《Dimensions intersection》Chapter 7: the past (6) - The Storm


Chapter 7: the past (6) - The Storm

Six months have passed since Huang tian had joined the next generation group, he quickly adapted and started training every day, he learned all kinds of knowledge ranging from how to handle a family clan to herbal, alchemy, engraving and formation knowledge, although he didn’t specialize in any of them, he knew quite a bit about them, as for combat experience he caught up with everyone in the next generation group, but his cultivation didn’t increase at all, he had to spend ten times the effort the others did so he could catch up and in result his cultivation stagnated.

On an arena two kids were battling it out, one wielded a sword while the other fought bare handed, the sword wielder shot forward and sliced diagonally upwards with his sword, the other one dodged backwards crouched down and swept his left leg towards the sword wielder leg, but the sword wielder reacted fast and jumped up, the other one retracted his leg and pushed with his leg the ground, rotated his body while standing on one leg with the other leg ankle striking towards the sword wielder face but before the ankle could reach the face he found a sword tip pointing towards his chin, it appeared that the sword wielder switched the sword to the other hand while he was rotating.

Huang bo laughed and put away his sword saying “It seems it’s another stalemate youngest.”

Huang tian smiled and retracted his leg “this is the 27th time.”

“You guys are always fighting shouldn’t you rest today for the examination” said Huang lifen while holding two bottles of water.

The two kids smiled worriedly and drank the water.

“Hey big brother, you know if the youngest had the same cultivation as you he would have beaten you” Said Huang ling who suddenly appeared from thin air.

“I know if the youngest were at blood foundation stage he would have beaten me”

“Alright everybody lets go to the meeting, today is the examination, our trainers will get mad if we arrive late” Huang lihua who was watching from a far warned.

“Second sister is right everybody lets go” Said Huang bo

Before Huang tian could move he felt someone staring at him, as he knew who it was he said “I will fight you later fifth brother we have to go to the meeting, in the examination I will challenge you in combat experience.”


He didn’t need to look back to know that Huang ping nodded as usual and left.

Huang tian smiled and went back with the group to the trainers.

In the Huang family head building stood a middle aged man with golden hair facing a figure covered in black kneeling, the middle aged man said “Increase the number of guards as much as possible and secure the mountain to the maximum degree, I have a feeling that today we will face our enemy.”

The figure nodded and disappeared.

The Huang family head sighed and said to himself “I hope this time that my feeling is wrong”

Huang dong was training when he suddenly looked up “what’s this feeling, my guts tell me there will be trouble today, it seems I will have to skip the examination today”

Suddenly a muscular middle aged man punched Huang dong on the back of his head “Why didn’t you’re guts tell you this, don’t even think of skipping the examination or I will skin you alive”

Huang dong fell to the ground it seemed as if he was waiting for this moment he suddenly sprang up and ran away “My guts tell me everything old man, always trust the guts old man.”

“Boy come back here, I gave you your guts” the man started running after Huang bo.

Huang xie looked at his father who was grinning evilly and sighed deeply in his heart, he knew that this day would come eventually, it was inevitable.

“Don’t worry my child we won’t get caught, as for what we will do after having my revenge you don’t have to worry about that, we will go to a better place for your talent.”

Huang xie nodded agreeing, but he was pained in his heart, he hoped his warnings at least did something to warn the family.

Huang tian was heading home to rest as he rubbed the ring on his index finger and thought about his conversation with the trainer.

“Listen to me Huang tian today we may face a calamity, you will have to run far away, don’t go to the examination today before the examination shadow guards will come to escort you outside the mountain and take those with you, this is a jade jane and a ring only open the jade jane when you are out of the mountain, after you escape you can then decide what to do, I have been with you for the past six months and know you’re a man of virtue, I will respect your decision, don’t do anything foolish you’re the hope of the family if you die then everything we have planned was for naught, don’t ask me anything you will understand later.”


Huang tian reached his home his mother and sister was there and it seems his father had gone out to prepare the examination ground.

“Hey Huang guang, Huang tian is back”

Huang guang came then shot a ferocious look towards her little brother and said “you have some courage coming back like that after not coming for a week”

Huang tian smiled and said nothing usually he would bicker with her but a bigger problem was in his head, he wanted to warn his family and to escape with them but he knew his family would rather die on the family home than to escape, he couldn’t do so the family had pinned their hopes on him, he can’t die here.

His mother seeing his face smiled, it was a smile that was closely similar to the one Huang tian always did she said “I don’t know what’s on your mind, but know one thing for sure the family will always help and protect you”

Huang tian felt a sword pierce his heart when he heard those words, he wanted to say anything but no words came out of his mouth, he suddenly went out of the house, he ran towards the place his father was he wanted to warn him at least maybe he could survive and save his family, as he ran towards the examination ground, he saw Huang xie with his father grinning from ear to ear that moment something clicked in his mind, how did Huang xie know there was a traitor in the family he was always alone or with his father and when the instructor went to talk with his father he retuned acting more coldly then after that day he never saw the instructor again, when all of that gathered together he knew Huang yi was the traitor, he switched directions instead of running towards his father he ran towards the trainer, at that point Huang tian wasn’t thinking straight even if he told the trainer who was the traitor it wouldn’t do anything as the outside power has already arrived but all he could think now how he could save his family.

When he reached the trainer he almost shouted his thoughts but he stopped and went directly to the trainer and said faintly “I know who the traitor is”

The trainer freaked out when he saw Huang tian he shouted “what are you doing here didn’t I tell you to go”

“I know who the traitor is, he is Huang yi”

When the instructor saw the expression on the boy’s face he knew that something must have happened he sighed and said “it’s too late to do anything now just stay behind and don’t do anything.”

Huang tian understood that the instructor didn’t take his words seriously first of all how did he know there was a traitor and also who the traitor was he may have put his words in consideration but he didn’t take it seriously, Huang tian kept his eyes on Huang yi who wasn’t too far away, he knew that Huang yi must at least have to do something as the part of the plan, he kept staring at him despite founding nothing but then he saw a shimmer of light on the ground beside him and another one in his hand, he realized.

A formation

There’s a formation around the training ground, he shot up and took a sword from a guard nearby and ran towards the place where the shimmer was, a formation has two weak states one when it wasn’t activated and no energy is running through it and the other when it was activating because if it was ruined when activating the energy would run chaotic and explode.

The examination ground was filled to the brim everybody wanted to see the talented generation of the Huang family, Huang tian tried to reach the formation but he was hindered by the crowd, the trainer noticed Huang tian he didn’t say anything and disappeared in place, when Huang tian reached the formation and was about to strike, he heard a voice that sounded as if it came from hell “Nice try kid” and then all he could see was a dagger moving towards his throat.

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