《Mistakes Lead To Success》Idea Log with Polls


March 27, 2019

I downloaded grammerly and saw all the grammer mistakes I made. There was over 200. How do people read this story without cringing? I am fixing as many mistakes I can and updating the chapters with proper grammer.

February 27, 2019

Writing a original story is much easier than writing a fanfic I learned over this break. I also learned that drawing original characters is harder too. =v=; Basically, the drawings will rare.

December 3, 2018

So... Some of you seen the chapter 6 early.... I gone goofed.

As for those who haven't... don't worry about it.

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I wanted to know if I should make a discord chat to communicate you guys easier? I know I have a poll system up but I feel that making a platform for me to talk to you and you guys to talk to each other would be good idea.

Tell me what you think.

Update: I am posting a chapter every month for a consistent schedule.

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I also accept any corrections with my spelling and grammer. Please tell me if I made a mistake.

Thank you.

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