《The Dream Of Magic.》Chapter 8: Portal.



I once read about blind people not seeing black or darkness, but they simply see nothing.

So it being black all around me, at least tells me I’m not blind.

Now to the next issue.

I know that I said “Black all around me”, but that isn’t exactly accurate, since I can’t see anything outside my field of vision, which is only what’s in front me, and I can't move an inch, so I can’t know for sure what’s all around me.

‘Uh... Ok, let’s recall what happened and see if I can get a clue on what happened.’

‘First, I reached the city, talked to the guards, entered the city, and then darkness.’

‘Well, that gave me zero clues, great. But really, where am I?’

You are in a space rift.

A blue box did not appear in front of me. Instead, it’s feels like the blue box is inside of my mind, like I can just understand what it says.

‘Oh? And exactly how did I get in a freaking space rift.’

You've entered this space rift by walking into a teleportation portal.

‘Teleportation portal? when did I... was the city gate a portal, perhaps?’


Teleportation portals were invented almost 50 years ago,

and even though Darla is going through an advancement period in the magical field, they are still considered

as one of the most major Inventions that Darla has gotten in the last 50 years.

‘… Ah, Ok.’

‘Well, that’s cool and all, but now what? Am I, like, stuck here or something?’

Please choose a distention you want to go to.

‘Oh, sure, but is there a list of places that I can go to?’


*City Center (Puplic)

*Adventurers’ Guild (Puplic)

*Merchants Guild (Restricted)

*Market place (Puplic)

*Inns street (Puplic) To choose a destination to go to have the intent to go there and take a step forward.


‘Oh, Ok. Hmm... where should I go then? The Adventurers’ Guild is a place I have to go to eventually since I want to become an adventurer and all. But not now, not until I got some supplies, a weapon of some sort too.’

‘The City center might be a good place to start at if I wanna know more about the city, but that’s not on the top of my to-do-things list so maybe later.’

‘This leaves the marketplace and the inns street, which I guess should be my first destination, starting with the Inns street to try to secure lodging for tonight, and the marketplace for the supplies.’

‘Ok, Inns street is my destination’ I think so and take a step forward, to be immediately hit by a swarm of lights, colors, noises, and a dizziness. I gasp, close my eyes, stumble forward a little and my body bends downwards, being only supperted by my hands on my knees holding my knees.

And while I was in my position, softly panting, I can feel a large hand touch my back. I can also hear a manly voice, probably the hand’s owner, calling out to me asking if I’m all right.

I collect myself, take a few deep breaths and slowly open my eyes.

A nice-looking brick road greets my vision, and I slowly rise my body up to see mishmash of colors and shapes.

Yellow, red, green, blue, purple, white, black; those are not the colors of the buildings in the entire street, but the colors of just a single building, the one 5 meters across from where I’m standing. A sign hanging on top of the low, square shaped door.

House Of Colors Dwarves and halflings only.

‘Holy shit, this building looks like shit, colorful shit, but still shit.’


The base of the building isn’t all that bad. Probably made out of stone, but I can’t tell because of all the freaking bright colors.

But this isn’t the only colorful or eye-catching place in this street.

In fact, a quick a look to each end of the street shows me that almost all building, although not as much as the “House Of Colors”, are also colorful and exotic looking tool.

But buildings aren’t the only thing colorful in this city, it seems.

People, all kinds of them.

an Elf girl walking along with a cat eared girl and human male, a couple of dwarves, male and female, entering the House colors, a group of 5 halflings chasing a small, white, furry creature, and many, many others walking up or down the street in a non-stop stream of people.

‘W-Wow... Holy shit, this is fucking awesome!’

I’m returned to my sense when I hear a cough from behind me, and It hits me just now that someone was asking if I was okay, and it would simply be rude to ignore them, I turn around to tell the person behind me that, yes; I am okay, thank them for asking, and asking a few questions about the city.

Well, that would have been the case if I turned and faced a person, not a wall.

“Hmm... I could swear I heard a cough from behind me... Weird,” I whisper quietly, very confused.

‘Was I hallucinating? I wouldn’t say it’s too far-fetched after that overwhelming barrage of... things when I first got teleported... hmm’

and while I was considering turning around and head out to find a place to stay tonight, I’m stopped by a sound from above me.

“Hey, buddy, up here!” (?)

It startled me out of my mind when the wall talked, but when I looked up, I saw that it was a person. A huge person.

at least 3 meters high and half that in width,and I couldn't see his face becuase of the beard right above me, and so I took a step back.

The huge man was looking down at me with a smile, not the creepy one, but the gently, frindly kinda of smile.

he extended his hand, offering what seems to be hand a shake.

"Ay friend, you new here? name's Kabro" (Kabro).

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