《Chronicles of the Realms》Stirrings of Rebellion 18 - The Rebellion Begins


Corvus appeared in the farm’s yard fretting a bit because it had been several days since he’d been able to get even a few minutes free. Valard had almost reached a breakthrough in his attempts to make a sentient golem and had run him ragged chasing materials and assisting him.

Walking up he knocked on the door and said, “Hello the house!”

Before the last syllable had faded the door slammed open and he was hit by a flying green cuddle and licked.

“Hello Pif, is Raelea around?”

Still holding on tight around his neck the Goblin nodded energetically and pointed toward the cottage.


Walking inside he saw Raelea seated at the head of a very large and freshly made table, the hulking form of the Oruc Fae Shaman sat to her left.

Taking a seat and removing his helm, as he settled Pif on his lap Corvus said, “Oh I’m so glad you chose life. It’s been hectic for me because Valard’s demands on my time have been extreme. I’m hoping you have done some planning?”

Pif flinched when Valard’s name was mentioned and Corvus immediately cuddled him a little tighter and murmured an apology.

Krarrnic said, “Hrrm. By the by I am named Krarrnic, we never did introduce ourselves.”

Corvus laughed brightly and said, “You’re right! I’m sure Raelea has told you. But to be polite, it’s good to meet you, I am Corvus.”

Shaking her head slightly Raelea said, “Now that is out of the way. Yes we have been planning, Krarrnic’s spirits and my training tell us most of the early approaches will be yours, we will be better served in many cases by your already established authority. Only the ones who truly hate Valard and by extension his Seneschal will be better approached by Krarrnic. I’ll be approaching no one because almost no one will believe a young tribes woman has any power.”

Corvus’ forehead crinkled as he frowned, “But right now you have no power, unless I’m misreading things your magic is still sealed.”

Raelea said, “And that prejudice is the exact one I’m talking about. A witch is never without power whether she has magic or not, Krarrnic may have a solution to that lack.”

Smiling widely Corvus said, “Of course I did tell you that fate had provided a solution.”

She said, “Fate my arse, the meddlesome meddling is what provided a solution and it’s always possible they created the situation in the first place. The meddlesome do not always have the best interests of those they meddle with in mind or any mercy for those hurt by their meddling.”

Krarrnic nodding said, “The spirits also do as they feel they must and all too often Shaman must soothe those injured by their acts. Often it is hard to see the sense of it but a Shaman must have faith the spirits know what they are about, it is not an easy life the path of a Shaman.”

Corvus said, “None of us chose an easy path but we chose. So live it and succeed or die trying.”

Krarrnic nodded to Corvus and said, “Well said, are you sure the spirits do not walk with you? I have never heard of a Fae Shaman before but there is always the first.”

“Hrrmpf. If they walk with me they see many things they would not wish to, I deal with the Fae Chanar too often for it to be otherwise.” He shook his head, “Sorry, I was dealing with Spaendt, the overseer of the Dwaris Fae mines. He is a piece of utter crap even by Fae Chanar standards, the already hard lives the Dwaris lead are made so much worse by his constant corner cutting. He sees no issue with expending lives like tools and in an attempt to increase his price he told me how many lives the metal had cost. Valard told me to deny the increase and Spaendt didn't even attempt to argue the point, he just agreed. He was smirking as he did so and said that the lives were worthless anyway he was just trying to rip us off...”


Pif hugged Corvus tightly and patted his back.

Smiling wanly he abruptly changed the subject, “Well, ok then, what do you have for us?”

Krarrnic said, “The spirits say that for me, the Demenses, Lone Pine and Boghole worksites Fae have all have felt the unwarranted lash of the Fae Chanar for things far beyond their control.”

Nodding, Corvus said, “Demenses, lost a crop and accused of negligence, one in ten were sent to the writhing wall. Lone Pine accused of killing an escaped subject, one in ten sent to the writhing wall. Boghole. Well that one is self explanatory, all the less serious discipline cases get sent there. What have you got for me?”

“Umberbog, Golden Fields, Happy Pig, Two Oaks and Gloriana are all named by the spirits as only shakily loyal to Valard and would be willing to entertain the thought of rebellion if someone with some authority raised it.”

Corvus said, “I know little of the first four but that is still better than half of all worksites within Valard’s lands that would entertain rebellion. Glorianna though, it’s where retired tower staff go to live out their days. Not particularly surprising they have a dim view of Valard. I think I’ll start at Glorianna some of the residents are well known to me and I already have an idea of how to begin the gathering. After I’ve spoken with the person I intend to I’ll head to the others and ask around. I should know something in a few days. Krarrnic you should have some ideas by then as well?”

“I doubt it, it will take me a few days to get to any of these sites.”

Corvus flushed, “Oh yeah, forgot most people can’t teleport again. Spirits move quickly and can track a known astral signature. I have some spirit handling skills as a Necromancer, we'll use them to pass messages and I’ll transport you around if you’re ok with that?”

Krarrnic said, “Astral Signature? I do not know these words but yes my spirits can travel very swiftly in the spiritworld and a fast method of travel would be welcome.”

“The Astral Realm is our term for your spiritworld and as you know all living things have a presence in it, fairly dim for most but easily traceable by spirits.”

Krarrnic nodded, “Ah yes. My spirits can find you easily by your spirit self, even though you are only barely present.”

“Excellent. We’ll get things going then, I’ll drop you off at Demenses? Unless you’d prefer one of the others?”

“Demenses will be fine.” Standing, his head nearly brushing the ceiling Krarrnic said, “You are correct, we should move. Farewell for now Witch, I will send spirits with information.”

Corvus tapped Pif on the shoulder and said, “Time for me to leave, I’ll be back in a few days.”

Grumbling wordlessly Pif hopped down from his lap.

They left the cottage and were gone.


As soon as Krarrnic and Corvus were gone, Aignew’s absent howls of rage returned redoubled in strength and half-seen images hammered at her senses.

Addressing thin air she shouted, “Coward. You’re pathetic, afraid of any real danger. Instead you moan and screech impotently only when you are safe. You are nothing and you always have been nothing.”

The sense of menace increased tenfold, the hound who had been under the table dashed out and leapt through the rear wall of the cottage. A blood chilling scream sounded outside then the sense of menace vanished as though it had never been. The howls stopped and the unseen things at the edge of vision disappeared.


Pif sent, “Hehe, ColdCloud got dumb, got munch-munched and run away. Him not gone away just run away, him’ll be back. Doggie is good friend.”

She smiled and said, “Yes, Doggie is a very good friend and so is Pffbt.”

The little green creature wriggled in happiness, grinning widely, then threw his arms around Raelea and hugged her tightly.


Krarrnic shuddered and said, “You do that to yourself willingly? And often? The speed of travel is of great use but the method seems rather extreme and is less than pleasant.”

Corvus sounded bemused as he said, “Other people have told me that, honestly I can’t see it myself. I find it extremely invigorating. Call for me when you’re done here.”

He bowed and with a crackle was gone.

Krarrnic just shook his head and with the aid of the spirits cloaked himself from human eyes. He wanted to take a look around before he made any move.

What he found was a sullen group of angry people only barely doing enough to prevent being punished, even the Overseer he found desultorily hoeing a field and showing no care in his task. Still in the trees he dropped the invisibility and decided on how to approach him.

Shortly he’d decided and walked openly out into the field waving to the Fae man who was bent to his task. “I greet you. Take a break and speak with me a moment.”

The Mantle reinforced his words, not by much but he didn’t need to use it at full power. That would be very noticeable, but it was enough to make him seem non-threatening and likeable.

Straightening from his stoop and placing his hands in the small of his back, the Fae man stretched and said, “I’ll take a break gladly, the old back isn’t what it used to be these days. What brings you by the worksite Oruc Fae?”

“Merely a traveller, attempting to avoid the attentions of the Masters of these lands. I hold no love for them nor they for me, best for all if our paths do not cross.”

Utterly neutrally the elderly Fae man said, “There is only one Master in this land, he is not well liked… by his brethren and holds his lands separate from the rest of the Realm. You are safe from them here, there’s even a small group of your own a few days travel from here. Also seeking to avoid Fae Chanar attention, or at least that is what I heard about why they’re here. I would also try to avoid the attention of the Master of these lands, he is not a kind example of his race.”

“Oh? Given what I know of them to be considered ‘not a kind example of his race’ there is a story behind it and likely one of sorrow. Might I ask what that is? So I know exactly what I am dealing with if I am discovered.”

The old Fae farmer spat on the ground and said, “Not a story with too much difference to many told elsewhere, an excessive punishment for something beyond the control of those punished. A lost crop from a failed irrigation pipe, failed due to poor manufacture and three we have known for more than a thousand turnings sent to become a part of the wall of dead.”

“A terrible fate, especially for something not within your control. A Master who punishes unfairly is not a Master worth regarding I would hold.”

The elderly Fae’s face became a blank mask, “That is dangerous talk. I understand you are new to these lands and I must warn you such talk is punished harshly.”

“I noticed you did not say incorrect though... “

The elderly Fae looked around, carefully scanning for anyone who may overhear before he spoke and when he did the venom of his words was startling, “Two things in your favour, two things that make me feel able to speak. One, the Oruc Fae are not known to support the Fae Chanar rule willingly just bowing to inevitability and two, one of those taken was my partner. The love of my life for the past two and a half thousand turnings, the one I expected to end my life with. With her taken I have little care for preserving my life so I’ll say it openly, Valard is a foul being. I feel a need to see him dead or humbled before I reach the end of my days.”

“Hmm, well the spirits do work in strange ways don’t they. My associates are interested in that outcome as well, not just for Valard but for all of them. The Fae Chanar are an open wound upon the realm, a wound that needs healing.”

A glowing green and blue shield sprang up around him as the Fae man said, “Shaman! You have influenced my mind… but I said nothing I wouldn’t have even without. What is your game here?”

“Exactly as I said, I represent the beginnings of a movement. A movement aimed to remove the Fae Chanar from their rule, so none will feel as we do ever again. My tribe was killed by the Fae Chanar, including my mates and my only child.”

The farmer scoffed, “A movement that will fail, it’s suicide to oppose them. You will have trouble convincing anyone, even if they hate them. They know well how entrenched, how powerful and how vicious they will be in protecting what they believe is theirs. But I care little for my life so I will aid you. I just feel it’s only fair to warn you, most will not.”

Krarrnic said, “All I ask from you currently is to think of yourself as a rebel in your most secret heart and carefully search out any others who may think likewise. We are at the start of things and we must be cautious, taking only very small steps lest our rebellion goes the way of my tribe.”

The Fae man nodded and said, “This can be done easily, how can I contact you?”

“Organise a drop point that you can check without suspicion daily. We need to limit how much contact there is between any of us, the fewer who know the safer we are. Though you are Fae, I do not need to tell you how to plot and scheme. You are raised on the grand game.”

“True, but I haven't played seriously in decades.” the Fae man shrugged, “But you’re also correct those skills are never really lost.”

“I will see you here in two days, if that is not going to be suspicious?”

“That’ll be fine. I will be working this field for a tenday at least.”

Krarrnic nodded silently and walked back into the treeline.

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