《Mistakes Lead To Success》Chapter 5: Child of the Forest


Chapter 5: Child of the Forest

Akuji couldn't help but think Rehna was strange. The brunette found her lying in a field and decided to follow her despite not know if she would attack her. Why would she help a naked stranger? She could honestly say she would leave the stranger lying there unless it was a child. She has been following the redhead for the last few days and to this evening.

Rehna turned to her with curious eyes. “I could feel you staring at me. Is there something you would like to say?”

She shrugged and gestured to the endless plains before them. “Show me your powers.”

The native looked at the grass before she then raised an eyebrow. The grass shimmered then grew taller than the women; it kept growing until it couldn't hold it weight and fell like a wave of green. When she looked away the excessive grass died and turned a dark grey, emitting a slight odor.

She gestured to her handy work while smirking at the demigod. “What do you think? They don’t work as well on Athen than it does on Gaea but it should be interesting.”

The redhead held her hands and looked into her eyes then said, “Channel your power into me.”

Rehna recoiled in horror. “Gods no! I might kill you or make you into an abomination.”

Akuji chuckled then pulled the woman into a bear hug. She sucked in a deep breath and focused her absorption powers at the frighten native. Her swan tattoo started to glow a dim grey and the void appeared over her shoulder. The nomad screamed when she felt her magic being stolen from her body. She tried to will the plants around them to attack but it caused her power to be stolen faster. She struggled in the demigod’s arms only to be dropped on the floor.

Akuji stretched her arms and waited for a response from Silas while Rehna was crawling back onto her feet. She tripped Rehna and stepped on her back, adding extra pressure to make sure she doesn’t leave.


She heard a buzz in her ear then a familiar sweet voice. “Hello Natalie, I’m surprised you managed to collect a decent amount of magic within a short period. Did you steal an artifact or capture a creature? It’s enough for me to heal a few bones and grant you an upgrade.”

She laughed while pulling Rehna up into a chokehold, close enough for Silas to hear the brunette’s quicken breath and gasping. “I stole magic from a native called Rehna. She could control grass and plants.”

Silas sighed and she could hear him shift a bit. “You should apologize to the child of the forest. I will send you a drop of the void. I would increase her magic pool slightly and fix any damage you have done to her. You should not steal magic from others unless they are your enemies. It damages their connection to the universe and thus their connect to Gods and mana. Hold your hand out.”

Akuji held her hand out and was amused to see a raven made of void appear from nowhere. The wispy raven dropped a clear purple crystal into her hand and cawed at her. She studied the fluid yet solid bird before feeding Rehna the crystal. Due to her having Rehna in a chokehold for too long, she had to pry the native’s mouth open and slip it down her throat.

“I have to go Natalie but the crow is your gift until I can make a better system for us. The crow does not need to eat and likes the shadows. It can speak to you and can create more crows if you feed it anything, really. It is great for recon and can protect you depending on the situation. Goodbye, Love.”

She sighed then carried the unconscious woman over her shoulders and continued their long walk towards the mountains. Every step she took was a driving force, guiding them into an uncertain future. She continued the track until the moon shined at its peak and the stars twinkled in dance.


Akuji laid Rehna on a soft patch of grass and asked the crow to find large leaves. The crow called and disappeared into the night, a specter in the darkness. She stared at the shimmering grass plains and wondered if her family would have enjoyed seeing the beauty of nature or would be too caught up in life to notice. She heard shifting and turned her attention to the awaking nomad.

The younger person shook her head and tried to lift herself into a sitting position but her arms were too weak. She gritted her teeth and pushed against the weak dirt but did not move an inch. She felt a slender hand slide around her waist and lift her into their lap, leaning her against their body. She looked up and felt disdain enter her heart when her eyes caught sight of the redhead.

Akuji ran a hand through her hair and gave her a weak smile. “My apologies for stealing your powers and causing you pain through my actions. I greatly needed your mana at the time. My… beneficiary life is dependent on magic but he was dying due to a lack of mana. I was my job to collect a large amount of mana within a short period of time and the idea of stealing your mana came into my head today. I am not asking for forgiveness but I have given you an item that healed you of any damage I may have done and expanded your mana reserves.”

The crow swooped down from the sky and delivered dozens of large palm tree leaves. She patted the bird then laid the leaves into a makeshift bed. She lifted the weaken woman and placed her on the bed with a few extra leaves to cover her like a blanket. She stood up, walked a few paces away and laid down, slightly out of sight. She understands how Rehna feels considering she has felt the same hurt and know she should stay a considerable distance away.

The demigod foiled her arms under her head and beckoned the small bird towards her. It flew onto her shoulder and curled in the crook her neck. She smiled at the scene but her smile quickly faded into a blank, cold expression. She felt a sliver of guilt stir in her stomach. She could have asked the nomad for mana instead of stealing from her and potentially crippling her forever. She was an ally and she used her, much like a certain god. She pulled herself into a tighter curl and hoped she would not be hated by the younger woman.

She gasped in pain and bolted into a sitting position, the pain radiating from her back. Sooner than she could react, another explosion of pain came from the side of her head. She choked on her breath and was knocked a few feet away. She hit the grass and rolled into a stop. The demigod managed to bring herself into an unsteady fighting stance. She immediately dropped it when her eye met angry brown ones.

Rehna dropped the mana enhanced root from her hands and back up a few steps. She muttered, barely above a whisper. “I think this makes us even.”

Akuji walked over, although staggering, and handed her the root. “It’s not enough. I hurt you emotionally too.”

The nomad landed a swift hook in her nose, ignoring the feeling of her own hand breaking. “Even though it’s not possible, I wish I could cause the same amount of pain you have done to me with fists. I know I do not know much about you but you could have explained the situation.” She fixed her robe sleeve, ignoring the blood dripping from her hand. “I still will follow you. I feel Gaea is leading me to my future, even if I have to bear with a monster like you.”

“My apologies.” The redhead kept her head down and walked away briskly.

The path of the mountain base seemed much farther now.

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