《The Dream Of Magic.》Chapter 2: Slime slayer.


I open my eyes to see a green ceili-

‘Oh, so it wasn’t just a dream, I am in a forest, huh?’

I try to get up, and manage to do so, but I still feel a bit tired.

‘maybe it’s the wave of pain that hit me... what was that anyway?’

I stand up and take in my surroundings.

trees, tall, at least 20 meters in height, and thick too, probably about 1 meter in diameter.

the canopies of the trees are thick, with just enough sun rays passing through them to illuminate the forest

I look back to the ground. Around me is a small clearing, and outside of the clearing is the thick forest, the trees are about 5 or 6 meters apart.

In the distance, I can hear running water, probably a nearby river.

‘Well, that’s one off the list of “Things you need when you don’t know where the fuck you are” list, I should probably head that way.’

I walk towards the sound water-

*SFX for a sticky thing*

two steps in and I stepped on something sticky.

You have slain Slime Lv.2

You have gained 7 EXP

A blue box suddenly appeared in my vision, and it’s telling me I killed something... a slime.

I look at my feet to find a small puddle of goo under my left foot... but that can wait for later, looking at my shoes, I find out their shape to be strange; brown, tall, old and sturdy pair of boots, something you would use for going up a mountain, maybe? I’m not sure, but my shoes are not the only thing I find strange.

my clothes are even stranger, bright green wool pants, somewhat loose and tied with a string.

as for my shirt, it’s the same shade of green as my pants, a but this one is a bit tight, hugging my muscular arms and chest.


‘hold on a damn second! when the hell did I build up muscles, I was sure that the only words that could describe my body would be "Below Average”’

'Just what the hell is going on? Am I in a virtual reality game? Was I Reincarnated or something? Or maybe I’m in a coma and this is just a vivid dream?...’

‘Anyway, I should head to the water I just heard nearby, I will probably need drinking water, and to wash my boots too.’

I look ahead of me to continue walking, to yet again face the blue screen telling me I killed a slime, the thing I just stepped on, I’m guessing.

I try to walk sideways so I can avoid it, but it just follows me.

‘Hmm, so walking past it won’t work, maybe trying to dismiss it?’

I swipe at it with my hand, and it just fades out of existence, like it was never there.

‘heh, neat,'

I take another step and then an idea came to mind.

‘If I just gained EXP, doesn’t that mean I have levels or something like that? Maybe a status menu too? maybe calling it out loud will show me the menu.’

“Status menu”.

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