《Talents: Activate》Prologue


It seems like the dawn of a new day as the light is at its minimum. The choking smell of smoke fills the atmosphere, running through the air. The once beautiful tall structures now lay in ruins even the great bridge, regarded as the longest in the city and second longest in the continent, it stretches as far as ten kilometres (10km) and is now in ruins, broken in two. What was once considered as the centre of excellence, now lay in waste.

In the midst of this chaos, stands two young men facing each other; they each stand at opposite sides of the broken bridge amidst the vast body of water.

"Why, Alan?!" one of the young men says. His eyes have a golden glow and on his young face, an expression of rage.

Fair in complexion, wearing a black long sleeve shirt folded up to arm level, unbuttoned, with his white inner vest being displayed, a pair of navy blue jeans and a pair of black footwear. His gaze is fixed on the other, waiting for his reply as his unbuttoned shirt flows with the wind.

"Why you ask?" the other young man, with a deep calm voice, responds.

"Old friend it is simple. The age of humans is over. From here on out is the age of the Advanced," he adds, with a plain expression on his face.

Wearing a long ash jacket, a grey shirt, a pair of black trousers and black boots, he raises his hand to his chest level; his palm directed towards the other man. Immediately, his eyes radiate with a very light grey glow followed by a white glow which runs through his afro hair and another from his shoulders to his ready open palm.

"What's your final decision, ID?!!" he asks.


"Isn't that obvious?" ID replies as he raises his right fist to his chest level and tightens it.

"Humans are going nowhere," he adds.

Instantly, the glow in his eyes becomes brighter and a circular ring with a golden glow, encircles the back of his fist. Five circles with different symbols in each of them appear at his back and are connected by a larger circle with the whole connection outlined with a golden glow.

"Talent: ACTIVATE!!!" they both say, moving to attack each other.

From some distance away, a lady watches with full attention.

"How did it all come to this?" she thinks to herself.

"How did we end up here?"

"How did I end up here?"

She looks tired and worn out, having her gaze fixed on the two.

"Yeah, I'm not so sure about the origin but tome it all started on that day, some years ago."

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