《Chronicles of the Realms》Stirrings of Rebellion 41 - In the Halls fo the Free Dwaris


Heart racing Raelea bolted upright, her sleeping robe falling to puddle around her waist as the screams of thousands of Fae dying echoed through her mind. The deep learnings showed her their fates, trapped within a cloud of living death. It was her task to free them. But there was no urgency, she had also been given the knowledge this was a task for the far future and relied on other actions she had yet to complete.

As her heart gradually slowed she looked around the dimly lit tunnel, rows of Dwaris Fae slept each side of the rusted tracks in the middle of the damp echoing tunnel. It smelt of the earth, fungus, and damp stone. She had no idea how long they’d been walking through these dreary tunnels going deeper into the mountain since Hilde had ‘saved’ them but they had slept three times. She’d tried to ask Hilde or Keilor several times where they were going or what was going on but she’d been hushed quickly and told that an outsider’s voice was much too easily tracked by a Chanter’s elementals. It was annoying but Krarrnic had advised her to be patient, there was no harm in waiting to find out what the Dwaris wanted.

Fully awake now, there was no way she was going to get back to sleep so throwing the robe aside she got up. Pif was briefly exposed to the cool damp air and grumbled a bit before he burrowed back deeper under the warm furs.

Visiting the side tunnel where a Fae style bathroom had been set up, she took care of her needs quickly as she could hear the rest of the camp waking… and Dwaris were like the Oruc and very much not shy about bodies. It had let her see that the tattoos covered them entirely but it also let her see far more of a few of them than she’d ever needed or wanted.

Only a short while later she put Pif up on Horse’s back then led him off after the Dwaris.

Feeling the roof closing in because as they moved further into these tunnels the rougher and smaller they became, the roof lowered, the walls showed clear pickmarks and their texture roughened as they became closer. The tunnel shrank until she had to make Pif walk amid much grumbling for fear that an extra low section of roof would scrape him off Horse’s back or squish him entirely. Krarrnic stoically suffered in silence despite having to walk almost doubled over to avoid braining himself on the rough tunnel roof.

The walls were scraping at Horse’s flanks and the roof was keeping his ears flicking when with no warning they stepped out of the close confines of the tunnel and into a huge cavern under a vast overhang. The oppressive aura of the tunnels dissipated instantly as fresh breezes redolent of summer growth and heat blew from the fields of grain and fruit trees in the distance under a blue cloudless sky.

Under the overhang a city sat, a small city but very definitely a city.

The Dwaris as they stepped out called farewells to each other and headed off into the city, Krarrnic was standing there stretching his back out with a groan of pleasure when Hilde approached.


She said, “Ahhh, thank the Deep Ones. We’re home safe. I can talk now Witch and will happily answer your questions and those of your companion. But talk as we walk please, I’m eager to see my husband and my children.”

As they set off along a well maintained path heading toward the city Raelea said, “Why is it safe for me to talk now? I can sense the wards and I’m guessing it’s them but I can’t recognise half of them.”

Hilde grinned and said, “That’d be because they’re my work and contain some Chanter’s skills. I’ll not tell you too much but know that one of them blocks this place from the senses of any unfriendly elementals or spirits, tis the only way we feel safe from Spaendt’s hunter squads.”

Nodding Raelea said, “Ok, where are we then?”

“The Highlands, we’ve passed right through the Barrier Ranges and out the other side. If you walk right out to the edge of the farms you can see the Winter Court way down below to the South on the Shores of the Dreamless Sea.”

Still nodding Raelea asked, “Why have you brought us here?”

“That’ll be answered fully by the council after we’ve washed the muck of travel off but the short answer is we know you are a Witch and Witches always bring change.”

Quirking a brow she said, “Cryptic. But, I can be patient. Can you tell me why the Dwaris were immune to my beguilement?”

Hilde indicated her tattoos, the thick geometric lines which covered half her body, “Our Jannasa grants almost total immunity to external magic, Spaendt developed them to protect the miners because he was loosing too many to side effects from the stronger ores. Now every Dwaris is tattooed with them by a Chanter on their sixteenth birthday.”

“Interesting, so that’s why I can feel a small connection to you compared to Keilor there who’s completely covered?”

Hilde stopped outside a large imposing building, it's roof supported by pillars covered in ornate carvings. She said, “Yes and it’s to your credit I haven’t felt any attempt to influence me, it would have failed mind you because I don’t rely on my tattoos for protection but definitely to your credit you haven’t even tried. Now, this is where we part for a while. Keilor’ll take you to a guesting room, bathe, rest, we’ll talk more in a few lights over tonight’s meal. You should be aware that for our safety, you’re being watched, under guard, blagh, blagh, blah. You know what I mean and how it is.”

Raelea nodded and said, “I certainly do and thank you for the trust you’ve shown us. Many wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, yeah we’re great… now piss off so I can get this report done and go see my hubby and my kids. I miss them and it’s been a while.”

Smiling Raelea followed Keilor as he led them away.

They walked in silence, Raelea looking around as she walked now that she wasn’t distracted by talking to Hilde. The city was a thriving hub of Dwaris and the small group got a few curious glances but mostly they were ignored or the person looking just nodded or bowed shallowly to Keilor. A distinct contrast the the last time they were led through a Dwaris city.


The buildings were carved and built of incredibly precise stonework and covered in angular carvings similar to the Jannasa on every Dwaris.

Dwaris who were very well clothed, the fabric, the cut, and the workmanship better than Raelea had ever seen before, more than that every single Dwaris looked well fed, clean, and in good health. Even the city itself gleamed, the walls soot-free, the stones underfoot clean with no grit to crunch under their steps.

They approached the foot of one of the massive pillars that were dotted here and there stretching from the floor to the underside of the overhang far far above.

Keilor stepped up to a door cut into the base of the pillar and opened it, grunting in annoyance when it screeched. The room revealed beyond was dusty and the air that flowed out felt stale and dead. Stepping aside he said, “Hmm, bath to the left, stable to the right, sleeping rooms at the back. Sorry about the dust hasn’t been used in a while. I’ll be back for you around five lights.”

As he turned to leave Raelea quickly said, “Uh, what do you mean ‘five lights’?”

Pointing to a box on the wall in the main room he said, “That shows the same number of lights as the main one at Town Hall. Every day is split up into two lots of ten lights, gives everyone a way to know when something will happen.”

“Oh! That’s useful.”

“You don’t have time keeping where you’re from?”

Shaking her head she said, “No.”

“Hrrm. I’ll see you at five lights.” He nodded and walked off.

Raelea sad to Krarrnic, “Might as well go in, our friends across the street there will probably be more comfortable.”

She waved to the Dwaris squad accompanied by six of the blocky looking elementals that had been following them since Hilde had said goodbye and got some smiles and a few friendly looking waves in return.

Krarrnic rumbled an agreement and they went inside.

As Pif hopped off and started sticking his nose into everything Raelea led Horse into a stable that had room for a dozen animals at least, taking off his harness and tack she rubbed him down well and fed him. Going back into the other room she chanted a few small castings which cleaned and vermin-proofed the rooms.

Walking over next to Krarrnic who was sitting with his legs crossed on a large embroidered cushion she said, “Do your spirits have anything to say? I get the impression myself that the Dwaris aren’t hiding anything and want something from us but I was also really not expecting a city this size, especially not one hidden from the Fae Chanar.”

Krarrnic shook his head and said, “No, the spirits are quiet and I’ve never even heard of a free city this size. Of course there are always those who escape their rule but usually they are groups like mine were. A family, a small tribe at most. We best tread carefully, if they can remain free like this they have some power I have not encountered before. The spirits have said nothing, either there is nothing to say or they are being blocked.”

Nodding slightly Raelea said, “For now let’s not assume hostile intent. I personally intend to take a good long hot soak in water up to my nose then have something to eat and rest until we’re called for.”

“Are you sure you’re not half fish? You bathe so very often."

Raelea grinned and said, “Not my fault I need to bathe, not everyone is as lucky as you Oruc who smell like fresh hewn wood when you sweat.”

“Just another reason Oruc are the superior race.”

Stalking out the of the room Raelea said over her shoulder, “Bah, go talk to your spirits old man.”

Later, washed, fed, and comfortable Raelea was sitting on a huge overstuffed cushion idly humming a few of her lesser used chants to refresh her memory of them. Pif was leaning against the cushion with his ‘pretties’ spread out around him, he often swapped his favourites in his small backpack in and out as they lifted and fell in favour.

There was a rap at the door, Raelea said, “Who is it?”


Looking at Krarrnic she raised a brow, he concentrated for a moment then nodded.

“Coming.” Walking over she opened the door.

Keilor bowed and said, “If you would come with me, Hilde has high tea awaiting you.”

As they walked back through the city Raelea asked, “Any customs we should know about, Krarrnic gave me a run down on typical Dwaris customs but this city is not affiliated with the Dwaris Fae is it?”

Keilor raised a brow and said, “No and I’ll tell you nothing more about our ‘affiliations’ that I’ll leave up to Hilde. As for customs we are hardy folk and somewhat blunt, anything we find offensive I am very sure you will hear about. In general Dwaris customs hold still.”

Raelea mentally shrugged. If Keilor wouldn’t talk about certain things, she certainly wouldn’t try to make him. So she kept walking, the city really was lovely in a blunt and massive slab sided way, thankfully the bright colours of the carvings saved the solid looking walls from seeming too oppressive. It was hard to feel oppressed by even huge plain black stone walls when they were also a riot of metallic and gem-like colours in geometric patterns.

The city was just as busy as it has been earlier but looking out over the fields she couldn’t see any Dwaris working among the rows any longer and she could hear rowdy voices from several buildings they passed which had brightly lit windows, Pif kept tugging to be released as they passed probably due to the appetising smells wafting from them.

She sent, “We are going to a feast, settle yourself please Pffbt. I am sure there will be more than enough even for you.”

She felt him thinking then received, “Ok nice-nice. But if they not have tastyyummies we come back here?”

“We will, I won’t starve my good friend Pffbt. We will find the best tastyyummies we can.”

He relaxed and she felt his smile.

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