《A Fly in Cultivation Universe》Chapter I


Earth, Year 3006, Balmor Household

I was lucky that I was born in a rich family. My father is the CEO of the Balmor Group of Empires. Yes, group of empires not companies. The empires that under father wing is more than 20. All of them was manage by my father. His name is Ashcroft Balmor

My mother is a successful woman also. She is the fourth billionaire author. She wrote numerous books and all of them was adapted to a film which is all a blockbuster hit. Her name is Bella Berrus - Balmor

I have one Older brother who is also succesful as he was self made billionaire through his own hardwork. His origin of wealth is trading. He was hailed as the newest god of investing. His name is Arthur Balmor

Then there's me. A successful neet by my own right. I can stay at my room for a long period of time. I don't even get out unless I was called by my family

If you think that my family doesn't like me because of what I'm doing in my life. You can't be anymore wrong

The love me and support me from everything that I did even though I don't do anything that earn money but they tell me it's okay because money is one thing that we will never lack for our money can even support an entire continent of Asia for 3000 years


One day the book that I was following online was finally having a book that will be sold in book store so I prepare myself and go to buy that because it will have a exclusive art inside the book

I go to my Father's study room inside our house

*knock knock*

"Come in son" my father said

I opened the door and see my family sitting there facing me


I greeted everyone and sat at the opposite of them and continue on whats I'm going to ask

" Mom, Dad can I go outside? I'm going to buy a book"

" Yes you can son. Remember to be careful out there alright" Dad said

"Baby, remember to never give up no matter what happens okay" mom said lovingly to me

"Cadre, just be strong okay" Arthur said to me

'Okay that's weird?'

" Chill guys I'm just going to buy a book outside I will be back before 3 o'clock"

With that I got out of the study and walk outside of the house.

I didn't bring any bodyguards because my face was not known to public and I dressed simply

I used the back gate because I will be seen quickly if I use the front gate. The front gate was massive if you asked me

When I got to the bookstore I searched for the book and quickly paid for it

I suddenly got the idea to go to the park. It's been awhile since I saw some trees and I wanna see the restaurant that opened beside that. I heard that the theme there was one of the books Mom wrote

The restaurant was great. Especially the theme. Okay call me bias but it's mom's work of course I'll be proud

When I was waiting to cross the street the dog beside me that was being hold by a child suddenly ran to the street

It stopped in the middle and did not move. It is as if waiting for the child to get him. The child quickly ran to the dog but there was a truck that was fast approaching

' where was this child's parents'

Before I knew it my body moved and ran to the child because I'm the only one here

I pushed the child out of the way and before I registered what happened the truck hit me

The truck hit me on my side causing me to fly before i hit the asphalt road. I feel my blood flowing out of my wounds

'What the hell, is this car's anti-collision sensor broken. Not to mention this is a cliché way to die'

With that last thought I closed my eye knowing that the child was safe

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