《The Dream Of Magic.》Chapter 5: Sneaky Stupid Trees.


I reach the tree and find out it’s dark blue, about 8 or 9 meters tall, and the same one-meter thickness as the trees in the forest, the canopy is wide, and curves downward, giving the tree an umbrella-ish look and there are some kind of fruit on the top few branches, but there doesn’t seem to be any actual way for me to reach them, whatever, for some reason I still don’t feel hungry even though the only thing I had all day was some water.

There are a few branches that can be used as footholds to reach a very high branch that I could spend the night on.

It would be impossible for me to free climb this tree in my old body, but with this new one, I feel like I have a good chance at doing so.

after 2 minutes, I’m setting on a branch 6 meters above the ground, and am trying to get more comfortable, It’s quite uncomfortable but I have nowhere else to sleep tonight.

‘Today was hectic, waking up in a forest, killing that first slime, all these blue screens, and to end the day, getting chased by a pack of wolves. It was dangerous, very dangerous, I almost lost my finger, and after that, I’m almost lost my life. But I wouldn’t say that it was bad, no, the exact opposite actually. I haven’t felt so excited, so awed and amazed, and so alive for quite a long time now. Haaahh, I think I love this new world.’

I relax my body, and I can already feel my muscles are gonna ache tomorrow after that run, I look up at the sky; the stars are visible from between the leaves in the canopy, I can appreciate the beauty of the sky more now that I’m not out of breath, and it looks amazing, the two moons are illuminating the entire meadow, and I’ve never seen so many stars like this, with all the city lights and stuff.


I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier each passing second, and I don’t resist. Today was exhausting, and I really need some sleep.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

It’s the next day.

I slowly open my eyes, a few blue boxes greet my vision, but I pay them no mind, I’m not in the mood right now.

I’m mad, very mad, so mad I wanna punch a tree and break it in half, and I know exactly which one I wanna punch, I just have to invest more into STR and I can probably do it.

and my butt hurt.

I get up and the grass that was on top of me falls off; I look toward the tree that I was gonna sleep on last night, and glare, hard, like I wanna dig a hole through it with my glare alone.

I’m about 200 meters away from it, and I don’t feel like getting near it anytime soon unless I have 50 STR, which I feel is enough to punch it and break it right in half.

Now, if you ask me, why am I no longer on top of a tree, but instead on the ground, glaring at a tree, then let me tell you what happened last night.

- - - - - -

Normally, when you sleep on top of a tree, you would have a few concerns:

*Back pain, because you slept on something hard.

*Feeling cold because you slept somewhere high with no walls protecting you.

and the most worrying one would be: Falling off the tree.

but for me, I didn’t have to worry about the last one, because my tree was so nice that it started wrapping me in small branches around my waist, legs, and wrists.

I felt nothing at first but was startled awake by a sudden strong pressure on my abdomen.


I tried to get up but my hands and legs were stuck to the tree by a few branches around them; I tried getting my hands free and succeeded after a few seconds of struggling.

Next, I started working on freeing the rest of my body, the branches on my waist were a little thicker, but it came loose after I wrestled with it for a bit, and when I went to start working on my legs, I looked up just in time to be able to dodge a branch that was aiming for my head, but the sudden movement of my body made me lose my balance for a second, and that was enough for my body to fall to the side, and off the branch I was on.

My weight seems to have been enough to break the branches around my legs, which caused me to fall to the ground, and land on my butt.

and it didn’t help at all the what I fell on wasn’t the soft grass, but a thick root that made the fall even more painful.

the pain was sharp and so strong that I was gonna puke, but I steeled my stomach.

Instead, I screamed. The fall was very painful.

“Oww, my poor bottom, what did you do to deserve this kind of pain!?”

I looked up at the tree with hatred and confusion. Why would the tree attack me? No, why would a tree move in the first place? But I get my answer immediately in the shape of a blue box.

Treant Lv.11


- - - - -

Back to the present, I’m back on the dirt road. My butt still hurt, a lot, and I’m still mad at that fucking sneaky Treashit or whatever, but not as mad as I was yesterday.

because amid all the things that happened from yesterday to last night to today, one was at least good.

While walking, I was stomping on the ground and kicking away every small rock in my way, but stopped when I heard the sound of *Ching*.... metal on metal; it was bit muffled; I look at what I just kicked and see that it was a small drawstring sack; I go to it and left it off the ground, and I can feel the shape of coins inside of the sack, I start to get excited; I open the sack and empty its content in my hand.

“HELL YEAH! Money! probably!”

the sack had 13 copper colored coins, 6 silver ones and 2 golden ones.

‘Oh wow, this is one hell of a find, I was worried about going to a city or a town with no money on me, this will probably temporarily solve the money problem. Now, all I need is to find a place where I can spend this money’

I continue my walk forward, hoping that I reach a city before the sun sets.

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