《The Dream Of Magic.》Chapter 6: Skills, and The first City.


I’m still walking on the dirt road, It’s been about an hour since I woke, nothing interesting has happened since I found the coins sack.

The weather today isn’t too hot, nor too cold, It’s probably Spring in this area of the world, if the seasons here are the same as Earth’s seasons’

‘Haah... I’m really thirsty, I need to find some water soon, but strangely enough, I still haven’t felt hungry since I came to This world, What’s up with that, anyway? Is it something that all inhabitants of this world have or something else entirely?’

You don’t require food because of your: Basic Survival Skill.

‘Oh? This is interesting, So I also have Skills? How do I see what skills do I have?’

To Open your Skill list, Say or think the words “Skills Menu” intending to open the menu.

‘Ah! I see, that makes sense, but wait, I can simply think about it? Skill Menu’

Skill List Basic Survival Club Mastery Running Climbing Falling To expand the page of any Skill, say or think the name of the Skill intending to open the full explanation.

‘Hmm... Wait! Falling!? Seriously?...’

My anger boils again when I remember the fall, but I suppress it down, I will take my revenge one day, no need to feel angry about it now.

and right then I notice the second, smaller screen.

‘Hmm... Oh, This sure is useful, lemme try it, Basic Survival’

Basic Survival Lv.--

This is a temporary gift from the Gods of this world to help you survive the first few days in your new world.

Effects: For one week you will have the following effects:

*You don’t feel hunger, and your body is sustained with water only.

*Food is twice as sustaining as it would be without the skill.


*Your wounds are healed 3 times faster than normal.

*You comprehend the common language spoken all across the continent of Alrad. (When the time for Basic Survival is over, This Effect will turn into the Skill: Language Comprehension.) Remaining Time: 5 Days 15 Hours 12 Minutes 51 Seconds.

‘Ooh, This sure is convenient, hmm, now that you mention it, my finger is almost healed, the skin is still pink and tender, but it’s better than the burning pain that I was feeling when I was being dissolved alive by a slime’

‘What about the other ones?... Club Mastery. Running. Climbing. ... no I DON’T wanna see what’s in Falling.’

Club Mastery Lv.1

Improving this Skill will grant you benefits while wielding a Club of any kind.

Effects: You are permanently granted the following effects:

*1% more destructiveness per skill level while using a Club.

*The wight of the Club is reduced by 0.5% per skill level.

Current EXP: 1.7% Running Lv.1

Improving this Skill will grant you benefits while Running.

Effects: You are permanently granted the following effects:

*1% extra speed while running per skill level.

*You are granted the sub-skill: Dash.

Current EXP: 8.1% Dash: Run 100% faster for 5 seconds per skill level. Cool down: 4 hours. Climbing Lv.1

Improving this Skill will grant you benefits while Climbing.

Effects: You are permanently granted the following effects:

*1% extra speed while climbing per skill level.

*You can find footholds 1% easier per skill level.

Current EXP: 3.1% Falling Lv.1

Improving this Skill will grant you benefits when you fall.

Effects: You are permanently granted the following effects:

*You take 1% less damage per skill level when you fall.

*You are slightly better at landing when falling from low heights.

Current EXP: 4%

“Haaaah. I said I DON’T wanna see.”

I sigh again and continue walking.


‘I guess 5 more days should be enough for me to reach a city. Hopefully. Also, I really need some water.’

It’s a few hours later, and, well, nothing.

the meadow stretches on and on, seemingly without end.

The sun is at its zenith now, and walking for the past few hours is starting to take its toll on my body, My feet are sour, my butt feels kinda better but the pain from it is not helping at all, and worst of all, I'm thirsty.

I suddenly get distracted from my butt pain andd thirst by a blue box, and while reading its content, my tired face is instantly replaced by an excited one.

You are 5km away from the city: Nari.

Note: This message is intended to help you know a few basic things regarding the first city you visit.

The city of Nari is a Dungeon city, and is the second biggest city in the country Skaysil, The first being the Capital, Skais.

A lot of young adventurers from different parts around Nari visit the city dreaming of getting stronger and striking it rich.

You can use the following story as a back story for yourself.

You were kicked out of your family for certain reason and left Gabia (Nearest Settlement of Forest Elves to Nari) and came here to delve the dungeon, become stronger and get rich.

You may also however say that you are from a different world and tell your real story, or you could just say nothing, the choice is up to you and how you want to live your life.

Good Luck - Admin#4

“Yessss! Finally!”

‘This info is gonna be very useful, I don’t wanna look like a complete moron with zero knowledge about the place I’m in’

‘but my backstory, huh? In my past life I was a college drop-out, and worked part-time job after part-time job, my only relaxations were sleeping, and reading web novels. What do I wanna be in this world? Do I aim big? Or keep a low profile, get a somewhat good paying job, and live a normal life?... hmmm’

‘Well, after I tasted the kind of power I can get from a single level up, I don’t think I can settle down with a normal live’

‘And there are also dungeons, with monsters and treasures, so I’m pretty tempted to go the “Aiming Big” route... hmm’

‘Okay! I’ve decided.’

“I shall become the greatest adventurer in Darla! or something like that. But for now, I think I will stop and take a rest here, I still have 5 km to walk... My poor legs”

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