《Chronicles of the Realms》Stirrings of Rebellion 29 - The Thaw


The clatter of the rooftop vents opening for the day woke Raelea as it had for the last nearly thirty days, she stretched and yawned as around her the people of the Spotted Fox woke and began their days. She got up and visited the communal Fae style bathroom and hadn’t that been a shock at first, because males and females shared the same facilities. Now she barely even noticed the naked bodies in the bathing pool as she walked past.

As she was walking out one of the men in the pool, a wizened Oruc Fae skinny with age said, “Raelea! You’ll be pleased to know the spirits have told me the the Freezing will break within two days. I know the wintering house has worn on you for all that you control it, unlike your companion who it seems has missed this life while down where it is not needed.”

She glanced over and bowing her head said, “I thank you Elder. It’s true I am not suited to this life but your hospitality has been very much appreciated.”

“I have over three thousand winters behind me, you are hardly the first to feel trapped, even among the Oruc Fae who do this every winter. I best get about my day even though this warm water soothes my old bones.” As he stood up she copped an eyeful of naked old man, sinking back into the water as she looked away he hastily and sheepishly said, “Oh, I beg your pardon, I forgot. I’ll wait until you’ve left to get out, I do apologise.”

Blushing she said, “That is entirely on me, I know how bodies are put together. I know more about how children are made than many matrons but when confronted by a naked man I instantly turn into a blushing maiden, it’s infuriating. Thank you for your consideration of my problem.”

“It makes you uncomfortable and costs me nothing but a little time to avoid it, I would be a little more than a sadist if I did not avoid causing you discomfort over such a small thing.”

Blushing furiously crimson and looking down she mumbled, “Didn’t look that small to me…”

She obviously hadn’t spoken quietly enough because the Oruc Fae in the pool erupted into loud laughter, including the Elder.

Smiling widely he said, “Ha! Thank you for the compliment. Now shoo I need to get about my day.”

Still blushing she walked out of the bathing rooms and toward the communal kitchen, saying to the Oruc women cooking the mornings food, “Good morning ladies, ooh hashcakes today? I thought we were almost out of potatoes?”

One of the younger women frying them on a grill said, “We are but the Freeze will break soon, people are going to want fresh foods. Also they’re very heavy and the last of the previous harvest so it’s best to eat them now. Those are ready if you’re hungry Witch.”

Raelea smiled and snagged two, saying “Thank you.”

Munching on one she walked over to where the wise of the Tribe held court, “Morning Otagia, Wolfger, Vengight. Did the infusion help with Falgret’s breathing overnight?”

Otagia, a woman well weathered and now becoming frail from age said, “Yes, he slept well and is as comfortable as a dying man can be. Thank you for the formulation, age takes us all eventually and lung constrictions are a very common way for that to happen in this season. In happier news something much less common will occur soon, Shedda’s child will be born either this eve or at the latest tomorrow’s morn. One life ends and another begins, as always the Dusk and the Dawn forever chase each other.”


“A birth is always something to celebrate, new beginnings and new hope.”

Vengight, lame in one leg, blind in one eye and terribly scarred by fire down one side of her body said, “This will be the first birth in three winters and the one before was five winters previous to that. A new hope indeed for we have lost three in the same time, four once Falgret goes to his rest but two of them taken by the Fae Chanar for undisclosed reasons. Both young strong males.”

“As we’ve discussed, those creatures must go.”

The badly scarred woman shrugged and said, “Yes, but we live so long that the danger of cutting that life short is terrifying to many. We elders care much less about such things but we have no desire to throw our younger tribe members away in a hopeless task. However if you can show us proof it is not a hopeless task, we elders will rouse our tribes to war and the Fae Chanar best look to their safety. But I suspect that will be a discussion for later, I see your Shaman approaching with an agitated and excited look.”

Krarrnic hurried up and bowed slightly to the wise women before saying, “Good dawn Speakers. If I may the young witch and myself have things to discuss of import, to our tasks in the world where the Freeze does not hold sway.”

Wolfger, young, pretty, and smooth skinned, chuckled and said, “So formal, I heard what you were singing with the young men the night before last, those words were not decidedly not formal in the least. Loosen up Shaman you’ll find none over here who’ll hold you being an Oruc in loins, heart and guts against you.”

Krarrnic said, “Sometimes the wise demand the respect their wisdom brings at all times, I would rather be excessively formal rather than give offence.”

Vengight irritably said, “The truly wise do not demand respect, it is offered freely. But yes some do, we are not of that sort. Speak as you please, we are unlikely to take offence.”

Straightening up he said, “I thank you but that night I was deep in my cups, which is not something I do often and those songs are remembered from my more tempestuous youth. This formality is my true nature.”

Eyes twinkling and slightly downcast Wolfger said, “Shame. Your voice, it moved me. Until I heard you singing I didn’t know I was interested in taking you into my furs for at least a night and perhaps for more than one. You should sing more often.”

Krarrnic’s brows were knit and a slight smile on his lips as he said, “That is far blunter than is custom, I am flattered and open to the idea but I must ask why you are being so blunt?”

“I’m one of the wise, Shaman. You hurried here with an excited look to speak with your companion about something of import. Given you’re travellers whatever excites you so is likely to be far from here, far better to flaunt custom than miss out.” She smiled.

Until this evening then.” His eyes glittered with humour, “I would be honoured if you would allow me to cook for us, I feel you will need the stamina.”

She smiled wider and said, “I look forward to it.”

Inclining his head slightly he then turned to Raelea and said, “The one we search for has been seen.”

She said with a faint note of surprise, “Oh. Well in that case, if you’re done flirting, we should discuss this… downstairs? We should probably at least have Pif present, even if he makes no contribution. He may though, he often has more insight than expected.”


“Agreed the small one should be there.” Turning back to the wise women and bowing slightly he said, “I thank you for your time, Speakers of the Fox.”


Down into the warm animal smelling dimness of the lower floor they walked. Pif had been offered a place upstairs with the people but he’d found a stall down here and claimed it for himself, he found the dim warm slightly smelly pens homey and comforting. When they got to his stall all they could see was a pair of ears sticking out of a pile of sweet lucerne hay and faint snores could be heard, as was usual he was asleep.

Creeping carefully toward the ear topped mound of hay Raelea looked at Krarrnic, held a finger to her lips then reached out and gently tickled the tip of one with a piece of straw, then the other. Repeating until a hand came out of the hay and waved around trying to shoo whatever was annoying him, she waited until he’d settled, then tickled his ear again. This time he bounced up, erupting out of the pile of hay and giving her an annoyed look while grumbling loudly at being woken. Grumbles which stopped when she gave him a hug and a grin lit his face.

Krarrnic who’d been watching their antics and shaking his head said, “My spirit watcher has returned. The Spirit of Light has been seen in the ruins of the Screaming Eagle tribe’s winterhouse, likely hunting any of the evil spirits they raised so freely who still linger. We must leave as soon as the thaw begins as he will not be there long. But his ‘patrol route’ is known as he revisits the sites of previous extremely powerful spirit workings to make sure nothing unpleasant remains here long after it’s summoner is dust. Or uses the echoes of past workings to enter this world.”

Raelea said, “Everyone I have spoken too about travelling during the thaw has said it is a terrible idea.”

Krarrnic nodded gravely, “They are correct, to travel during the thaw is arduous, unpleasant and uncomfortable. But we have no choice. The closest part of his patrol is a tenday from here and that will be our only chance of contacting him. I had intended to meet with him closer to this wintering house which is why I chose it but in the years sine I have been on the plateau that site has become inactive. I would have asked him to deviate from his path and meet us but he is an ancient spirit and very set in his ways. So we must go to him.”

Raelea said, “There’s nothing else for it is there? We need his aid. I haven’t said anything but I’ve felt Aignew’s influence growing, the spirit stuff in me is constantly prodding at my mind trying to sway me.”

“I didn't want to alarm you, but I have seen a face behind your own, often this last tenday or so. A face of darkness and silver. A face the spirits fear.” He nodded face serious, “Yes, we do need the Spirit of Light’s aid and soon. While you still remain yourself.”

“If I become his puppet or if the Spirit of Light will not aid us, destroy me. I would die rather than loose Aignew upon the world, Pif knows the way of negating the protections my Implement provides if it prove necessary.”

Krarrnic said, “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. The site we travel to is an old battlefield where several tribes were slaughtered to the last by Fae Chanar troops, their angry shades raise themselves up and hunt the living around the area every few years or so.”

With a raised brow and tilted head Raelea asked the Shaman, “So, when did you intend to mention we might be facing angry spirits who hunt the living?”

Krarrnic chuckled deep in his barrel-like chest, “Well, honestly… now?”

“You could have told me earlier.”

“As I said I had intended to meet him at another site. One much less dangerous and much closer, the spirits only told me that one was inactive when I asked the Spirit of Light’s path.”

Nodding she said, “Oh, that makes sense.”

Pif had been watching them talking and digging around in his ear with a finger, when he pulled it out something with too many legs and wriggling was impaled on the end of his claw. With an angry frown and a small burst of flame he incinerated it.

Having dealt with the annoyance he looked at Raelea and sent, “We leave warmdark? Out into colddark? Why?”

She sent, “I need to free myself of ColdCloud, until I do I have no magic. We must go meet with a spirit here who can help with that.”

Walking over he picked up the small backpack he’d found forgotten in a corner of a stall and had claimed when no-one disagreed. He kept it stocked with food and it carried the few of his ‘treasures’ he’d retrieved from where they were already stuffed into Horse’s saddlebags, Krarrnic’s backpack and bags or Raelea’s bags.

“Ok nice-nice, let’s go.”

“Thank you but not right away, we must wait for the thaw. Too cold out there even with doggie for Krarrnic and Horse until it warms.”

Putting his backpack back into it’s corner Pif wandered over to the pile of hay and burrowed back in, “I be here, wake me up when we go. Horse not be good nice-nice, be deep muddy. Horse should stay here, safe and warm.”

Looking at Krarrnic she said, “And Pif brings up a good point. We should probably leave Horse here, it’s going to be deep mud all the way isn’t it? We can probably stay mostly ontop, Horse would sink to his belly.”

“The little one sees clear, we do not travel in this season but if we must we certainly do not travel with beasts. At the Thaw the temperature will increase rapidly over just a few days but the ground has been deeply frozen and takes time to shake off the winter ice, hopefully it remains frozen long enough for our travel to the site or we may be too late. There are also many rivers only ever seen in these post thaw tendays will be raging torrents, wide and swift, my spirits will provide us with the path we must take to avoid their flows.”


Two days later the Freeze broke as the Elder Shaman had said it would and temperatures were rising rapidly, the snow was already melting fast and Raelea had spent most of last night with Pif carefully melting the ice which sealed the door away. Custom was that the tribe would not leave the wintering house until the ice melted on it’s own but with their permission she had to move faster. Their Shaman could see what was happening, that Aignew was pushing hard to take her over and were only too happy to have her potentially dangerous presence gone.

Raelea and Pif walked outside while Krarrnic said his goodbyes to Wolfger, the humidity in the air was like a wet blanket, chill and oppressive but the sun was blazingly hot. The source of the humidity was abundantly clear, under it’s strong heat a visible fog of moisture was lifting from the swiftly thawing soil. Just standing there and even through the protection of her implement she felt like she was running a fever.

Krarrnic stepped outside, took a deep breath and stretched his arms wide to the sun then he winced, coughed and said, “I’d forgotten just how thoroughly unpleasant my homeland is at this time of year. Best we get moving, once the ground thaws fully and the insects start hatching it will become very unpleasant outside insect wards.”

Raelea said, “All the more reason for us to hurry, insects and uncomfortable conditions are both things I have small castings and wards to deal with.”

Smiling Krarrnic said, “We should definitely hurry then, for my comfort.”

They set out and for eight days the travel was easy, if incredibly boring. Not a tree to be seen, not a hill, only the wide shallow raging torrents broke the monotony of the landscape. On the eighth day they wished for the monotony back, they’d had to stop early the day before because the mud had become impassable when the ground thawed faster than expected. On the eighth day travel had become extremely slow and painful. Every step was a gamble because the earth was like a thick skinned custard under their feet, just step a little too hard and they punched through the crust burying themselves to the hip in the sloppy mud underneath. Pif was of course unaffected and ran along the crust easily but even he didn’t tempt fate by taunting the others, both were short tempered, miserable and had already snapped at him once or twice.

But they could see their aim and would be there in time, it was the wide V where a pair of fast flowing rivers met, an entire tribe had been trapped here and slaughtered to the last. They had passed the burned out wintering house the Fae Chanar troops had driven them from a couple of days back, the ruins had been eerie because there were no spirits at all nearby. The negative emotions still clinging to the ruins polluted the spiritworld all around driving all spirits away.

Even from here they could feel the disturbance at the V of the rivers, it was a towering conflagration of rage, pain, and hatred in the spiritworld. A hatred of all that lived.

And where they had to meet the Spirit of Light, the day after tomorrow.

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