《The Dream Of Magic.》Chapter 1: Waking up to a new world.



‘I was sure I closed the curtains before I went to sleep last night, so why is it so bright in here?’

I slowly open my eyes, I still can’t see well but the first thing that comes to sight is a green ceiling.

‘Hmm... an unfamiliar ceiling.

My eyes focus more and I can finally make out that the ceiling above me is...

'Why the fuck am I in a forest?'

The green ceiling that’s above me is not, in fact, a ceiling, but actually, the dense leaves of many trees that toward high above me.

I try to get up and fail the moment I try to do so.

'Why can't I move my body?...'

I can't move my arms, legs, or even left up my head.

'Am I paralyzed?... WHA?!'

the moment that thought came to my mind, a blue screen pops up in my vision.

Your consciousness’s connection to your body is not complete.

connection percentage: 2%.

would you like to attempt reconnecting your consciousness to your body?



would you like to attempt reconnecting your consciousness to your body?


"Well, yes I do."

Attempting to connect...

Attempt succeeded.

your body and consciousness are being connected







The moment the counter reached 100% an intense pain shot throughmy whole body, but it disappeared the moment it came, replaced by a wave of exhaustion, and then Darkness as I drifted to sleep.

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