《Talents: Activate》Chapter 3


Elsewhere, ID and Tobi are standing with a beautiful young lady, outside of a very magnificent house; they enter the compound, after going in through the gate. The house is the size of a regular duplex but with a unique and beautiful architectural design.

“Always gets me anytime I see it. The design of Aisha’s house sha[1],” Tobi says.

“It’s Aisha naa[2], flexing lady, rich and influential coupled with entrepreneur of the year,” ID adds, with a laugh.

Aisha sighs and shakes her head.

“This your whining[3] never stops, abi[4],” she says, leaning on her big black power bike, folding her arms.

“So what’s up? What brings you guys here?” she asks.

Aisha is a very beautiful lady, fair skinned, having hazel eyes, black colored hair with the hairstyle of braids and a slim body build. She is wearing an ash top with very short sleeves, a pair of black shorts with folded ends, having length that covers three-quarter of her thighs, a pair of thin long silver earrings, two wristbands and a pair of medium length black boots with some gold straps on them.

“Nothing much though, just checking up on you,” ID replies.

“We just thought we should come chill at your place, it’s been a while you know,” Tobi adds.

“Hmmmnnn,” she hums and stands up from the bike.

“Well, you’re in luck today because I just finished cooking,” she says, with a big smile.

“You what now?” Tobi sarcastically asks, shifting his head backwards.

“I think we’ll be fine with ordering something online,” he adds.

“What do you mean?!” she replies in annoyance.

“You’re saying my food ain’t good huh?!”

“I didn’t say so,” Tobi replies, shrugging.

“Yes you did,” she says.

“No I didn’t,” he replies, shaking his head.

“You know someday, I’m going to punch you in the face real hard,” Aisha says, holding her fist up at Tobi.

As this is going on, ID is busy with his phone reading through Chiamaka’s message and finding her location.

“Ummm guys, that will have to wait,” he says.

“And why? You don’t like my cooking too?” Aisha asks, tilting her head to the right with a slight frown.

“Huh? No that’s not it, Chiamaka is likely in trouble,” he answers.

“She just pinged me like ten times and messaged me her location stating help,” he adds.

“Chiamaka? Ify’s friend?” Aisha inquires.

“Yeah, Don’t worry just come with me, I’ll explain later,” he answers.

“We’re going to need your bike Aisha, Tobi you might have to stay here just in case,” he adds.

“No problem, I’ll call Tomisin just in case,” Tobi replies.

“Well as long as there’ll be ass whooping, I’m in,” Aisha says and hops on her massive power bike. ID sits behind her on the bike while Tobi opens the gate.

“Hold tight ID,” she says, revving the engine.

“What’s the location?” she asks.

“It’s on the Island, at Ajah,” he answers.

“All the way from here, Festival Town, that’s quite the distance,” Aisha replies.

“Then-,” she says, firmly gripping both of the bike’s steering.

“Talent: Activate: Lightning Fusion: Charge!!!” she adds.

Sparks of lightning emit from her hands, coursing through the bike, covering it in lightning sparks granting it a powerful velocity with which she zooms off. To the ordinary humans walking around, it is like a powerful gust of wind just breezed through the air however, it is Aisha and ID on a power bike, dashing off.


“We’re going to need more speed ID in order for us to reach in time,” Aisha says at the top of her voice as they speed through the land in a zig zag manner, evading the other cars on the road.

“We’ll be going through third mainland though, the map says that’s the best route at this time of the day,” she adds.

“No problem, get ready,” ID replies at the top of his voice too.

“Talent: Activate,” he says and his eyes radiate with a gold glow.

“Boost!!” he adds and immediately a small glowing golden circular band appears behind the power bike and with a powerful boom, they completely zoom off like a ray of light.


“You know, don’t you?”

“Answer me!!” Tomiwa shouts, with his eyes glowing green and what seems like green flames emanating from him.

“I…I…I don’t...I don’t,” Chiamaka stammers, shaking in fear of what is to come next.

For a while she stands still looking at him and trembling, then she quickly makes a run for the door. Immediately, out of Tomiwa, something like a spike, connected to his body, protrudes and stabs the wall, nearly hitting her. Tomiwa quickly dashes towards Chiamaka to grab her but suddenly, out of thin air, Tomisin appears, this time with a gun and shoots at Tomiwa. Her shot creates a blast, sending Tomiwa flying backwards and crashing out of the house. Tomisin quickly holds Chiamaka and teleports outside the house just some distance from Ife.

“Hoo, there’s company here, I guess that idiot couldn’t handle the job then,” Ife says, looking at Tomisin and Chiamaka from the door of the house.

“First let me drop these,” she says, removing her large headphones from her neck and putting them on the outside component of the air condition unit for the sitting room.

“Yeah those are expensive and I love them,” she murmurs, stretching a little.

“Now let’s get these going, Activate,” she says.

“Blade Coliseum: First Tier,” she adds.

Instantly, an array of different blades, surrounds the area of the house and that of its nearby environment. Tomisin grins, turning to Ife.

“Now this is trouble,” she says.

“It’ll take me time to teleport a long distance, I’ll have to hold off till ID and Aisha get here,” she thinks to herself.

Immediately, a sword, moving like a bullet, heads for Tomisin but she moves to her right, dodging the sword which stabs the ground. Swiftly, Ife appears at her front next to the sword, and another sword quickly moves to Ife’s hand as she spins to slash Tomisin. Tomisin holding Chiamaka, quickly teleported backwards and once she reappears, releases two shots from her gun at Ife who, holding the sword that stabbed into the ground, tosses it at one of the shots causing a boom while she dodges the other by leaning backwards.

Before Tomisin can get a breather, Tomiwa appears behind her, releasing multiple spikes from his body at her. She quickly pushes Chiamaka aside and turns towards Tomiwa. Another gun appears on her hand and she releases a shot from each of her guns at Tomiwa, who is in mid-air. She quickly teleports to avoid Ife’s attack as Ife dashes, swinging her blade horizontally at the air since Tomisin is no longer there. Tomisin appears, takes hold of Chiamaka and teleports again to keep some distance between them and their opponents.

“Two against one, this is going to be tough plus I have someone to protect, my my,” Tomisin whispers to herself.


“Why is this happening to me?” Chiamaka mutters, though she holds the tears in her eyes from falling off.

“Who did I offend? Why?” she cries within herself.

Tomisin takes a quick look of compassion at her and then, stands from her kneeling position to engage her two opponents in battle.

“Don’t worry much, we won’t let anything happen to you,” she says, aiming both her guns at Ife and Tomiwa who are standing close to each other with Tomiwa a little behind Ife though still in mid-air.

A brief moment of silence occur between the two parties, with the cool evening breeze sweeping by. Ife suddenly dashes towards Tomisin, in a zig-zag like manner, with a sword in each of her hands. When she is just moments from landing a hit on Tomisin, there is a screeching noise and a bike with two people on it, make a drift to park. Before the drift is completed, Aisha jumps off the bike, with two swords suddenly appearing, a sword in each hand. She quickly throws the sword from her left hand at Ife who halts in her movements to evade the sword. Without wasting time, Aisha lands on the hilt of the sword with her left hand; with her braids flowing with each movement, she spins around and launches a kick at Ife who leans back to dodge the kick and does a backflip to put some distance between her and Aisha.

“Yoo!!! Tomi bebe, the cavalry’s here,” Aisha says aloud with excitement, using her left hand to draw out her sword which is stuck in the ground and places it on her shoulder while holding the other sword with her right hand.

ID now moves to the rider’s seat of the bike and whistles at Tomisin as he says,

“Hey, Tomi, time to go.”

“Aisha, ID, what a relief,” Tomisin says, with a breath of relief.

“What nonsense!!!” Tomiwa screams and releases a blast of radiating green beam at Tomisin.

“Tomisin, teleport, head straight for Aisha’s house!!!” ID shouts.

“I can’t teleport long---,” she tries to explain but is interrupted by ID.

“Don’t worry I’ll support you, so just aim for Aisha’s house,” ID says.

“Fine then,” she says.

“Talent: Activate,” she says, holding Chiamaka as the green blast approaches them.

“Boost!!!” ID shouts, directing his palm at them. Aisha quickly dashes towards Ife to engage her and also avoid the blast.


There is a loud explosion and all the parties pause to see what happened.

As the dust settles and the place becomes clearer, ID smiles because by now, Tomisin is long gone taking Chiamaka along with her.

“Bastard!!!” Tomiwa yells, heading straight for ID.

“I’LL KILL YOU!!!” he shouts, releasing multiple spikes from his body at ID.

ID, using the bike, quickly evades the attacks and making a quick turn, he jumps off the bike towards Tomiwa, in mid-air.

“Activate: Impact,” ID says. Evading all the spikes springing from Tomiwa’s body like branches from a tree, he appears in front of Tomiwa and throws a punch at Tomiwa with his right fist making direct contact with Tomiwa’s chest.

“Enhanced Fist: Red Canon!!!”

Immediately a red circular band having red radiance with the symbol of alpha (α) in the middle of the band (also in red radiance), appears behind ID and a powerful force is released from his fist, blowing Tomiwa away, a far distance that he even crashes out of the coliseum of Ife’s swords.

At the same time, Ife and Aisha are battling each other as they talk.

“Long time no see, Ifelola,” Aisha says, evading a horizontal slash from Ife.

“Same here, Aisha,” Ife says, dodging a kick from Aisha.

Ife throws a sword at Aisha who steps to her right to dodge the attack but while the blade is just a bit away from her, still in motion, Ife appears right at that spot and turns with the sword to cut Aisha from behind. However, without turning Aisha used the sword in her right hand to block the attack. Ife does a front flip and catches one of her blades (this time, a glaive) coming from her array of blades. She plunges the blade to pierce Aisha but Aisha quickly steps backwards, evading the attack. While she is still in motion, several blades launch from Ife’s array of blades, rushing to pierce her from behind but she quickly pierces the sword in her left hand to the ground, behind her and using it to support herself, she jumps into the air to evade the blades which are close to ground level, about to pierce her. In the air, the blade of the in right hand becomes covered with sparks of lightning.

“Walkiya Yajin!!![5]”

Aisha swings her sword diagonally from the top left to her bottom right, with her braids flowing along.

Instantly, a blast of lightning discharges from her blade, spanning over a large area, and heads for Ife. However, before it can make any impact on Ife, several blades from Ife’s array of blades rush, forming a shield to protect her but the blades are blown to bits after a powerful explosion from the lightning attack, leaving only Ife standing.

“Impressive,” Ife smiles, as Aisha lands on the ground.

“Would love to continue this fight however since the package is gone, I don’t think it’ll be profitable for me at the moment,” she continues.

“By the way, you’re not looking bad ID, it’s been a while,” she adds.

“That’s right,” ID replies.

“Long time no see and this is the way we greet each other now?” he adds.

Ife is silent as she smiles and shrugs.

“Well, unfortunately for you Ife, your ‘package’ this time, is a friend of ours, so…” Aisha says tilting her head to the right.

“Well, that’s too bad Aisha. You know how I run my business,” Ife replies.

“Can’t be having my clients disappointed now, can I?” she adds.

“So, we can just stop you here now, right?” ID says, jamming his right fist to his left palm.

“Hmm, how cute,” Ife replies.

“However, we won’t be fighting today, I have a proposition for you, one that you may like,” she adds.

“Really? You don’t say,” Aisha says sarcastically, resting one of her swords on her shoulder and casually holding the other.

“How convenient,” she adds.

“Hmph,” Ife grins.

“Don’t worry you’ll like this,” she adds.

“Interesting. Fine, let’s hear it,” ID says, folding his arms.

[1] Sha in this context means though

[2] Naa in this context means now

[3] Whining - flattery

[4] Abi in this context means right

[5] Walkiya yajin means lightning strike in Hausa

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