《Chronicles of the Realms》Stirrings of Rebellion 27 - Politely Asked to Leave


When they appeared at Olive Grove the lion yowled loudly and swiping at Corvus staggered him with it’s dagger tipped paw as his shield flared golden under the impact.

Facing Marloff Corvus said, “Apologies Master. Your mount appears to have been mildly discomfited by the teleportation, weak minded creatures often are.”

Marloff hissed sibilantly and stalked off after his very unhappy mount, who’s yowling cries were setting birds to flying in the forest.

As soon as the High Fae Chanar’s back was turned Corvus broke into a sly grin and was caught doing so by both Toixnae and Valard.

Valard chuckled slightly but Toixnae frowned.

She said, “Ho, Corvus. After this business is done how about we have a bout? Unlike some I’m not a great fan of the grand game, I’d much prefer a good fight even if Valard seems to find you making a move on one of our brethren amusing. I doubt I’ll find a fight among our brethren we need to instruct in manners, Ireen is a decent enough swordsman but fancies himself a mage too much to fight. The Twins are backstabbing sneaks and Lynoba… pah! His golems are not worth the fight and he hides behind them.”

Corvus said, “Certainly Master and I look forward to it, I do enjoy our bouts.”

Leaves and gravel crunching under the Cat’s feet Marloff returned, seated on his now calmed mount. The look he gave Corvus showed he was aware that Corvus had deliberately ‘forgotten’ to tell him the effects his teleportation may have on the lion and that there would be a reckoning.

Valard peevishly said, “Now, if you’ve got that creature under control perhaps we can do what we came here for? My experiments can only wait so long.”

Glaring at Corvus Marloff viciously kneed his lion around making it growl in protest and set it to stalking up the path.

With a hollow sound a cold horsed shaped patch of darkness wearing an ornate saddle of red leather appeared, as Valard swung himself up onto it he said, “Lead my mount Corvus and do not disturb me for anything short of an attack before we got to the silver mine’s adit.”

Taking the nightmare’s reins and tapping Evesian on the shoulder Corvus had him stay close, Marloff probably wouldn’t try anything so soon but having the huge Goblin nearby would slow him down if he did.

Saying, “Yes Master.” he set off up the narrow wheel rutted track that led form the main ‘town’ of Olive Grove, which consisted of three bars, a brothel and two large communal dorms with attached cooks halls. Most of this worksite’s Fae spent their time in camps up by the mines they worked in.


As the path wound between the sparse pine trees and climbed higher a frigid chill entered the air, soon the patchy snow became a solid cover marked only by the feet of small animals. The mine was above the treeline and by the time they reached it the banks of snow on either side of the track were shoulder high but small trackside charms kept the path itself clear of snow.

As soon as they entered the cleared mine camp around the adit Corvus tapped Valard on the knee, gaining his attention.

“What! I was at a critical juncture in laying the sismaet pathways… oh we’re here. Very well then.” Swinging himself down from the saddle his horse disappeared and his eyes briefly lit with blazing light as he looked around, then he pointed higher up the mountain, “Ireen and Lynoba are that way. I have no idea where the Twins are but that is not unexpected, so guard yourselves as they love to strike from concealment. Evesian make us a path, that way.”

The hulking grey Goblin bounded off in the direction indicated, slamming through the deep snow with all the grace of a boulder and leaving a wide trampled path behind him with a joyous grin on his grey skinned face.

Marloff looked around with an expression of disgust, “Places like this are not fit for habitation, this piled freeze is abhorrent. How can any stand it?”

Toixnae said, “I rather enjoy it, there is something calming and peaceful about the death of all things as they freeze.”

“You would think that being the Daemon of Flaming Ice. But your normal brethren have much more refined tastes and to us such chill is an affront.”

She threw her head back and sniffed, “You’re the one with warped tastes all that time under the sun has baked your brain, what little you had. I am sure Sunfire is smarter.”

There was a gloating smile in his voice as he said, “You’re just upset I won our duel.”

Toixnae grunted then said, “Cheating bastard. I still say the cat counts as a weapon. Besides in a real fight I’d kill him first.”

Marloff hissed a laugh, “Well yes but in a real fight, we’d be on the same side.”

“True enough.”

The climb would have been considerably harder or they would have done it in a different way but for Evesian, the untiring undead behemoth left a path behind him that was both wide and well cleared.

It was still not an easy climb and there was some strain showing on their faces when they’d almost reached the ridgeline. Without warning the snow was flung aside as a pair of golems made of rocks sheathed in ice attacked.


One dashed toward Evesian arms spread wide.

It’s icy fist smashed into Evesian’s chest with a dull meaty thump.

Annoyed Evesian growled and lashed out with blinding speed. The golems head and one arm punched separate holes in the snow far from the path as the rest collapsed becoming once again just ice coated rocks.

The other which had headed toward Marloff and Sunfire fared even worse. Marloff barely even moved, just pointed his spear at it and a flare of desert smelling heat melted away it’s ice between one step and the next.

As the steaming rocks fells to the ground Marloff frowned and said, “Our brethren are being difficult. We should not have been attacked without notice like that, not unless they are playing a move in the grand game against you Valard.”

Valard said, “It was clear they were going to try to make a move against me when they refused to leave, hence why we came in strength I fully expected to be attacked.”

Marloff nodded slowly and you could see his thinking in the crinkling around his eyes behind his turban, “I find it strange they would make this play while in your place of strength.”

Valard said, “Lynoba is an arrogant arse and hates me almost to the point of losing his reason, any chance he has to damage me or mine he will take. Backed by the strength of Ireen and the twins he will push further than he perhaps should, I intend for us to bloody them and prove his arrogance is without foundation. That Ireen will lose some status is a secondary aim but still very welcome outcome.”

When he spoke anger hissed in the turbaned High Fae Chanar’s voice, “Part of why I agreed to aid you when Toixnae asked me was in the hope the spite between you and Lynoba would lead to this outcome. I knew he was backed by Ireen and I find that one’s manner infuriating, he is not the chosen leader of our race for all the airs he adopts. I am still surprised they have as it seems to be a tactical error. I am happy to be on this side though I will enjoy humbling Ireen.”

Valard smiled coldly, “Well you will get your chance. I was planning for violence from the very start because I was certain some would come with ill will toward me when hunting the slayer of Harran. I am quite pleased that it was Lynoba and Ireen who decided to act. Both have insulted me in times past and both could stand a reduction in their status and reminder in why crossing me is a very bad idea.”

Corvus very carefully schooled his face into neutrality, he’d almost forgotten just how ruthlessly and intelligently Valard played the grand game when he could be bothered. This outcome right here and right now had been planned from the instant he’d become aware of Harran’s death, he hadn’t been concerned that the Fae had killed one of his brethren. Instead he’d immediately found a way to make it work for him. There was a reason Valard held a significant amount of the realm completely without support from any other Fae Chanar when all squabbled for control and the greater the amount you held the greater your status.

Marloff hissed a laugh, “A good play and the one who fell to start it was no real loss.”

Smile gone, Valard said, “Their camp is in the next valley and they certainly know we are coming now. The twins are likely watching us from the shadows under the snow, watch each others backs or risk a blade in yours. Toixnae, Marloff, keep Ireen busy. Corvus and I will watch for the twins, hear that you worthless sneaking backstabbers? I consider a Fae your equal. Evesian will take Lynoba, I doubt he’ll beat him. But bloody that irritating, mind controlling, golemancer that he will surely do.”

Drawing his sword and moving before he’d even consciously processed he was under attack, Corvus blocked a large dagger that flashed out of the lowest layer of the snow.

The dagger faded out again along with the arm the held it.

Valard crowed, “Ha, even with surprise you pathetic sneaking wretches fail. Evesian go. Toixnae, Marloff, please go give our favourite brother some instruction in why leaving when asked to is only polite.”

Evesian charged through the snow toward the crown of the hill leaving a path Toixnae and Marloff could walk along side by side without crowding.

Making a sweeping motion with his arms Valard blew the snow around him away in a large area, revealing bare stone and for the briefest of instants before they flickered and faded from view a pair of Fae Chanar who were unnaturally perfect mirrors of each other.

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