《Chronicles of the Realms》Stirrings of Rebellion 25 - Ice and Fire


Late on the second day a thick fog rolled in and the temperature plummeted.

Raelea caught Krarrnic giving it worried glances but when ice started forming directly from the freezing moisture laden air he said, “The Freezing has begun and our lives are in severe peril. It will not end for at least twenty days and more likely thirty, so we must make it to the wintering house, now.”

“I’m not in any danger from the temperature, one of the things my Implement protects me against is unnaturally dangerous cold, a purely natural freeze shouldn’t tax it too much. Pif’s a walking furnace so I doubt he’ll have any trouble either. It’s you and Horse who are in danger, how far off is the wintering house?”

“We would have arrived tomorrow morning just before midday, if we had camped tonight as I had planned. Instead we must keep moving and we will arrive just before midnight, unless Horse and I freeze solid before we get there because by then the chill will be that of the Realm of the Unmentioned. I don’t know if even the exercise of running there can save us. If I set up the tent I merely prolong our deaths until the stone loses it’s power, which will be long before the Freeze ends. It seems all our choices are poor because either I miscalculated the days or the Freeze comes early.”

Pif sent, “Cold-icy go-away bad for spirit-friend and Horsie? Can make burnyburn doggie, make real hot around him. Take all burnyburn.”

Raelea sent, “Do it please Pfftb.”

With a whoomph a dog shaped bundle of Fire Realm energy with coal black pits for eyes appeared running along beside Horse, who shied away initially then feeling the warmth almost ran the doggie over trying to get closer.

Immediately the area felt warmer, still bitingly cold but now bearable instead of feeling like being dunked in acid.

Krarrnic moved to run next to the doggie and sighed, “Ahhh, the little one proves his worth and his strength once more. This doggie will make the remaining distance at least possible, if still not easy. I thank you.”

Sitting up on Horse’s back Pif wriggled happily at the praise.

They ran through the lowering dusk and into the depths of the night, the hound of flame throwing their long shadows outlined by flickering orange light across the pristine white snow.

When they finally saw the dark silhouette of the wintering house through the thick moon silvered mist the only one of them without a coat of rattling ice on them was Pif.

Opening the door they walked into the warm animal smelling interior. The lower floor of the wintering house was a barn for the tribe’s beasts who were sleeping happily and warmly in their stalls. Some of who stirred and lowed faintly as the freezing air washed over them but settled quickly once the door was closed again.


Panting slightly and slapping ice from his clothes Krarrnic said, “The spirits have told the guards we are here and there are none sworn against me, so we are welcome.”

Raelea looking puzzled said, “What if there had been someone sworn against you?”

“We would still be welcome, I would just have had to wrestle them once the thaw was done.”

Raelea's voice was wry as she said, “Interesting customs your people have.”

“Our environment is harsh and allowances must be made for survival but people are people and we must have the wisdom to accept not all will be happy in each others company.”

She nodded, “That makes sense, in my Realm the weather was not so unforgiving. Even in the coldest depths of the cold times you could easily survive outdoors if prepared. But I can see why it would be suicide to try such here, this fog is not something I've seen before. I know it is purely a natural phenomenon but it feel like it holds malice toward any who try to travel.”

Krarrnic nodded and said, “The old chants tell us it is a punishment levied on our race for turning away from the Gods and instead seeking after the aid of the spirits but that is just a tale, I have never seen any evidence we ever revered any God. By custom the beasts are dealt with and settled before heading up to meet the tribe. We are being watched as well, try not to look at them too long.”

Glancing up Raelea saw a dozen new spirits hovering just under the roof, watching them closely. Ignoring them she led Horse to a small unoccupied stall, hooking his nosebag on and pouring in some grain, then she rubbed him down to clear his coat of ice and warm him up. While she did that Pif had been running around sticking his nose into everything, closely followed by his doggies which she’d forgotten to have him put away.

She said, “Horse is dealt with, we should probably go up and meet the tribe now? Are Pif’s doggies going to be a problem?”

Looking surprised Krarrnic said, “Oh, yes they might. I’ve got used to them and I’d forgotten how terrifying the Death Realm one really is, the Fire Realm one might be a problem if it’s heat can’t be toned down… though it hasn’t lit any fires in here. I will assume responsibility for him and his doggies, I have no fear he will do anything to cause me to be forsworn.”

They headed up the stairs to meet the Tribe who’s hospitality they would be enjoying from now until the thaw.


Bent over and weeding a patch of the witches garden Elsilai was enjoying the late Autumn sun, Raelea had left very detailed instructions on what needed harvesting and how to care for the garden before she’d left. Elsilai thought it was the least she could do for the witch and the garden that had been instrumental in their win over the Hunter.


Her clairvoyance twitched and she knew she was being watched, it was nice to see those old enchantments still worked perfectly they’d more than proven the worth of seducing that poor fumbling boy so many years ago. They were part of why she’d been so feared in the tower and had a reputation for knowing everything.

She stood and stretched out her back hoping it seemed like just a coincidence that she did it now, a stab of fear ripped through her but she carefully schooled her expression in case they had better senses than normal. She knew one of the two High Fae Chanar who approached.

Toixnae was a brute of a woman, stacked with muscle and with an aura of chilling violence but for all that she was one of the few High Fae Chanar that didn’t dislike the Master and she’d stayed at the Tower often. There was a rumour, never quite substantiated, that she was the Master’s lover.

They knew she’d seen them so she waited rather than bend back to her work, some would find it rude if she went back to work, some would find it rude if she wasn’t kneeling but standing was much easier on her knees and Toixnae had never been one of the casually abusive.

As they got closer and she could see them better the other High Fae Chanar with Toixnae that sent a shiver down her spine, awakening the same visceral horror an unexpected snake or spider did. What little could be seen of his skin was a dark bronze but that was not much as he was wrapped almost head to toe in gauzy linen bandages, he had no other covering than them and the turban of brilliantly blue material that covered his head and face. He was the only High Fae Chanar she’d ever seen who had skin that was not the cold pale silver of moonlight, and she’d seen a fair few over the years even as disliked as the Master was by his brethren. He casually held a long golden shafted heavy looking spear with a wickedly barbed bronze coloured head that seemed to glow with it’s own light.

She bowed her head as Toixnae ran up, breathing hard and sweating freely from her exertions, the great lion the other High Fae Chanar rode gazed at her with a hungry look in it’s flat amber eyes and she instinctively froze. She was prey and only it’s master’s control stopped it from playing with her, right here and now.

Toixnae frowned and said, “Ho, Fae, do I know you? You seem familiar.”

Keeping her head bowed she said, “I used to serve in the Tower, Master.”

Toixnae said, “Look at me when you speak to me. Hmm, that would likely be it then but I thought all tower staff went to that cushy worksite near the Tower when they retired. What was it called?… Glorianna?”

For all that Toixnae was a brute she was still a High Fae Chanar, they lived and breathed the grand game.

“I ran when the Master with the bow came, he would have killed me. I had family here so I came here.”

Sneering Toixnae shook her head, “Harran was a fool. So many of Valard’s Fae killed for no reason, but I wasn’t aware the retirement worksite had been one of those he depopulated. Hrrm, still those who killed one of ours must be punished, even for a cretin like him. So Fae, do you know anything of the ones who killed him?”

Shaking her head slightly she said, “No, Master. I know nothing.”

Toixnae glanced over her shoulder at her companion, who slowly shook his head. Looking at Elsilai with narrowed eyes, as small flames started running up her arms and ice began to form on her skin she said, “He says you lie. What do you know?”

“I’m certain… I know nothing of value.” Looking terrified she stammered as she said, “I… I… I saw a group of Fae running toward the wall. I… I… don't want to speculate on the Master’s behalf, that is not my place. I am only a Fae.”

The turbaned and shrouded High Fae Chanar said in a voice like hissing sand, “She tells no lie.”

Toixnae said, “Well then, how many did you see running?”

“I’d say more than thirty but not so many as forty.” Elsilai answered.

“Any in particular who stood out, hair, clothes, weapons?”

“No, Master.”

“Describe them.”

“What can I describe? They were all farmers such as you’d see on any worksite Master, wearing clothing much like the workers around here, with features much like the workers here, indeed they could have been the workers here.”

“So, nothing to go on. Maybe we should just kill everyone on this site since as you say they were only farmers such as you.” Toixnae smiled grimly. “Don’t worry yourself, we won’t, that achieves nothing but creating even more rebellious Fae.”

Elsilai let her relief show but only a flash before covering it again with the blank mask-like look of a Fae facing Fae Chanar.

“Valard’s Seneschal will be around once a day if you remember anything let him know.”

Bowing she said, “Yes, Master.”

Turning, Toixnae ran off in the direction of the writhing wall. After a moment of inscrutable and silent study the other High Fae Chanar grunted then turned his mount and bounded after her.

Elsilai breathed a sigh of relief, that had been close. If Toixnae had asked a direct question she couldn’t evade and tell a half truth about, it all could have come tumbling down.

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