《The Dream Of Magic.》Chapter 7. First Encounter, Not the best TBH.


after what was intended as a 15 minutes rest, but turned out to be just under an hour, I stand up and stretched my limbs for a bit, my legs still hurt, but I wanna reach the city before sunset, Which I’m estimating to happen in another 3 hours.

after stretching and dusting off my clothes for a bit, I resume walking on the road.

after 20 minutes of walking, I can now see a faraway wall, it seems to be quite tall, 5 or 6 meters maybe, but I can’t tell exactly how high it is from this distance.

‘Finally! That’s gotta be the city’ s wall.’

‘But what is the wall for, ever since I got out of the forest, other than the Treashit, I didn’t encounter a single form of life, and since I slept only 200 meters away from it, I don’t think it has the ability to move from its place.’

‘So, it’ s either they are keeping something from coming out or, I was incredibly fucking lucky to not encounter whatever dangerous creatures that the city is trying to keep out with that wall.’

‘But still, I’m really excited, after all, It’s the first city I will see in this world. But what’s making me even more excited and even nervous is: My first encounter with the people of this world, Just what kind of people will I meet? Since I’m an elf and all, there might also be Beastfolk, Dwarves, Demi Humans,, Maybe I can meet a cute cat eared girl, we go adventuring together, we fall in love with each other, start going out, our first kiss. I definitely want at least 3 kids, but all of that can come later, I need to reach the city first!’

I change from walking to jogging, wanting to get there as soon as possible, and too excited to notice that my feet still hurt.


Another 20 minutes later, and I’m within a few hundred meters away from the city, I stop my jogging and revert to walking, but my excitement is only growing the closer I get to the city.

From where I’m, I can see that the city wall is big, bigger than I thought, at least 10 meters tall, and what seems to be 3 meters tall wooden gate at the end of the cobble road I’m walking on, yes, cobble, the dirt road was abruptly cut off a little while ago, and was replaced with a cobble road, Which is a little easier to walk on.

On both sides of the gate are small figures setting on the ground, probably guards. Well they let me enter the city just like that?

(A few minutes later)....

I’m about 20 meters away from the gate now, and I can see that they are dressed in full plate silvery armors, their helmets are on the ground, while they are setting on the ground playing some sort of card game, and even tho I’m this close they still haven’t noticed me.

I get a few meters closer to them. I’m about 10 meters away from them, and the two guards still haven’t noticed me, still busy with their game.

I get a few meters closer, now only 5 meters are separating us, and I can see the features of the two guards a little better now, both look like humans, both males, one looks to be in his early thirties and the other a few years older, the younger looking one has orange hair, and the other is blue.

‘Ooh, exotic hair colors, notice! But, are they gonna notice me anytime soon?’

Just as I was about to fake cough to get their attention, the older-looking guard looks at me, an annoyed look on his face.


“Ay kid, you need something or what?” (Older Guard)

‘What? Aren’t they supposed to be guards? shouldn’t they say something like “Halt! State your purpose for coming here!” or something?’..

“No, you are a young adventurer coming to a dungeon city, Anything else?” (Older guard).

“Oh... I said that out loud” I murmur quietly while feeling my face getting a bit hot.

“Yes sir, that’s exactly it, I am an adventurer coming to a dungeon city, but isn’t there an entry fee or something? Or any other kind of routine that you do here?” I said after getting myself together again.

The guard looks at me for a few more seconds but seems to lose interest and goes back to playing his game.

Just when I was about to tell him how rude he was, he starts speaking.

“Go on kid, there’s nothing for you to do here, we are just here to scare away any monster that comes too close to the wall,” (Older guard).

I stood there for a few more seconds waiting to see if he was gonna say anything else, but after seeing he has nothing else to tell me, I look away from the two guards and towards the gate.

I took a deep breath and steel myself again.

‘The message the God of this world sent was useful, but didn’t have enough, I still have a lot to learn about this world’s common sense.’

You have entered Nari.

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