《The Nest (TOME 1)》Focusing on the situation


Ingmar called me.

"So?, How was it?

"They enjoyed the chocolate and candy. She taught me a lot of tricks to survive mating for when I get my first heat. And fishing like a dragon. She explained to me her hatred of humans. Her mother, skinned alive in front of her and her brothers and sisters. It's simple: they eat dragons, I eat humans...

I made her promise to stop the massacre.

That's something like that. Says Ingmar.

I don't like it when you see her again! I have my revenge plans and you're in my way.

Heater, I love the human you, but if you become a dragon mentally, it won't pass."

"Ingmar, I'll still have to learn the basics, if I ever want children, it's over with humans... And I can't leave my brothers who were nice to me during my confinement."

"You can adopt, you know, Heater. "

"What?..." You're being hard on me!"

"No! I'm realistic!"

"You always find something to criticize me for, Ingmar! When it doesn't suit you, you say I'm becoming a dragon and when it suits you, I'm a poor deformed human being. Look, I'm done, we're gonna fight and my hormones go to my head. I'm going to fly a little, I need to relax a little, here!"

I went out and saw an unknown pickup truck arrive at the centre. They were supposed to be new members but it was closing day, it was Monday!

I hid in the mist and put myself in camouflage mode.

A tall guy dressed in navy blue, like a fisherman on a fishing trip. The plate was Danish.

Strange, what do the Danes have to do here?

I took the license plate number and called Eric.

"Eric, I know you're mad at me, but you have to come, I'm scared and I need you."

Eric: "Since you came home, you've never called me and I don't even know what to expect as an apology. I bet it's because you saw a dragon this time and he might eat me...

You had an accident, yes, I'm fine with it, but standing aside like a stranger, I'm pissed. Goodbye."

"It's a matter of life and death!"

-"I listen to you, but if you lie, I hang up."

"I had two little brothers... They are in danger.... "


"....... Okay, I'm coming!, but this is the last time! Oh, yeah, stop with the gadgets to change the voice, everyone recognized you."


We made an appointment to meet at a car park in Oulu, near the hunting centre.

The teenager, tired of my escapades, got off the bus and went to the parking lot.

"Damn it! She left me there again!"

He took his mobile phone and phoned me, to hear my ringing tone above his head.

"But, what!!!!!!!!!! Aaaah! Noon it was true!" And he fell backwards and I blocked his way!

"Heater, run away!" He shouted!

"It's me Heater, you idiot!" Tell him I said!

"Are you a dragon?"

"Yes! In the flesh!"

Eric was pinching himself to see if he was dreaming.

"So it's true your dragon story. Forgive me! Forgive me! Heater, you must have suffered twice as much!"

"It's okay, Eric, there are still benefits like at least flying!"

"Are you spitting fire?"

"Yes, look!" Fwwiish! a spray of flames came out of my mouth and smoke from my nostrils. Ugh, I have to get used to not feeling the burned anymore"....


"Do you want to take a ride with me? I've never taken anyone through the claws.

Hold on to my hugs, I'm not hugging because I don't want to hurt you.

We went around the park, Eric a few meters off the ground.

Ingmar ran and screamed: Heater, release him immediately. And I dropped him off at Ingmar's feet!

Ingmar threw himself at Eric's feet: "Are you all right, kid?"

"Oh, no, sir, I'm Heather's boyfriend and we were just taking a walk in the park!

She's cool? Isn't she? "

"Heater, you scared me, for a moment I thought..."

"Well, I'm afraid he's going to fall off my back... so that was the easiest... and he was the one standing there, not me!"

Ingmar: "Is that true? By the way, what's your name?"

"Eric! I came to make up with Heater!"

"Come in, it's cold outside!"

"We're having a great time, huh? Heater?"


I'm going to make him the first Dragon Rider!" I told Ingmar


"What a great idea," he thought!

After playing with Eric, Ingmar opened the reserve and there were saddles of all sizes for all kinds of horses.

He looked at me and said take a little bit of this one and that one;

He took a hoist and put the saddle on my back. The straps were adjusted and new ones had to be made in the workshop.

Eric was the first man to ride a dragon.

We put on an official club outfit and he took a bow.

I rushed with Eric on me and it was exhilarating.

First, I found it humiliating to be a mount, but that feeling disappeared completely when I realized that I was no longer alone in flying and that we could share the view and the show. Hunters came and applauded. Then we did archery and then we tried the spear or harpoon.

The harpoon and spear were better than the bow because of the speed acquired by me, dragon. There was a lot of inertia and fins were added to the lance to stabilize it. It was crazy!

Then we tried to hunt like that and Eric shot down a boar with a harpoon.

I brought him back to the end of my claws and Eric on my back!

Ingmar changed all of a sudden! He saw all the potential of having dragons for hunting. I was too small to carry Ingmar but then, without any problems.

Ingmar: "What do you think?"

Me:" Mmm, Actually, dragons will never accept something humiliating like becoming a horse, but if they love their rider, that's another story. They must see it as a sharing of adventures together. A saddle made for them, discreet and comfortable, it will pass but if it's a horse saddle thing, it will never pass! Dragons are proud and fierce. They carry but do not carry!"

Ingmar, after a long silence: "Do you think your brothers would come here if they were promised nothing bad?"

"Ingmar! I'm human with a dragon body! These are WILDLIFE dragons!"

"What if we made them official like your brothers or half-brothers? We'd give them lessons and they wouldn't be targets!"

"There's right in what you say! He would already have to learn Finnish or English. We speak draconian among ourselves!"

"Draconian? Do you have a language?"

"Well yes, and it is very sophisticated and very rich as for us, moreover I am making a dictionary! There is no writing but Mother Dragon may know if there are any traces but I haven't learned it yet"


But it's precious!" he shouted!

"I also make a human-wolf dictionary!"

"You're kidding, this is the greatest discovery of the century after you!"

"You need to be protected and you need to have dragon children to save the species!"

Big tears suddenly sprang up and I pulverized the barn door to get out.

"You're an Ingmar bastard! I'm a human when it suits you! And a dragon when it suits you too! Now I have to be a dragon and carry little ones now that you've seen that we can play horseman with your hunters and just before you told me that I should stay human as much as possible and adopt children instead of giving birth myself! You're terrible! Sorry about the door! But I think I'm worth more than that! I'll come back, don't worry, your little " dragon " won't run away but I'm going home. I need some tenderness here."

I went home and, I think I forgot something...

Eric's on my back!

"Eric? Are you okay? Eric?"

Eric was cold, frozen and conserved all his energy to avoid falling. We quickly arrived home where Dad rolled on the floor laughing when he saw me with a saddle on my back, which was also my idea!

"Hiiihihihiii," he imitated the horse's neighing. I was angry but especially at myself!

"We'll have to go the other way..." hahahaha!

"Don't worry, Eric, we'll give you one of my extra sweaters. HAHAHAHA, my daughter who carries her boyfriend in the saddle. I never thought I'd see this in my life!"

Mom looked at me aside, smiled at me and laughed as she held her mouth by the hand so she wouldn't spit out her coffee, which she did anyway.

I couldn't help laughing with them!

Mom, Ingmar would like to learn to read and write to my half-brothers, what do you think?

"Mmmmmmmh, contrary to what I might think, you cost to me less as a dragon than as a human. Apart from the sweets and gougouilles purchased per pallet.... You hunt and manage for everyday life. I guess it's the same thing, but they won't hurt us, promise me?

"Yes, Mom!"

"Heater, I have something on my mind anyway!

The Monster, do you have feelings for her?"

"It's special. In fact, I blame her to death for what she did to me and nothing and no one can change that. But She is a dragon mother who educates her little ones the best and she asked me for forgiveness and gave me my freedom so that I would hate her less. She wants to teach me to be a dragon as long as she is alive because my future is that of a dragon. Just by the fact that I will no longer age and I will surpass all my friends and family in age. So I don't have much choice. I try to live Heater to the maximum but I have to face the facts, my children will be dragons! And the question will be: will he live under a roof or in a cave?"

Mom squeezed my neck: "My little Heater... how you've grown! I'm proud of you! I will follow you, whatever your decision."

"Thank you, Mom!"

Eric came down from the bathroom where he had warmed up.


Eric put himself near the fire pit and leaned against me. How pleasant it is here! It's cozy, and warm, I recognize your room but dragon style, it's really great.

He had a drink and we fell asleep against each other, by the fire that warmed us up.

In the early morning, Eric had gone to the farm to get milk and pastries and we had a delicious breakfast.

"Heater, I've been thinking about this. You know I've loved you for years, but we have a big problem now. I'm not going to stay here in the country all my life and I'm going to go to the big computer centres like London, or Paris or New York. We can never stay together. But you are my friend for life and know that I love you and will always love you."

I had tears in my eyes

"Don't cry! And he gave me a caress and a big kiss on the lips and rubbed my cheeks. You're very sensitive and you haven't changed inside! It's always the Heater I love!"



"Whoaaaaaaaah (Yesiinn),!!! It's too hard! Eric!!!!!"


"Eric, Sniff, I need your help, Sniff, I'm scared, Sniff, Ingmar, Sniff"


Mommy dragon, in fact, don't tell Karin, but I still love her a little! And especially my little brothers whom I love.

I saw a Danish car and Greenland is Danish land.

"What's Greenland got to do with it here?"

They're in Greenland! I'm afraid for them, they'll organize a hunt. He wants to kill my mother Dragon! I don't want this violence, I wish we had peace. So that I can rebuild my life and not destroy the lives of innocent people as well."

Eric: "And would you like me to monitor his network to warn your hunter dragon family?

"Yes, you understood everything!"

"Count on me, if there's anything suspicious or new, you'll be informed!

"Thank you Eric, I knew I could count on you..."

Eric contacted some of his friends, hackers and an information network was created to protect their buddy with a dragoness.

I sent them selfies and aerial photos at their request.

I decided to go to Greenland to join my family and continue my training.

The terrible training in mystical arts.

Dad, decided to come with me this time on the trip!

A truck was loaded from the company and hunting and defence equipment and my armor.

He moved to Tasiilaq in a guest house he rented and there was a barn.

I moved in with him and we ate fish together.

The local population was shocked to see a dragon for the first time and I became a bit of a local deity. I asked what we could fish for to please and brought back tuna, a big one that we shared with the whole village.

They had no doubt that I was a hunter with my "tail sheath clothes and my registration like an airplane" and above all, my big shotgun in a band. Even if it was less effective than my breath, it inspired respect.

In the head of a reckless hunter who would be tempted to see me as a trophy, the fact that I could answer with a gun made him wonder twice.

I was asked if I knew how to use the gun. And, to meet their expectations, I drew the gun and fired at the target that I didn't miss in less than a second.

Impressive! and I finished the target by beheading it with the tail sword and before falling back to the ground, it was cremated in mid-flight.

Terrifying! I was a hunter too!

The killer whalers, or killer whales, recognized me as one of their own.

They also had a shaman and he came to visit me. I loved shamans and I told him about Wanda and he told me that he knew her too and that they spoke to each other through the way of the spirits and that one day I too should be able to do so. The mind of a dragon was even more powerful and my mind as a human child had reached the end of its path. and that's why I was devoured and incarnated as a dragon to return to my path and become a dragon in spirit too. The body was there to guide me, but I still had to go through some tests.

A shaman dragon must undergo a terrible ordeal that the human mind is unable to endure and that I had to prepare myself internally for this journey.

For that I had to be taken care of again by mother dragon. This trip, I had to do it alone.

After a good feast in community, the shaman blessed me, and his children beat the drum and tribal drawings were drawn on me with a kind of black wax that lasted several days.

I loved folklore! And dancing!

At night, the polar bears, did not dare to roam near the garbage cans, their instinct shouted at them that a super-predator was here.

And I did what I had dreamed of doing for a long time and, of course with the chief's permission:

I'm roaring for the first time as a dragon!


The scream echoed for miles inland.

Mother, with her 2 dragonets, gave a smile: "I'm waiting for you, Wistala!"

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