《Mistakes Lead To Success》Chapter 9: A Journey Unseen


Chapter 9: A Journey Unseen

Fire was the symbol of power to beasts back in simpler times. Now fire is a symbol of progress and destruction. That's why Silas added the fire of life in his domain. It was only a portion of the fire that he brought to his ever-expanding room. It was tied to his life force and the energy Natalie brings him every day.

He tilted his head, “I guess she is Akuji now. How disappointing, Natalie was such a pretty name.”

He had partially recovered from spending all his power to make Natalie a demigod and could move from his spot on the wooden bar. He refused to do that though because he thought that waiting years on end in the same spot for her to come back was romantic. He imagined her coming back home to him with the flames of life flying high. Then he would use some of that power to make sure their romantic reunion would produce a child.

He sighed, wishing his love would finish her mission sooner when someone entered his domain. He looked up and could only see a ball of blue light.

The light floated around his partially formed domain then floated before him. “I am greatly ashamed of you Silas.”

The young god tucked his arms into his shirt and said, “No one asked you to visit me, brother. Go back and pretend to be a real god.”

The blue light screeched in rage, causing more of Silas world to crumbled and fade into infinite space. “I am your superior. All minor gods listen to me and I can make them destroy the little existence you have!”

Silas created chains of stardust to wrap about the light, destroying it. Once all the light faded away it reviled a sickly looking man with hair as dark as the universe around them, blending into the foreground. The young god smiled at him then opened his mouth. Slowly a stream of blue light seeped out of the man into his throat. As Silas consumed the light the damages done to his realm disappeared. This lasted for a long time and when the last bit of light left the wither man, so did all the damages.


Silas then ejected the man from his world and continue to smile. “Ah. I guess I have enough energy to last a few eras.” He paused. “I should use this to make a gift for Akuji! Ah, she would be so happy to get another present from me. I bet she might even kiss me when she sees me again.”

He gathered half of the energy he absorbed and began molding it into a tablet. The tablet was made of silver and the screen was a smooth crystal. He looked into the past to retrieve a video game guide. It was for one of the most popular games in the 22nd century and he chose it for its extensive crafting and shop system. It was a virtual reality game called EdgeRealm XL. It was an expansion of its 21st-century predecessor called EdgeRealm. It was PC colony survival game that Natalie loved to play back when she lived on Earth.

He loaded the catalog of items into the tablet then added every item mentioned in mythology. It was simple to add those items because the humans described most of them in depth. Then he threw in a few magical animals that can be soulbound in an instance and really pretty clothes. He stared at the tablet for a while then threw in a few magic spells and training skills. Afterwards, he created a value system that measured how much energy an item was worth and gave her 500 free credits for items.

He smiled at his creation then reached out to Natalie. He waited a moment then smiled when she appeared through his rip in space.

“Hello, wife~! I have a gift for you.” He exclaimed with a grin.

Akuji sighed then adjusted the child in her arms. “Hello, Silas. How have you been? I need some more time to earn more energy.”


He waved her off and said, “Ah, I found a spare battery of energy for my use. It has bought you a few more months before you have to pay for me.” He slides the tablet through the rip and watched as Aegeus dropped down to pick it up for her. ‘That child would be the most favorable step-child.’ He thought with glee.

She looked at the tablet and her surprised pleased him. He could see the joy and longing in her eyes as she scrolled through the available for purchase. He knew he did something right and was on the track of making amends with her.

She turned her attention to him and shown the brightest smile. “You added the armors and weapons from my favorite game! How did you do that? I mean, thank you so much.”

The young god gave her a gentle smile and said, “You are welcomed, love. I actually added every item in the game and more things from your home. There is a stockpiling feature so you can save up small amounts of energy here and there. Also I gave you 500 credits for you to enjoy it instantly.”

Her face lit up even more and nodded her head. “Thank you. I will remember this for a long time, Silas.” She reached down to ruffle Aegeus hair. “I can buy this little one better wear too.”

“Goodbye Na-Akuji.” He closed the connection and leaned back. His calm yet pleased face twisted into pure excitement. “She said she liked it! I will always remember that smile and it was aimed at me! Me! Oh, all the sweetest nectars could not compare to those bright eyes.”

“I wait for the moment where I can see her before me, smiling.”

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