《Mistakes Lead To Success》An Important Letter to My Readers (Also Updates)


Hello Readers,

Currently a lot is going on and I am trying to take hold of my life. I do not know what I am doing when it comes to writing stories but I am trying. When I started writing stories it was relief for me and a way for me a to unleash my imagination onto the world. Now it’s more of a goal for me to create something for others and myself to enjoy.

I realize I cannot promise consistent updates and the perfect story. I am trying to understand how people react so I can create more fulfilling characters. I am trying to improve my usually poor understanding of English so I can make something easier to read yet entertaining.

I think I am going to limit myself to working on two stories at a time if I plan to publish them on Royalroad. I not going to drop a story without an ending through. Rather I will find a place that brings some closure then place it on a temporary hiatus. If I am truly unable to continue the story then I would like to find someone to continue the story in my steed. I maybe writing these stories to satisfy my imagination but it dont want to disappoint any readers, even if it is one.

I’m writing this because the next five years may be rough ones for myself and any reader than in interested in my stories. I may end up writing dozens of half hearted stories that will never be posted while trying to stay present for the ones I’m working on.

Some stories I may not post a chapter but drawings that represent the chapter. They may be bad drawings but it will show my determination to try something to keep my writing spirit alive while working through writer's block.


For those who don’t enjoy an author like this, I understand and I hope you find a great story or author that can bring you joy.

For those who are staying with me for any reason, thank you. I’ll try my best.

Thank you wholeheartedly,


Update Section

July 24, 2020

I hoped it wouldn't require another half a year year and a half for me to post one more chapter for all my stories (MTTS, CoA, and SR=BW) but life decided otherwise.

For some months I was negotiating future college courses with an advisor (surprisingly harder than I expected after I transfer universities). Right when there was some calm in my life, I lost my housing.

The next few months were a whirlwind of staying afloat by borrowing from friends, sleeping in different locations, and trying to scrape up something to fix that situation. All while covid more or less stopped all aid. Additionally, there were other things I legally can not discuss for an undetermined amount of time, otherwise, I would tell everyone about it.

Although struggling a bit, I am back on my feet and happy I can sleep in my dwellings again. Thankful for all the help I was given.

During that time I also lost my flash drive. I fixed some of the glaring issues in MTTS, added new chapters to pad out character development and relationships, prepared new polls for me to drop as soon as I had a stable internet connection again, fleshed out my poorly made character portfolio, and was eager to show you the new MTTS. I have to start from scratch now but I am glad I still have my trusty laptop and slowly dying phone with me.

Can't wait to continue this story adventure with you!


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