《Mistakes Lead To Success》Chapter 8: Mothers


Chapter 8: Mothers

She woke up to the sound gentle cawing and a very warm hug. Her eyes fluttered opened and she looked for the source of warmth. Her eyes fell upon a mop of black hair and felt a small fist gripping on her shirt. It seems the child fell asleep on her and clung to her for warmth. She slowly sat up, causing large palm leaves to fall off their forms. She looked at them in surprised then noticed a clump of darkness at their feet.

It was her crow and her new flock laying together. The baby crows were small fluff balls covered in a beautiful layer of down. The tiny smoke feathers flickered out of existence like their mother but two of them were different. One was a shining aqua color and when the sunlight touched its figure it shimmered as if water was stored inside it. The other was a deep purple and looked as if it was made of poison or a magical elixir that swirls inside itself.

They chirped at their mother and nuzzled their small heads against her. The larger crow nudged her children towards their new owner but their bright eyes were focused on their mother. She turned her head towards Akuji and gave a soft cry. The redhead nodded then picked up the small crying fluffs of feathers and laid them near her child. The child only sneezed then shuffled closer to their pets, unknowingly comforting the chicks with their smell.

They watched the two sleep for a few moments before the crow stood up and walked away from her other children. They shivered then grew into large adult crows; a noticeable change from their small chick raven siblings. They turned to Akuji and gave a deep bow, showing their loyalties to her, then took to the air.


The demigod stared into the sky for a few more moments; secretly amusing herself with the fact she can finally see the difference between a crow and a raven, before collecting her child and their pets. She began her trek through the forest while questioning what she had seen the night before. It didn't last long when a string of chirps awoken the person in her arms.

She ruffled their hair with her chin and muttered, “I have to find out you are you soon enough or name you myself.”

She felt tiny hands grasping her shoulders and jumped when the child sat up in her arms, staring at her with bright purple eyes.

She adjusted the child in her arms then asked, “Do you wish for me to name you?”

The child nodded their head furiously, their jet black hair was flapping in the wind.

She tilted her head while staring at the child, ignoring Rehna’s annoyed grunt for being woken up. “How about Violet?”

The child lowered their head then nodded, begrudgingly accepting that name. Akuji could see the disappointment in their eyes and it tugged her heartstrings. She may not be fully invested into children or this one but she hates making cute tiny humans sad and those sadden eyes hurt.

Without thinking she blurted out, “Aegeus. You are Aegeus.”

Rehna and the now named Aegeus gave Akuji a confused face. Rehna looked at the child then Akuji and asked, “What does that mean?”

The demigod coughed then scratched her head. “Uh... Protector? Its an ancient name from an old legend of a king. He was the founder of a kingdom that lasted thousands of years, although it became a large city which is comparable to your top kingdoms. He died from a mistake and after his death, a sea was named after him.”


Aegeus eyes glowed with childish glee and they jumped in excitement.

Rehna raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms while stating, “You don't know if they are a male or female yet you named them after a king. I bet the soul of that king will haunt you for not respecting his name.”

She waved her off. “I’ll find out when they grow up some more. Eventually, something will be signed, for now I need them to be accustomed to my strange life, not how others live. However,” She shifted Aegeus so they looked into her eyes. “I am scared that they become a little heartbreaker and I have to fight off suitors. After all, you are to be my little protector.” ‘My walking faith points.’ she thought darkly.

The child slipped through her arms and landed on the ground with a thump. This didn’t stop them as they did a little dance and weakly laugh. She could feel a small amount of power flowing into from them into her; a portion of the faith she has been struggling to collect these last months.

It tastes similar to the addicting warmth the ambrosia filled her with when she first meet Silas. She shook her head and suppressed the amazing feeling. She knew that being addicted and blinded by power now while she is weak will hinder her. She smiled at the dancing child and focused on her goal of freedom through power.

However, she does have a craving for more.

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