnn, let’s just share it,” Tomisin adds with a sigh and makes her way to the dining table with the suya pack.

ID stands there laughing and exchanging greetings with Uche. Chiamaka had gone upstairs when Uche stepped in however when ID and Uche are talking she steps back down to the living room.

“Alan?!” she exclaims.

“Hey Amaka,” Uche replies with a hand wave.

ID looks at both of them.

“You mean Uche, I know his other name is Alan but he rarely uses it, says he prefers Uche,” ID says.

“Yeah but he told me his name is Alan when he approached me,” Chiamaka replies.

“Approached, as in asked you out?” ID inquires.

“Yeah,” Chiamaka answers.

Aisha immediately gulps her glass of wine and laughs out loud.

“Ha Ha Ha!!! This just keeps getting interesting,” she says.

“Uche Uche or should I say Alan, smooth talker,” she adds, raising both her eyebrows at him, and follows with another loud laugh.

“From what I can see, seems she said no,” Tobi adds, with a loud laugh also.

“You guys,” ID says and begins laughing too.

After a while, they are done eating and chatting.

“Ahh!!! What a meal!!” Ifunanya yells calmly with excitement.

“Now back to business,” she adds, reverting to her plain expression.

“Uche, that’s over to you then,” ID says.

“Alright Chiamaka so here’s the thing, we are going to find out what your advance talent ability is or are depending on how many we can find. Also if possible find put who your father is and see who you got your powers from, your mom or dad,” ID explains.

“How do you intend to do that?” Chiamaka asks.

“Uche will do that,” ID answers.

“You see Uche or as you know him, Alan, has the ability to go into people’s mind. He can enter into your subconscious and see what you don’t even know about yourself. In other words, he can enter into your soul and find out your hidden abilities are and also through your memories, see if your mom or dad have advanced talent abilities,” he explains.

“In summary, he’s telepathic,” Tomisin adds.

“So are you ready for a mind intrusion?” ID asks.

“Wait so he can see all my thoughts, the good, the bad, the ugly?” Chiamaka asks.

“Ha Ha, don’t worry, I’ll go straight to the point,” Uche replies.

“Everything I see, you’ll be able to see. You’ll be with me in your mind,” he adds.

“Fine. So I can push you out when you’re crossing boundaries?” she asks again.

“Sure. I won’t forcefully invade your mind,” Uche replies.

“Don’t worry we’ll be right here,” ID reassures her.

“Besides once Uche ‘touches’ your ability, it can have an adverse effect on the outside, so Tobi will be here to stop all that from happening,” he adds.

“However, ID, I may need to bring you along with me into her mind,” Uche says.

“Really, can you now take another mind with you into a different mind?” ID asks.

“Yeah but just one so far,” Uche answers.

“Fine then, let’s go,” ID replies.

“Alright, let’s find out what this ability is,” Ifunanya says.

Uche, ID and Chiamka are sitting together, facing each other. Uche places his left index finger on ID’s forehead and his right one on Chiamaka’s forehead and says, “Activate.”

Inside Chiamaka’s mind, the atmosphere has a light silvery feel to it with different doorways all around. These doorways are paths to different memories and thoughts of Chiamaka. The three however, come to a halt when they arrive at a large obstacle made of massive chains.

“What is that?” Chiamka inquires, trembling at the sight.

“Wait don’t tell me that’s--,” Uche says, stuttering a bit.

“Interesting,” ID says, gazing upon the mysterious item.

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