《Mistakes Lead To Success》Chapter 6: This Village is Like Home


Chapter 6: This Village Is Like Home

The pilgrimage to the base of the mountain seemed to have lasted three lifetimes instead of a fraction. The tension around the two females was thick yet they managed to avoid conflict, even when in close proximity. It wasn't that they didn't talk about the issue; they made sure to discuss the matter every night. They wanted a better understanding of each other because they believed they would be around each more than a few months and they felt it would prevent them from creating rational thoughts. Even though they found such a common ground does not mean they are in good graces with each other. Rehan does not participate in anything does Akuji except what is required of her and only talks to her during their nightly chats to understand the demigod more.

Three months have passed without that fragile balance being disturbed but it changed the moment they crossed a hill and caught sight of a barely intact village a day journey from their place. It was at the base of the mountain and seemed to be the changed they need. They reached the village within twelve hours and was surprised to be greeted with spears towards their face.

A guard from the tattered village strutted up to them with a beautiful spear and a stern face. However, the image of a veteran warrior was broken due to him wearing faded overalls that have seen better days and partially chest armor that was kept together with horse glue. His scarred and wrinkled face, however, revealed years of struggle.

He gestured to them with the end of his spear, keeping particularly pointed to the barely clothed demigod. “State your purpose for entering the Sacrifice Village. We might keep you alive if you can do something productive.” Rehna was about to talk when he held his hand up. “I suggest you speak for yourselves rather than together.”

Rehan closed her mouth, regained her thoughts then said, “I am Rehan of the Grass tribe from Gea. I am following my Mother’s will to find my future.” She pointed at Akuji. “Gaea have chosen this woman and shall follow her to death. However, I will not hurt an innocent village for her. I have my own morals that even Gaea must understand.”


He nodded at her. “You are allowed in. I hope you can find your path even without her. She might say something that warrants death.”

The tribal woman bowed to him then moved to behind him, a few steps away. She wanted to see how Akuji would enter the village despite her dislike towards her.

Akuji sighed then scratched the back of her head, pondering how to describe her situation. “It makes no sense to lie or to hide much.” She crossed her arms and stared straight in his eyes, startling him with her intensity. “I was originally Natalie Freeman, from the primordial planet Earth. I am acting on the will of the Young God Silas. He wanted me to travel the multiverse, earn mana and prove myself as worthy. As for why this village, I have a feeling Athena would like to have a chat with me but I didn’t know where. I believe she led me to this village.”

He flinched at the sound of Athena’s name then pointed his spear at her throat. “That sounds more impossible than you know. I dislike that Athena would call a foreigner here, even if she is the creator of this planet. Tell me, are you evil?”

She looked into the sky and questioned that possibility. Even though she went through a god’s lifetime of tempering her soul, she never learned more about herself. She believed her morals were not the best and she could be considered devious. She shifted her vision to Rehna who looked at her with bright green eyes filled with distrust yet curiosity. A pang of regret and longing attacked her heart, she ruined a relationship with someone she could have been a friend within a short period of time. She did something Silas did to her, she never gave her a chose.

She gave him a weary smile, one filled with malice and hatred. He could tell it wasn’t projected at him or the village but it gave him chills.

She ran a hand through her long hair and chuckled. “ Yes. I am a villain but not to you.” Her eyes strayed and stared into Rehna brown eyes. “ I don’t need what you have. I need Athena, after all, we need to lay ground rules for my stay in your universe. Not every God is good at being kind.”


He inched closer to her and stared into her green eyes falling to a trance as he could see the universe in her eyes. He closed his head and staggered back, stunned from the power her eyes held. Once he reverted back to his usual self he turned to Rehna. “How do you ignore the power in her eyes? I can't use my ability on her.”

Rehna frowned and stated, “I don’t see anything strange about her eyes. What do you mean?” She looked back at Akuji eyes, not finding anything different.

He stared at the nomad for a moment then turned back to the sly looking woman. “You can enter. The only other being with those eyes are the sacred statues located at the top of the mountain. However, if you are to attack us, I will fight you will all I am.”

Akuji waved her hand and waltzed into the village. “You are not my enemies. I'm sure a part of our arrangement is for me to protect you guys or to stay very far away.”

When she turned her attention to the citizens of the village, they all gave weary, skeptical eyes. Mothers pulled their children closer to them and spoke in hushed tones. The atmosphere was dreadful but for her, it was familiar. She smiled at their behavior, it reminded her of home.

It reminded her of lifelong rejection.

She gave a wry smile the schooled her expressions. She was the cursed once again, the child not like the others. Her siblings were always golden, they did not enjoy things outside their culture despite being born in America. They only reached for greatness and had amazing careers. Her mother never noticed how one of her sons were gay and hated his career. She never noticed her daughter give birth to a child out of wedlock and eloping with what she called a “commoner”. She never noticed because she was hyperfocused on the child who was not like the others, the strange one who anime and American cartoons. The one who snuck out of the house to hide out at a friend’s to binge all of Phantom Hero.

She was always the ultimate freak and the perfect scapegoat.

Her eyes met a small, dirty child. They were hiding under a collapsed house. She could tell that raiders have rippled through the town despite their courage and arrogance. The smell of smoke, soot, and old blood was lingering but still powerful to someone not used to it.

She looked around then approached the child. Rehna gave her a dirty look that grew in venom with each step she took. Without warning, she dragged the child out from the house and held them close, much like a mother protecting her child. This startled everyone. No one expected her to treat someone gently after the events at the gate and her stoic expression.

She continued walking through the village with the child in hand. Inwardly, she smirked. She found the perfect believer and possible adopted child. A child who understands hardship and be molded for her plans. She could turn him into a symbol of her kindness and preach to other children to join her. With this in mind, she can grow power through the pain of others.

She looked at the youth in her arms. She was surprised to see them asleep in her arms, a symbol of trust she hasn’t received before. Looking at him, she made a decision that will change her future path, rejecting the name she chose upon herself.

She promised not hurt those her follow her anymore.

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