《Starship Nyx》Chapter 13: New weapons tested
Next day, we sat in the conference. We presented ourselves first. It was time to discuss seriously about the fiendish aliens. The holographic image showed that it was a big insectoid. We humans named them for Greys or Greyskins. They didn't have any names.
The friendly aliens were very silent. They seemed to recognize the Greys. I asked them if they knew about the fiendish aliens. The maguwos recognized the Greys as a devil while the numanicans and the avianois recognized them as an antisocial species. We humans recognized the Greys as a menacing species. I didn't ask more.
Zarfade studied about the ants in many years. She asked us if we have met the queen of the Greys. We never have met the queen. Zafade thought that it was time to capture the queen. We were stunned to hear about the idea. Demala stood up.
"Did we hear correctly, Zafade? Would we capture the queen?" Demala asked angrily.
"Yes, you heard correctly. I also mean it," Zafade said.
"We are not the Greys," Hana said.
"We don't have the same length like them either," Jenca added.
"Okay," Zafade said.
Demala sat down. Zafade was right about her good idea, even Hana and Jenca were right about our species and length. I became quiet. We left the discussion, then we wondered about a thing. Would we meet the Greys? How would we meet them?
We had a long discussion. Zig had a theory. He theorized that the Greys didn't come from this galaxy, so he didn't find much information about them at Bomdido. The friendly aliens and Malin agreed with him. Demala became very skeptic about his theory. I asked about her skepticism.
Demala found the strange temple at Jaioo. She got the time to look into the wall and it was the painting. The big temple was gone at once. I suspected that it was the starship and Demala agreed with me. She never forgot the painting. The painting looked like a mysterious being who killed mass maguwos.
Demala thought that it was rare that the Greys didn't come from this galaxy. She was very skeptic about Zig's logical theory. I asked about her theory. She theorized that the Greys lived outside of this galaxy. We were stunned to hear about her crazy theory. Ava and me agreed with her, but the other disagreed.
The Greys tried to occupy the Earth twice without any reasons. Jaioo was threatened by their bomb without any reasons. They threatened to kill people of Bomdido and Dikoen without any reasons if the numanicans and the avianois would make a space travel. Why did they want to hurt us? Jenca surmised that we might not fly while Joverisc surmised that we would die without water. Yes, everybody was in agreement.
Hana investigated the dead Greys' brain on our home planet. Their brain looked like our human brain. They were possibly our ancient ancestors. Hana would leave the job when the brain began to shrink rapidly. She realized that the Greys had a mind link! It was very different from science fiction.
The neurosurgeon tested to do a command to the brain to open, suddenly the mind opened. It was about the childhood, so Hana managed to change the childhood. The Greys' mind linked possibly to the powerful queen. Hana found that they didn't obey under only their queen's command without under her right hand's and her children's! It was very new to us. Wait, didn't Hana say anything to me?
"Captain Hana, why didn't you say anything?" I asked.
"What do you think?" Hana asked back.
"Oh, right! It was your classified responsibility. Do you have any adds, gentlemen and ladies?"
After a long meet, I was in my laboratory. I needed to test my Sei Mo Dou style. The style would become very deadly. I would test to kick the dummy. There was a body opponent bag. I went to the bag.
The body opponent bag stood. It looked like a male body. I calmed down first. The moment was quiet. My memory was empty. I began to kick the bag three times by a water style and then I kicked it three times by a fire style.
I asked my computer about my acceleration. It was eighty meters per second! I thought that my sword style and my fight style was very different! The computer confirmed that my kick was powerful like Sagittarius serpentarius or a secretary bird. I had a powerful kick! The secretary bird lived in sub-Saharan Africa.
I tested to punch the bag by a water style and a fire style. The punch was fast. I asked my computer about my acceleration. It also was eighty meters per second! The computer confirmed that my punch was hard like a diamond. It was great to kick and punch the bag.
The computer confirmed that DSR was completed. I asked the computer about the weight. It confirmed that DSR weighted in over ten lbs or over five kg. I laid the rifle in the box. The faceting machine sawed and polished it. It was polished.
I went to the coloring machine and laid DSR in the box. The coloring machine colored the rifle. It would be black. DSR was finished at end. I assembled DSR slowly and then I picked up it. It felt light due to the metal from Jaioo.
Somebody belled. Why did everybody interrupt me again? I watched at the screen. It was British Technohoplite Marcus Hanson. He seemed nervous. Technohoplite was a staff of a lowest rank in Engineering Troops. I called after the door.
The door opened automatically. Marcus apologized. I asked happily if my starfighter was ready to fly.
"Yes, ma'am! Colonel Andrew said that you needed to change the clothes," Marcus said.
"I need your help," I said.
"I don't think that it is..."
"It is an order!"
"Sorry, ma'am!"
Marcus came in and the door closed automatically. I stripped off, so I kept my bra and my panties. Marcus asked nervously about the help and I pointed to my armor. He stood as if he never has seen it before. We went to the armor and he picked up it to me. I had it.
We went to the hangar while the crew stared at my new armor. My starfigher was almost finished. Andrew's team moved carefully a new scramjet into my starfighter. It was Hozeiau who designed the scramjet while Andrew and his team built it. They just stood and waited. We hoped that the engine would work.
The engine connected to my starfighter at end. Andrew's team checked three times if the engine were really connected. The engine connected to my starfighter! Andrew was very proud of his team. I became happy to get the starfighter. The men became shocked of watching at my new armor.
"May I name my starfighter, Colonel Andrew?" I asked.
"Yes, you may, so it is yours, Captain Mara," Andrew said.
"Huntress. She is beautiful, Colonel Andrew!"
"She is ready, Captain Mara."
I looked at Huntress. Her body was black and midnight blue. I looked into the cockpit later. The cockpit was nice. I sat in the cockpit. The screen was on.
"By the way, Astroarean Ivan added an anti-hacking security program level one hundred in the computer," Andrew said.
"Astroarean Ivan? How is his behavior?" I asked.
"He began to work since you berated him."
I held the joystick. Andrew gave a thumb up and it meant that the wings worked. I clicked on the red button. The engine would ignite and it worked. I tested to hover and it worked. Huntress began to become ready to fly.
The crew ran away. I left the hangar. What would I do now? I clicked on the green button, rapidly I flew from Nyx. It worked extremely good! I braked Huntress to halt and it worked.
It was time to look for the asteroids. I found the perfect asteroid. It was average big. I tested to shoot and it worked! The asteroid exploded! It was gone!
The screen in Huntress' body showed that she was very good. I checked about Nyx's place. The computer confirmed that I was fifty light minutes far from Nyx. I would fly back, but I found an old pod. The radar screen didn't showed that it existed. I thought that it was rare about my radar and then I called Nyx to come here.
We had the pod in the hangar later. It was big! We never have seen the exotic pod earlier, not the friendly aliens either. Our scientific team scanned it. The pod didn't include any bodies, bombs or robots. Our scientific team tested to scan the pod by all EMR.
The team didn't find anything in the pod, but they found six strange words on the pod. The words were mixed of Ancient Greek, Old Arabic and Old Norse. My computer translated that one who was chosen found the other life. No, one who was chosen found the other soul. We became interested.
I said to my men to attack some strange thing or person if some bad thing would happen to me. They said yes. We went to the pod. My men waited for my signal. I investigated the pod. There was a button.
Why did the button exist on the pod? I signaled slowly to my men to be ready. One of them clapped on my shoulder. I clicked the button. The door opened invisibly. I found that there were eight little and heavy metals.
We sat in the conference later again. Iduao began to say that he finished quickly to investigate the metals. They were extremely hard to see through. It was not strange that EMR didn't react on the metals at all, but we had only eight metals. We wondered about the pod. Where did the pod come from?
Bozai had a theory. The pod was owned by a possibly dead alien. Mezo asked about the explaining. The ship was gone because Bozai meant that the strange aliens were dead. I remembered suddenly that Atlantis had the same pod like this escape pod. Erica Jansen, the Danish Swedish archaeologist found Atlantis in Mediterranean Sea.
Atlantis was a mothership. The new team took over later when Erica died due to her breast cancer. I told about Atlantis. We didn't have any adds! I asked about the pod. Iduao would investigate the pod.
I asked Iduao if I would make a weapon due to the eight last metals. He gave them to me and said yes because I found the pod. Our meet was over at end. The friendly aliens and my friends left the conference instantly while I sat remaining. What would I do now? Oh right, I would make a handgun.
I was in my laboratory. The eight metals was long like four human hands. It was time and I began to draw a handgun. The handgun looked like a P22 Q, thought it would be longer than P22 Q. Its battery would become the same like the DSR's and the EB-TYW's battery. Like DSR, it would skip the new batteries every time.
Yes, I named the handgun for UP77 or Ultimate Pistol 77. I went to the manufacturing machine. The metals were in the box from the manufacturing machine. I asked the computer about the time and it confirmed that the pistol would be finished in four hours! It would go fast! I began to exercise more with my Sei Mo Dou style.
After four hours, I became extremely strong. I never have exercised hard earlier. Sei Mo Dou was very warm to exercise. I liked the new style. The computer confirmed that I should be more used to the style. My baby was finished at end.
I picked up UP77. It was light like a feather. I went to the faceting machine. UP77 was in the box. The faceting machine sawed and polished UP77. UP77 was polished.
I picked up UP77, so I went later to the coloring machine. UP77 would be metallic pink. I laid it in the box. The coloring machine began to color UP77. It was full color! I picked up UP77 and then I assembled it slowly. It was complete. I moved the plasma carefully into both DSR and UP77 later.
The testing place had a range. I commanded XRN-1 to pick up the dummy at once. We went to the range. XRN-1 waited for my order. I commanded her to leave and she left obediently. The dummy stood in the range.
I checked if DSR and UP77 were really loading. The loading batteries became full. I knew how to use the sniper rifle, so I was a Zero member. It was time to make a test. I picked DSR when I lied on the deck and pointed at the dummy. DSR was ready, suddenly I hit the dummy's head.
The head exploded soundlessly. I didn't hear something, but I never have seen it earlier either. The dummy still stood remaining. I stood up and then I picked UP77. Would I dare to shoot? I pointed at the headless dummy and hit the dummy's body once.
The dummy's body exploded soundlessly. It was very nice to hit the dummy. I was happy of my result.
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